Chapter 50: A good night rest

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Chapter 50: A good night rest

Draco brushes his teeth, his eyes fixed on the door leading into Hermione's bedroom. After he had gotten her some dinner she ate it in the common room in a daze of complete and utter tiredness. She had looked so tired and he had wished he could do something for her, but the only thing he could really do was keep her company and make small talk. Hermione had seemed to be happy to be back and even lingered a little longer than she should've in the common room to talk to Draco. She asked about the classes she had missed and Draco had chuckled "Still the same." he had said. He only notices the small smile that has appeared on his face when he catches his reflection in his the mirror in front of him. He quickly spits his toothpaste out and walks through his room towards the common room. He walks up to the armchairs where Hermione had apparently already seated herself down in the one she had claimed at the beginning of the schoolyear. 'Good morning.'
Hermione looks up and smiles at him. 'Good morning sleepy head.'
'How did you sleep?'
'Oh fine, you?'
'Good.' Draco nods. 'Are you ready to go downstairs?'
Hermione nods and puts her book down on the chair after getting up before following Draco out of the common room. They walk down the stairs and towards the Great Hall, but before they walk in Draco stops her. 'Are you sure you want to go inside? I just want to prepare you because people will stare at you.' Draco tells her. 'And I'm not trying to scare you off, but I thought you should know.'
'Of course they're going to stare. I've been gone for, what? Three weeks? I'm okay, really. Don't worry.' Hermione tells him, offering him a small smile.
'Are you sure?'
Hermione nods and takes his hand in hers. 'Shouldn't I be the one to be nervous? Not you?'
Draco chuckles and shakes his head. 'It's good to have you back.'
Hermione smiles and tucks on his arm. 'Come on, let's have breakfast.'
Chatter in the Great Hall slowly start to stop, the sudden silence reaching all the way to the back when they enter the room. All eyes are on Hermione. Some students elbow their friend in their side to notify them of the missing girl's arrival, others whisper to each other as their eyes are still fixed on the Hermione. Draco feels his stomach twist and the stares aren't even pointed at him, he can't imagine how Hermione must be feeling. He squeezes her hand and slightly pulls her down the aisle to her best friends. Ginny is eagerly waiting with a big grin on her face, Harry and Ron sitting opposite her. 'Hey.' Hermione says, sitting down next to Ginny.
'Hey.' Ginny smiles, her eyes diverting to the students behind Hermione who are still staring. 'Alright! Get back to breakfast!' she says loudly, the students around them quickly turning back to their plates again. Ginny rolls her eyes and turns back to Hermione.
'Thanks.' Hermione says.
'No problem. How did you sleep?'
'Good.' Hermione nods. 'But I'm still tired.'
'Just take as much rest as you need and you'll feel better in a jiffy.'
'Will do.' Hermione smiles.
'How does it feel to be back here?'
'Weird.' Hermione admits. 'It feels like it has been ages since I've been here instead of three weeks.'
'Are you going to class today?' Ginny asks.
'Just a few. McGonagall thought it would be a good idea to slowly start taking classes again and build it up to a full school day instead of immediately following all classes.'
'If you're in class and you're not feeling well, just let me know and we'll make sure to get you to your dorm, okay?'
Hermione nods.
'What did your parents say when you came home?'
'They were overwhelmed and extremely happy to see me.' Hermione says. 'They almost choked me when they hugged me.'
Ginny offers her a small smile. 'Did they know you were gone?'
'McGonagall had informed them.' Hermione nods.
'Good morning.' Chris says, walking up to them and sitting down next to Harry.
'How are you feeling?' Chris asks.
'Alright.' Hermione tells him. 'Considering the circumstances.'
Chris nods understanding. 'I'm sure you'll feel better soon. We're here to help you get through this hard time.'
'It's appreciated.' Hermione says, with a small smile.
'Now let's talk about something fun, are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?' Chris asks.
'I don't know yet, it depends on how I feel and how far I've come with catching up on homework.'
'Homework?' Chris asks. 'You're not serious right?' he asks, his eyes darting from Hermione to Ginny, who slowly shrugs, and back to Hermione who nods.
'I'm very serious. I've missed a lot, I can't afford to sit around and do nothing if I want to graduate at the end of this year.'
'I'm sure McGonagall will make an exception for you considering the circumstances you were in.'
'I'm going to try and if it turns out I can't do it then I'm going to McGonagall.'
'There's no way you're going to make her listen to you. I'd give up if I were you. I've tried, she doesn't butch.' Draco tells Chris with an amused grin on his face.
'Did something exciting happen while I was gone?' Hermione asks, changing the subject.
'We had the best chocolate cake last week.' Ron informs her.
Hermione raises her eyebrows and nods. 'Good to hear.'
'Gryffindor won the latest Quidditch match.' Harry says.
'Really?' Hermione asks.
Ginny nods with a big grin. 'We're still at the top, but Slytherin is closing in on us.'
'I'm sure you'll beat them and win the cup for us.' Hermione smiles, nudging Ginny's arm.
'Of course we will.' Harry says.
'Hey Hermione.'
They all look up and see Blaise stop next to Hermione. 'Hi.'
'It's good to have you back.' he says. 'You had everyone worried sick.'
'It's not like I chose to go and be held captive?' Hermione says carefully.
'Uh- no, of course not. That's not what I meant- I was trying to say- uh-'
'He's glad you're back, just forget what he just said. It's early.' Draco says.
'What he said.' Blaise nods.
Hermione chuckles. 'Already forgotten. It's good to be back.'
Blaise smiles and sits down next to Draco. 'Have you managed to annoy her yet, mate?'
Draco rolls his eyes and playfully punches his best friend's shoulder. 'Not yet.'
'I reckon it'll happen soon. He's one annoying fellow.'
'I would know, I've been living with him the past few months.' Hermione grins.
'Hey! Who's side are you on?' Draco protests.
'The side that's merely stating the obvious.' Hermione shrugs, taking a bite of her toast.

