Chapter 4: Hogwarts Insider

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Chapter 4: Hogwarts Insider

'Granger! What the hell is this!' Draco says storming into the common room.
Hermione looks up from her book and sees Draco clutching a newspaper in his hands.
'What?' Hermione asks.
'This!' Draco snaps, shoving the newspaper in her hands.
Hermione looks at it and sees it is the Hogwarts Insider.
'A 7th year has started a school newspaper.' Hermione shrugs.
'Look at it!' Draco says frustrated.
Hermione rolls her eyes and looks at the front page. She sees herself in between Harry and Ron on the couch in the Gryffindor common room and right under there the little interviews James Cliff had done with Harry, Ron and herself.
'Yes?' Hermione asks.
'Read your interview!' Draco says gritting his teeth.
'Calm down, will you?' Hermione says before looking at the part of her interview.
"Hermione Granger comes over as a nice girl and apart from the fact that she is stunning she has brains in that pretty head of her as well. She told me she's doing fine, apart from the fact she is still trying to cope with the fact that she has lost a lot of loved ones, just like we all have. These heroes are remarkable. They're just like us, they have lost the same things as us and fought side by side with us to win this awful war. But most remarkable of all she has to share a dormitory with Draco Malfoy, former Death Eater (Voldemort's follower). Voldemort had stayed with the Malfoy's in the Malfoy Manor for a certain amount of time which means they had to be close. How is it that Draco Malfoy is still walking around lose and has returned back at Hogwarts? We all want a peaceful year and that won't happen with a Death Eater around us. Poor Hermione Granger has been appointed to Draco Malfoy as a tutor, but will she survive that battle? Will our stunning hero, the only girl in the Golden Trio, survive a whole year being trapped in a dormitory with Draco Malfoy? Stay tuned to learn more."
Hermione's eyes slowly travel up to Draco after she finishes reading the little part.
'He literally didn't even put the questions and answers in the article that he had asked me.' Hermione says.
'Yes because that's the point!' Draco says.
'How could you do this?' Draco asks snatching the newspaper out of her hands.
'I? I didn't do anything!' Hermione says getting up out of her chair.
She didn't like the fact that he could look down at her like that. She had to be, sort of, eye to eye to make her point clear and not feel intimidated by him.
'Why would you even talk about me?' Draco asks.
'I. Did. NOT. Talk. About. You.' Hermione says.
'Why would I even want to talk about you? You have only been a huge arsehole towards me. Why would I even give you an opportunity to shout at me? Why would I give you that pleasure?' Hermione snaps.
'Good point Granger, but why would that kid even write about me if you didn't give him something to write about?' Draco snaps.
'Perhaps, I don't know, you've got an history that interests people?'
'Perhaps everyone should keep their noses out of my business!' Draco snaps.
'DON'T TELL ME THAT!' Hermione shouts before storming off to her room.
'You know Malfoy, I was willing to give you a chance, a chance to show me you would be able to change, but you know what! I've given up, you're literally still the same person before everything happened. Still the little ferret you always have been.' Hermione says before slamming her bedroom door shut and blocking her view from Draco Malfoy.

