Chapter 38: The aftermath

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Chapter 38: The aftermath

Draco sits down next to Blaise the morning after the massive fight he'd had with Hermione. He'd wanted to go talk to her, but something kept him from knocking on her bedroom door. He was still mad at her for reacting the way she did and not wanting to listen, but he missed talking to her, even though it hadn't been that long ago since they last spoke. He hated going to bed like that. Draco looks over at the Gryffindor table and sees Hermione playing with her cup, moving it around, staring down at the liquid that's in there. Hermione looks up and locks eyes with him, only to quickly look away from him soon after. Her attention is caught a moment later by Ron who walks up to his friends. He sits down next to Hermione and starts to say something Draco can't hear. Hermione violently shakes her head and dismisses what he says before leaning closer to him and telling him something, probably, private.
'Hey, what's up with you mate?'
Draco turns to face Blaise and runs his hands over his face. 'We had a fight last night.'
'You must've dreamt that mate, because I didn't see you last night.' Blaise states.
'Hermione and I.' Draco grumbles.
'What happened?' Blaise asks.
'We had a misunderstanding.' Draco shrugs, running his fingers through his hair.
'Quite the misunderstanding then, wasn't it?'
Draco nods. 'I might've done something stupid and she didn't want to listen when I tried to explain myself.'
'What did you do? You didn't sleep with someone else, did you?' Blaise asks in a hushed voice.
'No I didn't sleep with someone else.' Draco sighs, shaking his head.
'What then?'
Draco takes in a deep breath as he looks up at Blaise before shaking his head again. 'I can't tell you.'
'Why not? Did you do something illegal?'
Draco groans.
'You did? Did you steal something?'
'Can we stop this guessing game and can you just tell me what happened that made her mad at you and not want to listen to your explanation.'
'I met up with my father in Hogsmeade.' Draco whispers.
'You did what?' Blaise hisses.
'He send me a note, telling me to meet him there. I just wanted to know what he wanted from me and to tell him to get the hell away.' Draco tells him.
Blaise sighs. 'I get where you're coming from, but it looks so bad when you don't know this.' Blaise says. 'He is still your dad though, weren't you a little concerned for him?'
'I don't know.' Draco shrugs. 'I think I was more curious than concerned.'
'Ah curiosity, something that could get you killed or in your case; thrown in jail.' Blaise notes.
'Oh well, casualties.' Draco shrugs with a small smile.
'Just talk to her, she'll come around. She loves you, she'll listen.' Blaise tells him.
Draco nods. 'Thanks.'
'That's what friends are for.'

Hermione looks down at her tea as it swirls around in her cup. She distantly hears Ginny and Harry talking to each other, but her thoughts are someplace else. She hadn't been able to sleep for most of the night and when she had finally fallen asleep there were only three hours left for her to sleep before she'd have to get up and get ready for breakfast. The fight had constantly been replaying in her head and she hadn't been able to shrug it off. She looks up at Draco and sees him staring at her. It takes her a moment to tear her eyes away from his and turn them back on her cup.
Hermione looks up and sees Ron walk up to them before sitting down next to her.
'Morning.' Hermione says quietly.
'Hey, about yesterday. I honestly didn't say those things to turn you against Malfoy-'
'No, no, no, I know.' Hermione says, shaking her head before leaning closer towards him. 'He told me last night. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I should've listened.' she whispers.
Ron shakes his head. 'Don't be silly. I wouldn't know what I would've done if I would've been you.'
'I'm sorry Ron, I really am.'
'Don't be. You thought you could trust him. I'm just glad he told you later. A thing like that can't be left unspoken, especially when you're in a relationship together.'
Hermione feels the urge to defend Draco once again towards her friend, but somehow she can't open her mouth to do so, so she stays quiet.
'So he told you hu?' Ron asks.
Hermione nods. 'We had a huge fight last night.' she sighs.
'Do you want to stay with him?' Ron asks.
Hermione bites down on her bottom lip and looks down at her plate. She breathes out a deep breath before looking back up at Ron. 'I-'
'Good morning.'
Hermione looks over her shoulder and sees Christopher walk up to them. 'Can I sit here?'
'Of course.' Hermione nods, giving him a small smile.
'We've got training in fifteen minutes Chris.' Ginny calls over to him. Chris grins and nods, grabbing a slice of bread. 'I know, I'll be there.' he answers.
'Are you okay?' Chris asks, looking at the side of Hermione's face.
'You look quite pale.'
'I'm fine, I didn't sleep much last night.' she says.
Chris raises his eyebrows at her, a small grin playing at the corners of his lips. 'Not for the reason you're thinking of, you dirty guy.' Hermione hisses, playfully shoving his shoulder.
Chris chuckles and shakes his head. 'I have no idea what you're talking about.' he winks.
'So what did keep you up last night?' Chris asks, taking the jam and spreading it across his slice of bread.
Hermione shrugs. 'It's nothing.'
Chris turns to look at her, raising his eyebrows. 'If it kept you up all night, it must be something.'
'I don't want to talk about it.' Hermione dismisses.
'That's alright, but if you do feel like talking about it, you know where to find me.' Chris tells her with a serious tone.
'On the Quidditch field!' Ginny calls over to them, having heard the last part of Chris's sentence.
'What she said.' Chris chuckles, pointing his bread in Ginny's direction before turning back to Hermione.
'Thanks Chris, that's nice of you.'
'That's what friends are for.' Chris smiles.
'Hermione, are you coming to Quidditch training?' Ginny asks, looking over her cup at her before taking a sip.
'What for?'
'To cheer us on.' Ginny shrugs.
'Like a cheerleader?'
'Sure.' Ginny nods.
Hermione shakes her head. 'It's not even a match, it's just training.'
'Just come, it'll be fun.' Harry says.
'But I have homework.'
'Bullshit! You made your homework the moment the professors gave it up.' Ron remarks.
Hermione sighs. 'Alright then, why not.'

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