Chapter 15: Kiss and Tell

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Chapter 15: Kiss and Tell

‘Something wrong?’ Ginny asks as Hermione quickly sits down next to her.
‘Hmm?’ Hermione asks looking around her.
‘You weren’t at breakfast. What’s wrong?’ Ginny asks.
Hermione looks behind her as she shakes her head.
‘Good morning everyone, now please open your book at page 120 so we can continue with last week’s class.’ McGonagall says.
‘Okay what’s wrong? Look at me Granger.’ Ginny says taking Hermione’s face in between her hands, making Hermione look at her.
‘Draco and I- erm- we-‘ Hermione stumbles.
Ginny widens her eyes.
‘You did not! With Malfoy! Eew Hermione!’ 
‘Sssssh! Not that! We…. he kissed me.’ Hermione whispered.
Hermione motions for her best friend to be quiet.
‘Shut your mouth!’
‘No way! You didn’t!’
Hermione groans and hides her face in her hands as she nods.
‘Why? When? What?’ Ginny asks, wanting to know every juicy detail.
‘Yesterday night after decorating the tree. I wanted to put the tree topper on, but obviously I couldn’t reach it, the tree is bloody big, so I asked Draco if he could help me. He lifted me up, but after he put me down he pinched my bum, making me turn around and then I was met by mistletoe and a smirking Draco, who all of a sudden planted his lips on mine.’ Hermione quickly whispers.
Ginny looks at her best friend in awe. 
‘Okay, so Malfoy kissed you, what happened next? You obviously pulled away and slapped him across the face, now didn’t you?’ Ginny asks, looking at her expectantly.
Hermione’s cheeks turn a bright red as she shakes her head.
‘I may have, like, kissed him back……’ Hermione softly trails off.
‘YOU DIDN’T!’ Ginny gasps.
‘SSSSSSH!’ Hermione shushes, slapping Ginny across the arm.
‘Is there something you girls like to share with the whole class?’ McGonagall asks.
‘No, no! I’m sorry professor.’ Hermione quickly speaks up.
‘Be quiet then.’ McGonagall says before she continues her class.
‘I want more details after class.’ Ginny winks.

‘Good morning mate.’ Blaise says as Draco sits down next to his best friend.
‘Good morning.’ Draco says as he grabs his stuff for the class Charms.
‘What happened?’ Blaise asks.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Your face is an open book, what happened?’
‘We kissed.’
‘We? I can’t recall locking lips with you mister Malfoy.’ Blaise winks.
Draco rolls his eyes.
‘Hermione and I kissed.’
‘So you told her?’
‘Not exactly……’
‘How is it that you kissed then?’
‘I held mistletoe above our heads and then went for it.’ 
‘You didn’t!’ Blaise laughs.
‘She must’ve been surprised.’ Blaise says.
‘What did she do?’ Blaise asks.
‘She kissed me back.’
‘No way!’
Draco nods.
‘And then?’
Draco frowns.
‘I don’t know, I went to take a shower and when I came back she was fast asleep.’ Draco shrugs.
Blaise raises his eyebrows.
‘She was fast asleep?’ he chuckles.
‘Oh shut up!’
‘You are exhausting to hang around with though.’ Blaise huffs.
‘Sure thing.’ Draco answers.
‘Have you talked to her after all of that?’
‘No, when I woke up she was already gone.’ Draco shrugs.
Blaise frowns.
‘What if you scared her off?’
Draco widens his eyes.
‘You think?’
‘You could’ve. I mean perhaps she had no clue you liked her and then all of a sudden you kiss her? That’s quite confusing and surprising.’ 
‘For Merlin’s sake, what have I done?’ Draco sighs.
‘Just go talk to her as soon as possible, to clear things up.’ Blaise says.
‘What am I supposed to say?’
‘I don’t know! I had told you to tell her from the start and you kept waiting “for the right moment”. TELL HER, not kiss her!’ Blaise hisses.
‘I screwed up, didn’t I?’
Blaise sighs.
‘I don’t know what the damage is, but you’d better find out soon, before it’s too late.’ Blaise says.
‘For Merlin’s sake.’ Draco sighs.

