Chapter 13: Haunted

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Chapter 13: Haunted

Hermione sighs as she sits down on the bench, hugging herself as she tries to slightly warm up in the cold November air. As she breaths out she can see her breath in front of her and she shakes her head. It’s too cold to be outside, but she needs to be there. Hermione looks at the surface of the water and smiles as she sees the reflection of the sun. Draco was sleeping when she left. Madam Pomfrey had told her, the only way Draco would be allowed to leave the Hospital Wing right the morning after, was if Hermione would keep an eye on him. He shouldn’t be doing too much because of the concussion and he would still start to feel dizzy when he would do too much at once. Hermione tucks a lock behind her ear as she looks down at the little notebook she had taken with her from home. After the Wizarding War she had started writing everything down. Her thoughts, her dreams, happenings and so on. No one knew about this apart from her parents. And she’s not attending to let anyone know soon, but she figured if there would be a good time to write it would be now as the day was coming to an end and the night was coming back to life. Hermione can hear a few owls hoot as she closes her eyes and breaths the fresh air in. It had been two days since the Halloween party and she was still shocked about what had happened. Not only the fact that she found Draco in the Hospital Wing, but also the fact that James had been using her for an inside on Draco’s life. But she couldn’t help but feel slightly annoyed that she didn’t even know much to spill, not that she would spill it if she did know. But she didn’t know, she didn’t really know, about Draco’s past. She knew what kind of a brat he was since the moment he stepped into Hogwarts, but apart from the Draco she knew from school, she doesn’t really know anything about the Draco at home and among his parents. Which is another thing she didn’t know anything about apart from the stories and rumours that go around the castle and the Wizarding world, his parents. Hermione had thought they were growing closer and really were becoming friends, but when James had been asking on and on about Draco, she started to see that she honestly didn’t know much about Draco at all. She had been talking with him, but the only one who was really talking had been her. Draco had just been listening. Hermione sighs and rubs her eye, forgetting about the mascara that she had put on that morning.
‘Dammit.’ Hermione mutters as she quickly wipes her finger under her eye, trying to wipe the mascara away.
Hermione looks up and sees the sun is split in half by the surface of the Black Lake. Hermione sighs and waits until the sun is completely out of sight and Hogwarts is only lit by the light of the moon, before she gets up and makes her way back to the castle.
‘Hey Hermione!’
Hermione looks up and sees James coming her way. Hermione quickly turns back around but is stopped by James’ hand on her arm. Hermione shrugs him off before turning around.
‘What do you want?’ Hermione hisses.
‘I just wanted to apologize about that night.’ James says, not losing eye contact at all.
Hermione raises her eyebrows.
‘I know it wasn’t right of me to do that and now that I’ve had time to think about what I did I came to my senses and I can now see I was a complete fool.’ James continues.
Hermione nods.
‘Yep you are.’ Hermione agrees.
James gives her a small smile.
‘But the last two days have also shown me that Hogwarts isn’t as much fun when you’re not around to talk to and laugh with.’ James says.
‘So I hope you can find in your heart to forgive me at some point.’ James tells her.
Hermione sighs.
‘I do, forgive you, but don’t you dare to even think about getting an inside from me, ever again!’ Hermione says before pulling him into a hug.
James chuckles.
‘I won’t.’ he says wrapping his arms around her.
Hermione pulls away and accidentally drops her notebook.
‘Dammit.’ Hermione groans as she quickly ducks to pick it up.
‘What’s that?’
‘Oh nothing, just a notebook.’ Hermione shrugs.
‘But I’ve got to go, I should be keeping an eye on Draco at all times, and I’m not doing such a good job at it as you can see.’ Hermione says quickly passing James.
‘See you later?’ James says.
‘See you later.’ Hermione calls before walking up the stairs.
Hermione sneaks into the common room two minutes later and walks over to the door leading to Draco’s room. Hermione slowly opens it, only to see Draco lifting his head up and looking over at her before laying back down on his pillow and gesturing her to come in.
‘Can I get you anything?’ Hermione whispers.
Draco gestures her to come closer and then taps on the space next to him with his hand. Hermione closes the door behind her and walks over to the bed before laying down next to him.
‘You okay?’
‘I’m fine.’ Hermione says giving him a small smile.
‘You seem upset.’ Draco whispers with a croaky voice.
‘How did you know?’
‘The way you speak is different.’ Draco says opening his eyes again.
‘You were talking in the same way when you were with me in the Hospital Wing.’ Draco softly states as he closes his eyes again.
Hermione frowns.
‘How did you know?’
Draco shrugs.
‘Stalking much?’
Draco smiles and nods.
‘You’re a very interesting person to look at.’ Draco says in honesty.
‘Sure I am.’ Hermione laughs, waving it away as if he was joking.
Draco gives her a small smile as he opens his eyes again.
‘So what’s wrong?’ Draco whispers.
Hermione sighs and shakes her head.
‘We’ll talk about it in the morning, you should sleep now.’ Hermione says wanting to get up but Draco takes an hold of her wrist.
‘Could you perhaps stay?’ Draco asks softly as he looks up at her.
Hermione sighs and lays back down next to him.
‘Sure.’ she says.
Draco pulls the duvet over her before he closes his eyes again.
‘Thank you.’ he breaths.
Hermione looks at his face, which almost immediately relaxes, letting her know he’s fallen asleep. She could get out of the bed now, but it’s so nice and warm. And somehow the sound of Draco’s peaceful breathing helps calm her down. She takes in his sent and she smells the toothpaste he used before getting into bed. Hermione chuckles to herself before her mind starts to slowly stop and she quietly and easily slips into a deep slumber.

