Chapter 11: Troublemaker

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Chapter 11: Troublemaker

Draco walks through the corridors towards the exit of the castle. He walks outside into the brisk air, wrapping his cloak tighter around his body as a shiver goes down his spine. He walks down the path and off to the Black Lake where he knows she’ll be. As Draco nears the bench he sees her sitting, her head slightly tilted upwards to the sky, taking in the cold air. When Draco is close enough he sees her eyes are closed and a small smile creeps onto her face when she hears his footsteps.
‘Stalking much?’ she says with the same smile, not opening her eyes.
Draco chuckles and sits down next to her as she opens her eyes and turns to look at him.
‘Perhaps.’ Draco answers.
Hermione smiles. It is their fifth week back at Hogwarts and the beginning of October. The first of October to be precise.
‘You’re coming here earlier every day, now don’t you?’ Draco asked looking out over the water.
‘I have to for the fact that it’s getting darker every night, now don’t I?’ Hermione smiles.
Draco nods.
‘I don’t want to miss this little moment for myself.’ Hermione says, her voice calm and steady before she takes in a deep breath before letting it out again.
‘Isn’t it beautiful.’ Hermione says looking up at the sky.
‘It sure is.’  Draco agrees.
Hermione turns to look at him.
‘Do you come here often? Or just when I’m sitting here?’
‘Honestly? Just at these moments.’ Draco smiles.
Hermione nods.
‘It is nice and peaceful. Especially now, when everyone wants to stay inside.’ Hermione says.
‘It’s quiet.’ Draco says
Hermione smiles and looks down before nodding.
‘Great opportunity to think.’
‘About what?’ Draco asks.
‘About everything.’ Hermione shrugs looking back up.
‘What were you thinking about before I interrupted your peaceful and quiet surroundings?’
Hermione chuckles.
‘I was actually wondering how long it would take before you would show up.’ Hermione said.
‘You were?’
‘Yeah, you’ve been here every single night after you discovered my little hideaway.’
‘I have?’
‘Every single time.’ Hermione nods.
‘Would you rather be alone?’
Hermione looks over at him and gives him a small smile before she shakes her head.
‘No it’s nice.’ she says placing her hand on his arm and giving it a slight squeeze before placing her hand back in her lap.

Draco walks towards the library to return a book and take another one with him for his essay on Vampire’s in the east. He just turns a corner when someone snatches his arm and pulls him backwards before lips are pressed against his. Draco is shocked by this sudden happening and when his mind has processed what’s happening the person already pulls away. Draco looks at the person and sees it’s Pansy, of course it’s Pansy.
‘Hi there, where were you going?’ Pansy asks.
Draco sighs and rubs his forehead.
‘Pansy.’ he says.
‘We, you,  have to stop doing that.’ Draco says.
Pansy raises her eyebrows.
‘You’ve got to stop kissing me.’ Draco says sternly.
‘Excuse me? Last time I checked you wanted to get in my pants as much as I wanted to get into yours.’ Pansy says, defensively taking a step back.
Draco sighs.
‘I know, but it’s different now.’ Draco says.
‘What is?’
‘I don’t want to do this anymore.’
‘What the hell are you talking about?’ Pansy asks starting to get pissed off.
‘I’m talking about all of this whatever it is. I don’t want to sleep around anymore.’
Pansy shakes her head.
‘You’re nuts.’ Pansy says.
Draco shrugs.
‘I don’t see why, I don’t like you, at all. So why should I continue doing things I actually don’t want to do if I could have what I really want.’
‘And what is that?’
Draco smiles.
‘Perhaps you’ll find out soon, perhaps not.’ Draco shrugs.
‘You’re nuts Draco Malfoy. Completely and utterly nuts.’ Pansy says angry.
‘I can live with that.’ Draco says before turning around.
He heard Pansy shout some things after him before he turns another corner and blocks her out.

