Chapter 47: Five days gone by

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Chapter 47: Five days gone by

Five days gone by and yet no sign of Hermione. Draco paces back and forth, his hand clamped around the back of his neck as he tries to calm himself down. They've been trying to find a way to get her back, but nothing good has come from the sitdown sessions. Blaise had offered to help and so he had joined the group when Hermione had been gone for two days. McGonagall had asked Draco to come to her office when Hermione had been gone for three days, only to tell him to stay calm and think of possible places where his father might be hiding out. When it was the fourth day of Hermione's absence Draco had locked himself up in the Head Dormitory, a map of the world in front of him on the bed, red circles dotting the places he had been to with his father. And now it's the fifth day and he's back in the library with the group, trying to get an answer to the question: Where is Hermione? Not that it's written down in a book, but something in one of the many books that decorate the bookshelves might have some useful spell or potion that might be able to help them. How can the Ministry look for four days and find nothing? Are they sending enough Aurors to get this sorted out? Are they even trying to find her? What if her kidnappers have been travelling the past five days? What if she's on the other side of the world? They'll never find her then. Will he ever see her again? Will he ever be able to wrap his arms around her again?
Draco turns and looks at Ginny. 'Pacing back and forth won't get you anywhere. Come sit down.' she says.
Draco nods and steps back to the table, taking the seat next to Ginny.
'Has anyone heard anything from McGonagall?' Harry asks.
Ron shakes his head. 'But I did hear James, Goyle and Parkinson were interrogated.'
'And?' Ginny asks.
'That's all I know, but they're still here, so I'm guessing they're still considered innocent.'
'Someone in this castle has helped Hermione's kidnappers, we just have to figure out who and then we can work from there.' Ginny states.
'What are you suggesting? Interrogating students ourselves?' Blaise asks.
'That's actually a great idea.' Ginny nods.
'I was just kidding.' Blaise says.
'I know, but it's a good idea. Why don't we just take matters in our own hands? The Ministry is taking way too long to find Hermione, I'd say we give it a shot.' Ginny says. 'I mean what else can we do? We've been looking in books for the past four days, I don't think we'll be able to find any more than we've already found. I'd say we just ask some students a few questions and maybe it'll lead to Hermione.'
'It's worth a shot.' Harry shrugs.
'Which students do you have in mind?' Ron asks.
'Let's start with James Cliff.' Ginny answers.
'We could split up and cover more ground.' Draco says.
'We're not a field squad of the army.' Ron states.
'It's actually a good idea. We'll split up in duos and try to get some answers from a few people.' Ginny nods.
'I'll take Goyle.' Draco says.
'I'll join you.' Chris nods.
'Ron and I will take Parkinson.' Harry says.
'Alright, then I'm going to kick James' butt with Blaise.' Ginny states.
They all get up from their seats and get the books back to their rightful bookshelf. Ginny appears next to Draco and pulls him aside. 'Are you sure it's such a good idea for you to go to Goyle?' she asks.
'Why not?'
'Because he beat you up during Halloween, remember?'
'I can take care of myself.' Draco huffs.
'Draco, I'm serious.' Ginny says, grabbing his arm when he wants to walk away. 'I don't want you to end up hurt.'
'It's a little bit too late for that.' Draco says, pulling his arm back and walking away. 'Come on.' he says, passing Chris. Chris nods and follows Draco out of the library.
'Where shall we start looking for Goyle?' Chris asks.
'I know where he is.' Draco states as they walk down the corridor.
'Slytherin common room, he's been hogging the best sitting area for the past few months.'
'How do you know?'
'Blaise.' Draco says.

'Look who we've got here. A traitor and an orphan.' Goyle grins when Draco and Chris appear in the Slytherin common room.
'That's a low blow, even for you Gregory.' Draco states, sitting down on the armchair opposite the couch.
'You've turned soft, Malfoy.' Goyle states. 'What are you doing here?'
'I heard you were questioned about Hermione's disappearance.'
'So you've come here to point a finger at me?' Goyle asks humoured.
'No, I came here to ask you a few questions.'
'Is that right?' Goyle laughs. 'And why would I help you?'
'Because we were friends for many years and so I've come to know a few, let's say embarrassing, things about you.' Draco states. 'And I might have stocked away some proof to give my words more meaning.'
Goyle stares at Draco for a moment.
'We don't want the whole school to know what happened that one night of our fifth year, now do we?'
Goyle narrows his eyes and growls before nodding. 'What do you want?'
'Some answers.' Draco says, sitting back in the armchair. 'Where were you five days ago?'
'In Hogsmeade in Honeydukes before I headed over to The Three Broomsticks.'
'Were you alone? Or were you joined by a few members of your boyband?'
'I was with O'Neill, Richmond and Queensbury.' Goyle answers.
'So if I'd ask them, they'd say the exact same thing?'
Goyle nods.
'What about Parkinson?'
'She wasn't with us.' Goyle says.
'Do you know where she was at that time?'
Goyle shrugs. 'No and I honestly couldn't care less.'
'I thought she was part of your club?'
'She's annoying, I'm sure you've noticed yourself. After I told her to bugger off she hasn't been hanging around the bunch of us as much as she used to.'
Draco slowly nods.
'Do you know where Hermione is?'
'No.' Goyle says.
'Do you know who's involved in her disappearance?'
'No.' Goyle shakes his head.
Draco sighs and nods as he gets up from the couch. 'Thanks for helping me out.'
'I didn't really have a choice.' Goyle mutters, making himself more comfortable on the couch.
Draco nods again and turns around to walk away. Chris steps out of the common room and Draco just wants to follow him when Goyle calls him. 'Draco.'
Draco turns back around to face him, the door closing behind him. 'Maybe you're asking the wrong people the right questions.' Goyle says.
Draco stares at Goyle for a moment longer before giving him a quick nod and exiting the Slytherin common room, leaving his old friend alone.
'That took you long.' Chris says when Draco steps into the corridor.
'Yes, I forgot something.' Draco mutters, showing Chris his wand, even though it hadn't left his pocket.
'We didn't get far with this conversation.' Chris states.
'We know Goyle doesn't know where Hermione is.' Draco says coldly.
'Who says he isn't lying?' Chris asks.
'He isn't.'
'How would you know?'
'He's a terrible liar.' Draco states as he walks up the stairs.

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