After a long schoolday Draco returns to the common room to find Hermione writing on a piece of parchment, a book lying open in front of her on the table. 'Hey.'
Hermione looks up and smiles. 'Hey, how was your day?'
'Long, how about yours?'
'I went to the first two classes today and then came back to the common room, so I guess some sort of short?'
'Are you making homework?' Draco asks.
Hermione nods. 'Potions.'
'If you need any help, just let me know.'
'Will do.' Hermione calls as she turns back to the parchment and starts to write again. Draco sits down on his bed for a moment after dropping his bag on the floor next to it. He stares at the door opening, straight into the common room. All that time worrying about the girl he loved and now she is back and making homework. He hadn't been expecting anything differently, hell it would've been strange if she wouldn't have been concerned about school, but he wants to talk to her. He wants to ask her questions and find out what has been, and still is, going through that pretty head of hers. He wants to know how she's feeling, really feeling. He has seen the smile on her face and he's certain she's happy to be back here, but the smile she has been showing whenever people are around can't be anything other than a distraction for others, so she can hide her hurt and sorrow. And perhaps it's a distraction for herself, to distract herself from the pain. Draco sighs and looks up at the clock. Just two hours until dinner. He grabs the book from his nightstand he had been reading the night before and starts to read, trying to pass some time while he tries to find the words and courage to go and ask Hermione some questions later on. But the only thing he realises is that he can't think and try to formulate questions while also trying to read. So he puts his book aside and gets up from his bed before walking back into the common room. 'Hermione?' Draco asks as he walks up to her.
Hermione looks up from her homework and nods. 'Yes?'
'Can I ask you something?'
'Sure, go ahead.' she says, putting her quill down and giving her full attention.
'Do you know where you were when you were gone?' Draco asks.
Hermione looks up and shrugs after a moment of silence. 'No.'
'Do you remember what you saw?'
'Stone walls and floors.'
'Do you know who were holding you captive?'
Hermione shakes her head. 'Not a clue.'
'Are you sure? Didn't you hear voices at some point?'
'I didn't. The room was very well isolated, making it impossible to hear sounds from outside the room.'
'Did you know how long you were in there at that moment?' Draco asks.
'No, they didn't hang a clock in the room.' Hermione says. 'I'm sorry Draco, I can't deal with the memories right now. I'm trying to push them away and having to go back to that horrible place doesn't really help.'
'I'm sorry.' Draco nods. 'You're right, just know that if you want to talk about it, I'm here for you.'
'Thank you.' Hermione slowly nods, offering him a small smile.


New update alert! Everyone is happy to have Hermione back and she seems to be happy to be back at Hogwarts, but what is she hiding behind the smile? Was it a good idea to come back? I hope you liked the chapter! I'll do my best to update as soon as possible again! And thank you all for being patient with me! 

Lots of love


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