61 - Denial

907 55 357

  'Ugh... That wrench can't get anything done!' I thought as I sat in her room.

  Why was I here?

  Simple! I lost something and thought she might have hidden it.

  'She really did have it!' I thought as I took my documents.

  'Why does she just have to mess with me...'

  I was settling some accounting problems.

  Someone called.

  "What do you want?"

  "S-sir... Someone had accidentally dropped a few of our stock..."

  "What!? Fore who ever the hell that is!" I said slamming my phone on the table.

  These people can't do anything right!

  I heard glass shatter.

  What the heck...?

  I got out of my office to look.

  A glass shard was thrown at me, missing me by an inch.

  "Who's there!" I yelled.

  I was in a crappy mood and of course life has to give me more crap to deal with!

  "Your claude de Alger Obelia right?" The person asked.

  It was a masked figure...

  All I could see was their brown eyes.

  "Yes. Now you better get the hell out of here before I call security." I threatened.

  "Let's take a bet... Who will reach you faster first? Security or me?" The person said.

  It was definitely a male.

  "What do you want? Money?" I offered irritated at this person.

  "I want.... Your life." The person said walking towards me.

  I stood my ground and did not move.

  They had a huge piece of glass in their hands.

  "You done with your little cosplay?" I asked.

  "Do you think this is a joke?" The person asked me.

  I nodded.

  "Hahaha! An idiot of a father... Suiting for an equally idiotic of a daughter." The person said.


  Does he mean that wrench?

  "She is no daughter of mine." I said as the person came face to face with me.

  We were around the same height.

  "Really? I thought you would've said something like "stay away from my daughter."" The person said.

  "Why would I say that, you can kill her for all I care." I said shrugging.

  "Pfft! Hahaha! I thought I was the worst dad in this universe..." The person said as they took the glass shard dangerously close to me.

  "Yet here I see someone worst then me!" The person said as if they were fascinated.

  "You do know how much your company will suffer without you right?" The person said.

  "Jennette can handle it." I replied.

  "Jennette...? Oh! You mean daddy's little girl? Pfft! She can barely even get scratched! What makes you think she can run a while company?" The person mocked as they inserted a glass shard into my shoulder.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now