Hermione quickly opens her eyes to see Draco next to her shouting and moving violently around.
‘Draco.’ Hermione says sitting up and placing her hand on his arm.
‘Draco, it’s alright, wake up.’ Hermione says quickly, trying to wake him from the nightmare.
Draco opens his eyes and looks up at Hermione, breathing very quickly.
‘It’s alright, it was just a nightmare.’ Hermione says softly giving his arm a slight squeeze.
Draco shakes his head and sits up in bed, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
‘Just a nightmare.’ he breaths.
‘Try to relax okay. Just concentrate on your breathing. In and out.’ Hermione says calmly.
Draco does what Hermione tells him to do and in two minutes his breathing has taken over the peaceful pace Hermione was demonstrating.
‘You okay?’ Hermione asks softly feeling his forehead.
‘Yeah, fine.’ Draco says as Hermione places her hand back down on the bed.
‘What were you dreaming?’
‘Oh nothing.’
‘Didn’t sound like nothing.’
Draco shakes his head.
‘You think you’ll be able to sleep again?’ Hermione yawns.
‘Honestly? No.’ Draco sighs.
Hermione looks at him and nods before getting out of bed.
‘What are you doing?’ Draco asks following her with his eyes as she makes her way to the door.
‘Well come on then, we better go do something with our time.’ Hermione says before walking into the common room.
Draco frowns but decides to follow her.
‘What do you mean?’
‘I’ll make us tea, you go and make some fire.’ Hermione says.
Draco turns to the fireplace and starts a fire as he sits back in his chair Hermione hands him a cup of steaming tea.
‘Thank you.’ Draco says.
‘Have you been having these kind of nightmares since Halloween?’ Hermione asks.
Draco takes a sip of his tea and immediately burns his tongue.
‘Ouch.’ Draco groans.
‘What did you think would happen?’ Hermione chuckles as she shakes her head.
Draco softly shoves her arm.
‘But do you?’ Hermione asks getting back to her question.
Draco sighs. He had been having this nightmare, every night,  the exact same one, since it happened. Every time after he woke up he got out of bed and walked over to Hermione’s room, to see if she was still there. It felt like that nightmare was haunting him. And it was getting annoying to wake up every night panting and trying to remember where he really was. Draco had thought that perhaps if Hermione would sleep next to him the nightmares would stop, but unfortunately that was not the case.
‘Yeah.’ Draco shrugs.
‘What happens in them?’
‘Oh just the usual.’ Draco answers dryly.
‘What’s the usual?’
‘Can we please just not talk about this right now?’ Draco asks.
Hermione sighs and nods.
‘What’s bothering you though?’ Draco asks.
Hermione looks over at him and gives him a small smile.
‘It’s just, you never tell me anything.’ Hermione says.
Draco raises his eyebrows before frowning.
‘What do you mean?’
‘About you, about your past, your family and so on. Is it because you don’t trust me?’ Hermione asks.
‘What? No of course I trust you. It’s just I’d rather listen to your stories, they’re fun to hear. My past is quite depressing when you think of it.’ Draco shrugs.
‘Well just the things that happened. How I was as a kid. How my parents were around me.’ Draco says before taking a sip of his tea, acting like it’s nothing.
‘Well you know that you can come to me if there’s something you’d like to talk about, right?’
Draco gives her a small smile and nods.
‘Thank you.’
‘That’s what I’m here for.’
‘You are? I thought you were here for school.’
‘Oh ha-ha, funny Malfoy.’ Hermione says sarcastically, but she isn’t able to keep herself from cracking a small smile.
Draco chuckles.
‘Way to ruin the moment.’ Hermione says shoving him on the arm.

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