‘What’s their problem?’  Blaise asks as he sits down next to Draco at the end of the Slytherin table.
Draco looks up and sees Goyle and Pansy still talking to each other, giving him glances every so often.
‘Well I might have told Pansy to leave me alone this morning.’ Draco shrugs before turning back to his breakfast.
‘And now she’s ganging up with Goyle?’ Blaise asks.
Draco looks over at Blaise and shrugs again.
‘I don’t really care.’
‘You should though.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Once Goyle has his aim on you he won’t stop.’ Blaise says.
‘I can take Goyle, come on.’ Draco huffs.
Blaise shakes his head.
‘I’d watch my back if I were you.’
‘So how are things going with Hermione?’
Draco rolls his eyes.
‘I’m serious mate.’
Draco glances over to the Gryffindor table and sees Hermione laughing. He smiles to himself, right at the moment Hermione looks over and she gives him a small smile. Draco shakes his head as he turns back to Blaise.
‘I don’t know.’
‘You don’t know what?’
‘One moment I feel like she’s opening up and the next she’s shutting herself off again.’
Blaise frowns and nods.
‘What are you going to do about it?’ Blaise asks.
Draco looks back over to the Gryffindor table. He sees Hermione shake her head and tell Ron something.
‘Be someone she can trust.’ Draco says.
‘Great plan.’ Blaise rolls his eyes.
‘And what’s your short term plan?’
Draco groans.
‘Why don’t you just tell her?’
‘Tell her what?’
‘Tell her how you feel.’
‘Since when are you such a romantic guy?’ Draco laughs.
‘I was born a romantic guy mate.’ Blaise says.
Draco rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
‘Just try.’
Draco frowns.
‘I don’t know….’
‘Yes you do, since when are you such a pussy?’
Draco rolls his eyes.
‘I just need a good moment though.’ Draco says.
Blaise nods.
‘But don’t wait too long, because it looks like someone has the same plans as you.’ Blaise says jerking his chin in Hermione’s direction.
Draco looks up and sees the guy behind Hogwarts Insider standing next to Hermione telling her something to which she laughs and nods.
‘What is he even doing? She’s an 8th year and he’s a 7th. He’s got no chance.’ Draco huffs.
Blaise shrugs.
‘You never know. Love doesn’t care about age plus it's just one year difference!’ Blaise says.
Draco rolls his eyes and looks back over to the Gryffindor table.
‘He’s just a troublemaker.’ Draco says before he turns back to his food.
‘You are too.’ Blaise reminds him.
Draco shoves him on the arm.
‘Turn it down a notch you.’ Draco says.

‘What is Malfoy constantly looking at.’ Ron huffs next to Hermione.
Hermione looks over to the Slytherin table and sees Draco shove Blaise on the arm.
‘What are you talking about?’ Ginny asks turning around and looking in Draco’s direction.
‘He’s constantly giving Hermione glances.’ Ron says.
Ginny turns back to Ron.
‘Well there you go, there you’ve got your answer to your own question.’ Ginny says.
Ron rolls his eyes.
‘But why?’ Ron says turning to Hermione, inspecting her face.
‘There’s nothing on your face.’ Ron states.
Hermione laughs.
‘Thanks for the check-up.’ Hermione says.
‘Maybe Malfoy’s starting to fancy Hermione.’ Harry says.
Hermione rolls her eyes as both Ron and Ginny turn to look at Harry with their eyes wide open.
‘No he’s not.’ Hermione says.
‘We’re just friends.’ she adds taking a bite from her toast.
‘You might feel that way, but who says he does?’ Harry states.
‘He doesn’t fancy me.’ Hermione says sternly.
Harry shrugs.
‘You never know unless you ask.’
‘Yeah sure, I’ll go up to him and ask him “Hey do you perhaps fancy me?”. And you think that won’t be awkward at all?’
‘I’d say take the chance, there’s nothing to lose.’ Ginny shrugs.
‘Nothing to lose? I might lose a friend.’ Hermione says.
‘You can’t call Malfoy a friend Hermione. Come on, it’s Malfoy.’ Ron says.
Hermione turns to Ron with one eyebrow raised.
‘Look who’s talking. Do I have to remind you what you did?’ Hermione says.
Ron’s cheeks flush a bright red and shakes his head.
‘I said nothing.’ Ron says.
‘That’s what I thought.’ Hermione says before turning back to Harry and Ginny who are both looking over their shoulders at Draco.
‘Can you be more obvious?’ Hermione groans.
‘Yeah sure, if you want.’ Ginny smirks starting to get up.
Hermione quickly leans across the table and grabs her arm, pulling her down.
‘Sit your arse down!’ Hermione hisses.
Ginny laughs and sits back down as Hermione looks around at the view people who were staring in their direction to see what was happening. Hermione shook her head and hid her face in her hands.
‘You’ll be fine.’ Ron say patting her arm.
‘What are you doing here now?’ Ginny groans.
Hermione looks up and sees James sit down next to her again.
‘A guy’s got to eat.’ James says.
‘Didn’t you eat before you came to interrogate Hermione over Halloween?’ Ginny asks.
‘Let him be.’ Harry says nudging his girlfriend.
‘Dude go sit with people of your own age.’ Ginny says.
James rolls his eyes and chose to ignore Ginny, turning to Hermione.
‘I was wondering if you’d like to write an article for Hogwarts Insider about the plans you’ve made as Head Girl.’ James says.
‘I don’t really have exciting plans at the moment though.’ Hermione says.
‘Just think about it.’ James smiles.
‘I will.’ Hermione nods.


Hi there,

Sorry for not updating yesterday, because of the lack of time I hadn't even had the time to finish writing this chapter, which made me not able to update yesterday! I've been working hard and I'm glad I can update right now instead of letting you wait for another week, though I shouldn't forget to write the next chapter somewhere this week....... oi........ so much to do, so little time! ARGH

I think that's it for today....... I'll talk to you next week again! 

lots of love


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