Chapter 48: Six days gone by

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Chapter 48: Six days gone by

The hooded person leaves Lucius in his room and walks down the dimly lit corridor. After grabbing some bread to eat the hooded person walks down the stairs towards the basement. It's cold and clammy down there in the basement. The hooded person stops in front of a locked door and unlocks it with a spell before stepping inside. In the corner lies the girl, her arms tightly wrapped around her legs to try and keep herself warm. The hooded person steps into the room and walks up to the girl. She turns around and looks up, her eyes find the figure towering over her and a gasp rolls over her lips.

The corridors are buzzing with students hurrying from one classroom to the other. Draco and Blaise have found themselves amongst the many students and try to get through the big mass to get to their own classroom. 'This is crazy.' Blaise mutters as a first year knocks into his side. 'I'm not sure if I'm willing to get squished for Charms class.'
'You're charming enough on your own, you don't even need Charms class.' Draco jokes. Blaise gives him a cheeky wink as they reach the classroom. 'Did you get any word from McGonagall yet?' Blaise asks after they've seated down in the back of the classroom.
'Not yet.' Draco sighs, running his hand through his hair. 'I wish she'd just walk in and tell me to come to her office. I need news, anything, even if it's just a little sign of Hermione's state.'
'Mr. Malfoy.'
Draco and Blaise both turn around, only to see McGonagall walk into the classroom and up to their table.
'Yes, professor?' Draco asks, his eyes filling with hope.
'You won't have to unpack your backpack. Please come to my office.' she says. 'I've got one last thing to sort out, if you could go ahead, I'll be there in five minutes.' she says before turning around and disappearing again. Draco turns to look at Blaise and quickly grabs his bag from the floor.
'I wish for a million galleon.' Blaise says, looking up to the ceiling. Draco rolls his eyes and playfully smacks his best friend against the head as he passes him. 'I'll see you later.'
'Just go already.' Blaise smiles. Draco exits the classroom and quickly makes his way up to the Headmistress office, but when he enters the corridor with the entrance to her office in it, he's met by three other people.
'Hey.' Draco frowns. 'What are you doing here?'
'We were instructed to come to McGonagall's office.' Ginny answers.
'It has to be about Hermione if she has called all four of us.' Draco states, looking at the closed door.
'Hopefully she's the bearer of good news.' Ginny sighs.
McGonagall appears behind them in the corridor and they make their way into the entrance. 'Come in.' she says, stepping into her office. The four students follow her and wait for her to speak up again when she has seated down. 'I received information from Mr. Hemming considering Hermione Granger.'
'And?' Draco asks, eager to hear good news.
'They found her.' McGonagall smiles.
'They did?' Ginny gasps. 'Can we see her?'
'Is she okay?' Draco asks.
'As far as someone could be okay after such a traumatic experience.' McGonagall nods. 'And you can't see her yet Miss Weasley, but when I know more you'll be the first to know.'
'Thank you professor.' Ginny sighs relieved. 'I can't believe they've found her!'
'Mr. Hemming had already contacted her parents before contacting me. I'll talk to them and we'll see if Miss Granger wants to come back to Hogwarts or if she'd rather stay home for a while, which would be very understandable of course.'
'I doubt they'd be able to keep her at home.' Harry says. 'Can't keep Hermione away from school.'

Draco walks to the Great Hall where Blaise is already seated at the Slytherin table. He quickly makes his way over and sits down next to him. 'They found Hermione.' Draco blurts out.
'Wait a second, what?' Blaise asks, looking up at his best friend.
'They found her.' Draco grins broadly. 'They really found her!'
'When? Where? Where is she now?'
'Today I think and she's now at the Ministry or perhaps back home.' Draco tells him.
'Is she coming back to Hogwarts? I mean after having been kidnapped it seems to be unlikely to come back to the place where it happened?'
'I don't know. It's her decision, but I hope, selfishly, that she will come back.'
'That's understandable.' Blaise nods. 'That's great news, mate.'
'It is. It's good to know that she's safe and alive.' Draco sighs.
Blaise smiles. 'If she decides to come back then we'll do something fun for her. Maybe a welcome back party?'
'Sounds like a great idea.' Draco grins.

