Chapter 2: Head Boy and Head Girl

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Chapter 2: Head Boy and Head Girl

The Hogwarts Express finally stops at the platform and every student that would be attending Hogwarts this year gets out of the train in their robes. Hermione looks around the platform, searching for the guy she had bumped into at King’s Cross Station, she must’ve imagined it. Why would Draco Malfoy go back to Hogwarts after everything? Hermione shakes it off and then sees Hagrid standing a few feet away from them, surrounded by first years.
‘Good evening everyone. Come on, let’s get yer all to the boats.’ Hagrid says before seeing Harry, Hermione and Ron and giving them a smile and a wave before he wanders off with the first years hobbling after him. Hermione chuckles and walks with Harry, Ron and Ginny over to the carriages that would bring them to the castle. The four of them are the last ones in the queue for the carriages so they have to wait for a few minutes before they could get in. She knew practically everyone can see the Thestrals now, there is no avoiding that fact after the Battle of Hogwarts. Hermione sighs at the thought of it and wants to get into the carriage but she is stopped by professor Flitwick.
‘Names.’ he says.
Ginny looks back at the three of them and Harry just rolls his eyes and gives her a quick nod.
‘Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Ginny Weasley.’ Ginny sighs.
‘Thank you.’ professor Flitwick says before he steps aside and let them get in. A few minutes later they arrive at Hogwarts and get out before they walk over to the Great Hall. Hermione takes in the scent of the castle. She knew they had renovated a lot of the castle, but everything still looks the same. They had done a great job. They pass the corner and walk into the Great Hall, only to be met by all the students, apart from the first years, to get up from their seat and applaud for them. Hermione sighs, of course she appreciates the gesture, but it wasn’t all them, everyone had fought in the war, everyone had lost people they loved and held dear to heart, why should they applaud for them? Of course they had hunted down all the Horcruxes and Harry had been willing to give his life for everyone else and later on killing Voldemort, but that didn’t mean they should get this special treatment, did it? They smile and walk over to their usual seats at the long Gryffindor table before sitting down and the other students silently stopped clapping and sat down along them.  The first years walk in just two minutes later and the sorting ceremony starts. After the sorting ceremony , now, Headmistress McGonagall gets up from her seat and tells everyone to be silent.
‘Good evening students. I’m happy to see so many faces in front of me today. New faces and old faces. It’s my pleasure to inform you that Hogwarts has been opened again and this will be the start of your new year. We will, of course, still notice the effects that the Wizarding War have left us, but, as professor Dumbledore once told me “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” We will miss every single one of the people who haven’t been able to make it through the Wizarding War and they will always have a special place in our hearts, but we have to go on. We have to make a better world, a world where the past events won’t happen. A world where you can be save, where you won’t have to feel threatened or scared. A world where you can be happy. And that will start here, here at Hogwarts. Here with you. Because, you, every single one of you, are the future.’ McGonagall starts before she gets to the point where she had to tell that the Forbidden Forest is off limits and so on and so on.
McGonagall had just gotten a round of loud applause for her speech when she spoke up again.
‘Oh and before I forget, you all have to know, things have changed. So with an exception at previous years, our Head Boy and Head Girl will be eight years this year. Your Head Girl will be Hermione Granger.’ McGonagall says, stopping for the applause that followed.
‘I knew it!’ Ginny smiles.
Hermione chuckles and gives McGonagall a thankful nod. McGonagall smiles at her before she turns back to all the students and finishes her announcement.
‘And Head Boy of this year will be Draco Malfoy.’ McGonagall says.
The whole Great Hall falls silent as eyes start to travel over to the Slytherin table where Draco was seated with a shocked expression on his face.
‘I didn’t imagine it.’ Hermione whispers.
‘What?’ Ginny asks.
Hermione shakes her head.
‘Before this evening will come to an end, let’s get you something to eat.’ McGonagall smiles before the tables are filled with plates with piles of food.
‘Oh and before I forget, Miss Granger, Mister Malfoy, please stay here after dinner.’ she says before sitting down.
‘Malfoy as Head Boy?’ Ginny exclaims.
‘Did she lose her mind?’ Ron asks.
‘Perhaps.’ Harry says.
‘What was she thinking?’ Ron says as he takes some chicken from the plate in front of him.
‘Perhaps Malfoy has changed?’ Hermione suggests.
‘Hermione, we’re talking about Draco Malfoy.’ Ginny says.
‘Oh my goodness.’ Ginny says looking at Hermione.
‘You’ll have to share a dorm with him.’ Ginny says.
‘What?’ Hermione asks widening her eyes.
‘Head boy and girl always share dorms.’ Ginny says.
‘Oh no.’ Hermione sighs.
‘Perhaps you can ask McGonagall if you could stay in the Gryffindor tower?’ Harry suggests.
‘I can try.’ Hermione says.
Ron nods.
‘You’ll be fine.’ Harry says.
After they all had finished dinner they got up to leave.
‘You know where to find us.’ Ginny says giving Hermione’s arm a slight squeeze.
‘Good luck.’ Harry says.
‘See you later.’ Ron says giving her a kiss before walking after the two others.
Hermione sighs and gets up before walking over to the front of Great Hall where McGonagall was talking to one of the other professors.

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