Chapter 54: Catching up

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Chapter 54: Catching up

Harry leans back in the couch, his arms lifted up behind his head. The common room is empty except for Ron and him. Two days have passed and a few ideas have been thrown on the table, but none were good enough to work. Ron had been pushing Draco to try to find a way to contact his father, but Draco was having none of it, telling Ron to contact his own parents. Every time Harry and Ron would walk back to the common room after a search-session Ron would be extremely annoyed and mutter about how Draco didn't seem to take everything serious. Harry knew better, he could see on Draco's face he was exhausted, stressed and anxious, just as they were. At the moments Harry was going through a rough patch he needed Ginny, but she didn't know what they were doing and he wanted to tell her, but he promised he wouldn't. Harry lets out a deep sigh and closes his eyes for a moment, trying to clear his mind. 'Harry! Ron! There you are!' Ginny exclaims, running up to them. Harry immediately opens his eyes and sits upright, turning to look at his girlfriend who stops next to the couch they're sitting on.
'Ginny? You alright?' Harry asks, concern clear on his face and in his voice.
'Guys, it's not Hermione.' Ginny states.
Ron and Harry exchange a glance before they turn back to Ginny.
'I know you want to believe it's her, but it's not Hermione.' she says.
'Are you certain?' Ron asks, acting shocked, receiving a nudge between the ribs from Harry.
'Yes. I was talking to her and she couldn't remember something very important I had told her.'
'What was this very important thing?' Ron asks.
'None of your business.' she mutters.
'We'll have to get Draco to tell him this news. He's living with an imposter!' Ron exclaims.
'Ssssh, not so loud.' Ginny says, looking around the common room. 'It'll break his heart.'
Harry looks at Ron and just wants to open his mouth when Ron gets up. 'Come on, we'd better tell him soon and start looking again.' Ron says, taking his sister's arm and pulling her out of the common room. Harry shakes his head but wisely stays away from what's about to happen. 'He's not going to like this.' Ginny mutters as she follows Ron down the stairs. 'And will we do about the person who pretends to be Hermione?'
Ron shrugs. 'We'll have to figure something out, now don't we?' he answers. Ginny slowly nods, a worried look masking her face. She keeps quiet for the remainder of their walk to the library where Draco and Blaise were working through the books. A million thoughts rushing through her head, but at the same time her mind felt blank. 'I think I saw them in the back.' Ron tells her as he opens the door that leads into the library. Ginny nods, not questioning how her brother even knows where to find Draco. 'Malfoy!'
Draco and Blaise both look up from their books and widen their eyes when they see Ginny following Ron up to their table.
'Oh Ginny, hey.' Draco says, pulling one of the books over the one he was reading.
'Oh Draco.' Ginny sighs. 'There's something I need to tell you and I know this is going to be hard for you to believe. I didn't want to believe it at first either.'
'What are we exactly talking about?' Draco asks unsure of where this conversation is going, his eyes darting to Ron for a moment before they turn back to Ginny.
'You were right. The Hermione that's here isn't our Hermione.'
'What is she going on about?' Blaise whispers. 'I thought we already established that?' Draco looks up at Ron, who seems to have trouble keeping himself from laughing, and he catches up on what Ron is doing.
'Hmm.' Draco hums.
'I'm sorry Draco.' Ginny sighs.
'Are you going to tell her or am I?' Draco asks, looking up at Ron.
'The honour is yours.' Ron laughs.
Ginny furrows her eyebrows as she looks from Draco to her brother and back. 'What are you going on about?'
'We already knew this, we've been trying to find a way to get our Hermione back ever since.' Draco explains.
'And why did nobody tell me this?' Ginny demands.
'Ooooh snap, she's mad.' Ron mutters, taking a step away from his sister for his own safety.
'Because you didn't want to listen to what we were saying, we figured you'd eventually find out yourself.' Draco says.
'Who knows about this?'
'Just the four of us.'
'Four of us?'
'Ron, Harry, Blaise and I.'
Ginny turns to her brother, anger blazing in her eyes. 'You and Harry knew and you didn't tell me! She's my best friend! What's wrong with you?'
'Don't kill me please.' Ron says, taking another step away and holding his hand up in front of his face, just in case his sister decides to lunge for him.
'Stop joking around.' Ginny snaps, glaring at him. 'You're horrible, all of you. How could you not tell me?'
'Like Malfoy said, if we would've told you, like we had done before, you wouldn't want to believe us and just come up with a bunch of excuses. We figured it'd be best for you to find out yourself so you would really believe it.' Ron explains.
Ginny narrows her eyes for a moment before her whole composure changed and her facial expression went from anger to realisation. 'You did tell me.' she whispers. 'And I wouldn't believe you. Oh Merlin.' she breathes, sitting down on the seat next to Draco.
'It's okay. It's not something you hear every day.' Draco tries, looking up at Ron for help, who just merely shrugs, not sure what to do either.
'I'm so sorry I didn't want to listen to you.' she says quietly. 'I should've listened.'
'It's okay. At least you caught on now.' Draco says, offering her a small smile.
'We could use your help.' Blaise says.
Ginny looks up at him and nods. 'We should keep it between the five of us.' she says. 'We don't know who we can and cannot trust. The smaller the group, the better.'
'I agree.' Draco nods.
'We already established that as well, but sure.' Ron mutters.

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