Two weeks had passed and Draco, nor Hermione's three best friends, hadn't heard anything from her. And this fact might've been the cause of their surprise when McGonagall told them she would return to Hogwarts the upcoming week. Draco walks down the corridor to the courtyard of the castle where he would meet up with Ginny, Harry, Ron and Christopher. Just as he passes the next corner his arm is grabbed and he's pulled to the side. 'What the-' he starts, only to fall silent when he sees the person who had taken his arm. 'Goyle, what are you doing?' Draco asks, pulling his arm away from Goyle's grasp.
'I heard Granger is coming back to Hogwarts today.' Goyle states.
'You're not the only one who knows this. What's the problem?' Draco says, crossing his arms. Not wanting Goyle to ruin this day for him. He had been in such a great mood since McGonagall told them Hermione would come back, that morning, he wasn't up for someone ruining this.
'Don't you find it peculiar though?' Goyle asks.
'What are you getting at Goyle?' Draco sighs. 'I'm not up for your stupid games.'
'Have they found who kidnapped her yet?' he asks.
'Does Hermione know who kidnapped her?'
'I don't know, I haven't been able to talk to her yet.'
'Doesn't that bug you?'
'Yes of course it does! But I'd like to focus on Hermione instead of the arseholes who took her.'
'But they just found her. As if she appeared out of thin air.' Goyle says.
'Goyle, you seriously have to stop. I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, but I know I'm not up for this shit.'
'Have you thought about what I told you?' Goyle asks.
'About the fact that I might've been asking the right questions to the wrong people?'
Goyle nods.
'I have.' Draco shrugs. 'I've tried to think of other people to question, but couldn't really think of someone that might have a grudge against Hermione other than you, Parkinson and James Cliff.'
'Maybe you were looking in the wrong direction. Sometimes you're too close to see the bigger picture.' Goyle says.
'Goyle.' Draco sighs, running his fingers through his hair. 'Why are you telling me this? Do you know who was involved in Hermione's kidnapping?'
'No, but if I had been you, I would've questioned other people.'
'What do you gain by telling me this? A laugh later on when I turn on my friends?'
Goyle shakes his head. 'Believe what you want to believe Malfoy. I'm just saying what I think.'
'And you've already done that before.' Draco says. 'But I can remember you and your boyband beating me up during Halloween. I don't really trust your judgements or whatever comes out of your mouth anymore.'
'Okay.' Goyle nods, stepping back. 'You know where to find me when it's time for me to say "I told you so".' he says before turning around and walking away.
'Wanker.' Draco mutters as he continues his way out of the castle.
'There you are! it took you long enough.' Ginny says when she sees Draco.
'Sorry, I was held up by someone.'
'Oh just some first year student.' Draco lies, not wanting to tell them it was Goyle for some reason.
Ginny nods. 'We were just talking about the party we'll throw Hermione.'
'Don't you think we should wait a day or two?'
'Yes and that's why we'll throw the party two days later.' Ginny nods. 'I'm not stupid, Draco. I know she should get herself settled in first before we jump her with balloons and happy chatter.'
'Good to know.'
'Now, your job will be getting her to the right classroom in time.' Ginny says. 'Without giving the surprise away.'
'Will do.' Draco nods, getting more excited with the minute, but yet Goyle's words keep drifting through his mind as Ginny tells him about the plans for the upcoming welcome back party. Had he really been looking at the wrong people? His eyes dart over the faces he has surrounded himself with and the excitement is clear on every single one of them. They couldn't have been part of the kidnapping. They couldn't have, they're her best friends and newfound very good friend, but the questions remains: who was?


Daaaaaamn it's been over a month and I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that it took so long for me to update! School has been CRAZY busy and I hate it for not giving me time to write at all. I had to make this chapter quickly while I was studying, because I felt so horrible for not updating for so extremely long already, it was honestly bugging me so bad and I couldn't take not updating for one more day! I hope I'll be able to update sooner and I hope I'll be able to find time to write, because this is honestly extremely shitty. Once again I'm so sorry and if this chapter seems a bit rushed or shitty or not really good or anything, I'm sorry for that too, it was a rushed chapter and I hope I'll be able to bring better quality to my next chapters! 

I love you all and thank you so much for being so extremely supportive and patient! You're honestly the best readers in the whoooole world! *gives virtual hug*

Lots of love


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