‘Okay so you kissed him back.’ Ginny states as they walk through the corridor towards the Gryffindor Tower after having had three classes.
Hermione nods.
‘And then what?’
‘He went to take a shower and I didn’t know what to do, so I went to bed.’ Hermione says.
Ginny stops in her track and turns to Hermione.
‘You went to bed?’
Hermione carefully nods.
‘You went to bed!’ Ginny explains throwing her free hand in the air as she walks on.
‘You don’t kiss someone and then go to bed, you idiot.’ Ginny laughs.
‘I didn’t know what to do!’ Hermione exclaims.
‘So, he kissed you first?’ Ginny asks.
‘Yes, we’ve already got past that point.’ Hermione says.
‘But that means he likes you?’
‘I don’t know?’
‘Do you like him?’
‘Like that?’
Hermione sighs.
‘If I were you, I would first figure that out before going up to him to talk.’
‘Why does it always have to be so complicated? I don’t want complicated! I want easy.’ Hermione huffs frustrated.
‘All begins are complicated.’ Ginny winks.
‘Shut up you!’ Hermione laughs shoving her friend’s arm.
‘You can hide in my room if you want?’ Ginny asks.
‘That would be nice.’ Hermione nods.
Ginny nods as they stop in front of the Fat Lady. Ginny quickly tells the Fat Lady the password before they make their way into the Gryffindor common room.  
‘You know what you should do?’ Ginny asks.
‘Just stay here for the rest of the day, I’ll tell everyone that you’re sick and you’ll sleep over in my room tonight, we still have one spare bed, so you can use that one. That way you’ll have plenty of time to think everything over and I’ll have the gossip in the evening.’ Ginny winks.
‘Gin, I can’t miss classes because of a kiss.’ Hermione hisses.
‘How often have you missed classes?’
‘Not so often.’
‘Practically never! Which means you can have a day off. Plus we only have two classes left today.’ Ginny says.
Hermione frowns.
‘I don’t think it’s such a good idea.’ Hermione mumbles as they make their way up the stairs towards the girls’ dormitories.
‘I think it is. You won’t be able to keep your attention in the class because of what happened last night, you’ve got to take the time to think it through before it’ll cost you your night rest and your concentration for the rest of the week.’ Ginny says.
Hermione sighs.
‘You’re such a bad influence.’ Hermione tells her.
Ginny smirks.
‘I know.’ 
‘But I just want to help you.’ Ginny adds.
Hermione nods.
‘You’ll only miss potions, which is just the class we’ve got together with Malfoy.’
‘Are you sure this is such a good idea?’
‘Of course, professor Slughorn told us he would be giving us a new assignment next class, I’ll just tell him I’ll work with you so we can work on it today after class, okay?’
Hermione bites her lip as she looks at her best friend.
‘I don’t know….’ 
‘But I do, just go grab a few things you’ll need  when class has started and you’ll see me back here in two hours or so.’ Ginny says.
‘You deserve a break Hermione Granger.’
Hermione sighs and then nods.
‘Okay, but this will be the first and the last time.’ Hermione states.
Ginny nods as she gives her a smile.
‘Great. This is going to be so much fun!’ Ginny squeals.
Hermione laughs.
After Ginny left Hermione laid down on the bed she would be sleeping in that night and stared up at the ceiling. A sigh leaves her mouth as she rolls onto her side and grabs the duvet, pulling it over her before snuggling into it. Without her noticing her thoughts drift off to the previous night as she remembers Draco’s icy blue eyes looking down at her before he leaned in and locked lips with her. She had been totally surprised and had definitely not seen that one coming, but she didn’t know if she minded it so much. Like her friends would say “he’s still Malfoy” and that’s true, but he’s different now, he’s changed. She had to admit, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about their first kiss after the ball. And how he had treated her, how nice he had been, how caring and…..well, loving. She also remembered the feeling the kiss had given her. As if electricity was going through her body, giving her a warm feeling. She had wondered if Draco had been feeling the same thing. And she also couldn’t stop thinking it must’ve been nothing, it was a loaded night, it must’ve been the exhaustion, frustration, adrenaline and anger of everything that had happened that night. But after last night, she wasn’t so sure anymore. The moment she had turned around and had seen Draco standing so close to her she felt something was coming, her heartbeat had started to speed up and she felt her cheeks starting to flush as nerves made her feel slightly nauseas, although the nausea was fast gone when Draco locked lips with her. She had felt this warm sensation traveling from her lips through her whole body, warming her up from the cold they had just been in. She was surprised and shocked by this sudden action, but she couldn’t say she minded. Instead of pulling away or pushing him away, she gave in and kissed him back, placing her hand on the back of his neck and pulling him closer. After he had pulled away he had looked down at her in a way no one had ever looked at her, not even Ron. The tender, loving and caring glance he gave her spoke louder than words would ever have the ability to do. She had given him a small smile as he stroked her cheek softly, carefully, as if she could break with a quick motion, before he stepped away and walked off to his bedroom, not saying anything. Hermione looked down at her hand and then she noticed she was holding the mistletoe Draco had kept high above their heads before he kissed her. Hermione had walked off to her room after having stood in the common room, motionless, for another minute. She had sat down on her bed, staring down at the mistletoe before taking her notebook out from beneath her pillow. She took a pen, she had taken from home, and started writing everything down, before she would forget the wonderful details. After she had finished she had placed the mistletoe between the pages before closing her notebook and placing it in the little drawer of her nightstand. She laid back on her bed and closed her eyes and before she knew it she had fallen asleep.
Hermione bites her lip as she feels herself smile while thinking back to the previous night. She didn’t know why she hadn’t gone over to his room when she had woken up that morning, but something inside her made her want to run away. So she did, she had sneaked out and wandered off to the Black Lake, sitting down there on the bench as she watched how the sun came up from underneath the water surface. 
Does she like Draco as more than a friend? Or was this all just a big mistake?