'He is so annoying and frustrating.' Hermione sighs.
'It's only for a year and you only have to see him when you cross the common room.' Ginny says.
Hermione looks over at her best friend.
'It's just so exhausting.' Hermione says.
'Understandable.' Ginny nods.
'But he just blew up in your face? About that little article in the newspaper?' Ginny asks.
Hermione nods.
'No one reads that thing!' Ginny says.
Hermione raises her eyebrows.
'Okay, the whole school reads it. But no one outside the school.' Ginny says.
'I just don't get what his problem is with me.' Hermione says.
'Perhaps the "arsehole" gene runs through his blood and he can't really do anything about it himself?' Ginny suggests.
Hermione laughs.
'Perhaps.' Hermione chuckles.
'How's everything going with my brother though?' Ginny asks.
Hermione shrugs.
'I don't know, he seems so distant.' Hermione says.
Ginny nods.
'He's not himself.' Ginny agrees.
'I miss the old him.' Hermione sighs.
'It seems like he just doesn't really care about anything anymore.' Hermione says.
'It all started after Fred's funeral.' Ginny sighs.
'Do you think he'll go back to the old him?' Hermione asks.
Ginny shrugs.
'I don't know. Not anytime soon I think.' Ginny says.
'Do you love him?' Ginny asks.
Hermione looks up at Ginny.
'Do you love him, as in really love him, or do you love him the way you love a friend?' Ginny asks.
'I'm feeling different lately then I felt in the beginning.' Hermione says.
'I think all the happenings lately have drifted us farther apart than ever.' Hermione tells Ginny as she looks down at her feet.
'Why don't you just go back to being friends for a while? See how everything goes and if it's meant to be, you will get back together, if not, you won't have to lose one of your best friends.' Ginny says.
Hermione sighs.
'I don't know.' Hermione says.
'Just think about it, it's your call.' Ginny says.
'How about Harry and you?' Hermione asks.
'It's going great, it feels like we're even closer than we were before.' Ginny says.
'I'm happy for the both of you Gin.' Hermione smiles.
'Thanks.' Ginny chuckles.
'Why don't you come and stay the night in the Gryffindor Tower? We'll have a slumber party.' Ginny says.
Hermione chuckles.
'This Friday night!' Ginny says.
'Why not.' Hermione says.
'Yeah! Fun.' Ginny cheers.
'Now let's get going to Potions.' Hermione says.
They make their way over to the dungeons and into the classroom. Professor Slughorn is already there and is happily chatting away with Harry. Hermione and Ginny sit down a table in front of where Ron is seated and turn around to talk to him.
'Where were you?' Ron asks.
'Just having a little chat.' Ginny says.
Ron nods.
'How was Divination?' Hermione asks.
'We survived.' Ron chuckles.
Hermione smiles.
'That bad?'
'It was alright.' Ron shrugs.
'Now we only have to survive potions.' Ron winks.
'Have you seen the Hogwarts Insider yet?' Ginny asks.
Ron shakes his head.
'I heard a few second years talk about it in the hallways though.' Ron says.
'Malfoy totally blew up in Hermione's face about it.' Ginny says.
Ron looks at Hermione with widened eyes.
'He did? He didn't touch you, did he?' Ron asks worried.
'He just snapped at me, no big deal.' Hermione reassures him.
'Where is Malfoy?' Ron says looking around, looking quite angry.
'Ron, calm down. It's fine, I handled it myself.' Hermione says.
Ron stares at her.
'You sure? Would like to punch him in the face if that's necessary.' Ron says.
'It's fine, really.' Hermione smiles, placing her hand on his fist that is laying on the table.
Ron nods and turns his hand around underneath hers, taking a hold on it and giving it a slight squeeze. Hermione sees at that moment Malfoy walking into the classroom behind Ron.
'Sit down everyone, sit down.' Slughorn says all of a sudden.
Hermione turns around after letting go of Ron's hand and looks at the professor, who is standing at the front of the classroom.
'You have been back at school for a whole week now and I figured it was time to make a potion. Today I have paired you up with one of your classmates and you will be making shrinking solution.' professor Slughorn says.
 'You'll have to prepare everything and in the next class you will be making the shrinking solution with your partner.' professor Slughorn says.
'Now for the pairs, you can't change. You're stuck with the person I've appointed you to. Now let's start.' he says before he starts to read all the names up.
Harry is paired with Blaise Zabini. Ron is paired with Pansy Parkinson. Ginny with Gregory Goyle. Neville with Flora Carrow and Seamus with Hestia Carrow.
'Did I forget anyone?' professor Slughorn asks when he finishes.
Hermione groans. She knows exactly with whom she will be stuck with this project. There are only two persons left.
'Me, professor.' Hermione says lifting her hand up in the air.
'Oh, how could I forget you Miss Granger. Ah yes, you will be working with Mister Malfoy.' professor Slughorn says.
'Splendid.' Hermione smiles.
Draco rolls his eyes before letting his head fall on his arms that had been laying folded on the table.

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