‘Where’s Hermione?’ Harry asks as Ginny sits down next to him.
‘Oh she didn’t feel well, so I told her to get some sleep.’ Ginny says giving him a small smile.
‘Is she alright?’ Harry asks.
‘Yeah, she was just really tired.’ 
Harry nods.
‘She has been under a lot of pressure, it’s a miracle that she has been able to go on and on without stopping.’ Harry says.
Ginny nods.
‘It’s still Hermione we’re talking about though. She can handle more than you think she can.’ Ginny smiles.
Harry chuckles and kisses his girlfriend on the cheek.
‘Where is she now?’
‘In my room. I figured it would be better for her to be alone instead of having Malfoy around.’ Ginny shrugs.
‘But Malfoy is here.’ Harry says.
‘I know, but after class. I figured she doesn’t want to be bothered.’ Ginny shrugs.
Harry sighs.
‘Gin, we do have to give Malfoy a chance to proof that he has changed though. Hermione seems to be the only one who has given him a second chance, perhaps he deserves to get one from more people?’ Harry asks.
Ginny raises her eyebrows.
‘What are you talking about?’
‘I talked about it the other day with Hermione and she all of a sudden got quite angry with me. She said that we should start putting effort into getting to know the real him. That he’s a different person now that he’s changed, someone who deserves a second chance and that it seems that the only person who’s willing to give him one is her.’ Harry says quietly.
Ginny nods.
‘She has a point. We’ll see, okay?’ Ginny says as professor Slughorn makes his way into the classroom and greats everyone.

Ginny turns around and sees Draco catching up to her.
‘What do you want Malfoy?’ Ginny asks.
‘I was wondering if you’ve seen Hermione today.’ Draco asks.
‘For a matter of fact I have.’ Ginny answers.
‘In class.’ 
‘Where is she now?’
‘Not that it is any of your concern, but she’ll be sleeping in the Gryffindor Tower tonight.’ Ginny says.
‘I don’t know what has happened.’ Ginny lies.
‘But she was quite upset actually. I figured she could use a sleep over.’ Ginny shrugs.
Draco frowns.
‘Can I see her?’ Draco asks.
‘Better not.’ Ginny says.
Draco sighs.
‘Again I don’t know what’s happened, but perhaps it would be better if you’d keep your distance for a while? Perhaps it would be good for both of you to be away from each other. You have been 24/7 stuck to each other since we’ve gotten back here.’ Ginny says.
Draco brushes his hand through his hair.
‘Perhaps.’ Draco says.
‘Could you tell her that if she needs me, or when she wants to talk, she knows where to find me?’ Draco asks.
‘Sure.’ Ginny says before turning around.
‘Weasley.’ Draco says.
Ginny stops in her tracks again and turns to face him.
‘Is she okay?’
Ginny gives him a small smile and sighs.
‘Yes, she’s fine. I think it must be school and we’re all still coping with everything that has happened. Especially Hermione, I mean she had to remove her parents’ memories in order to keep them save, could you imagine? It was a hard time for her.  It’s all catching up to us now that we’re back at Hogwarts and we’ve got some peace and quiet around us.’ Ginny says.
Draco nods.
‘Thank you.’ Draco says.
Ginny nods before turning back around and walking up the stairs.

Hi there!

First of all; HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

Second of all thank you all for reading my stories, and thank you for sticking with me! 2014 has been a great year for me here on Wattpad. One of my stories is just 2k away from reaching 600,000 reads and I still can't believe my story has been read by so many of you and now the sequel and this story, which are both going great and I'm just so thankful to have you all as readers! I literally just want to say; You're all amazing! 

Also the past week I've had such nice comments from people, they literally made me cry of joy! Some from my newest followers, some from some readers on my stories, like omg, you're all the best! I just really love Wattpad, because I can interact with all of you so easy! It's amazing!
Once again thank you all for sticking with me and let's make 2015 even better then 2014 has been! 

love you!

lots of love


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