Chapter 46: Interrogation

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Chapter 46: Interrogation

Ginny steps out in the corridor and is met by Draco's grey eyes. Ginny offers him an encouraging nod and gives his arm a slight squeeze when she passes him. 'You'll be fine, just answer him honestly.' she tells him. Draco nods and looks up at the door. 'Mr. Malfoy, please come in.' Mr. Hemming calls from inside the office. Draco takes a deep breath in and takes a step towards the office, only to stop in his track a second later.
'Try to find a way to get Hermione back.' Draco tells Ginny. Ginny looks up at him and furrows her eyebrows. 'We'll find a way to get her back together.' Ginny says. 'I'll go wake Harry and meet you here, okay?'
Draco nods once again and continues his way into the office. Ginny looks at his back until the door is closed and he disappears from view. She sighs and heads over to the Gryffindor Tower to wake Harry up as she promised him she'd do. When she enters the Gryffindor common room she sees Chris and Harry on the couch. 'Hey.' Ginny says, walking up to them. 'I thought you'd be asleep?'
'I just woke up.' Harry sighs, pushing his glasses up his nose.
'And why didn't you wait with Draco?' Ginny asks, turning her gaze to Chris.
'He told me I didn't need to wait for him.' Chris shrugs. 'But I did, until five minutes ago.'
Ginny slowly nods and looks back at Harry. 'Are you feeling better?'
Harry nods. 'I'm fine.'
'So, what shall we do?' Ginny asks.
'We can't really do much, now can we? We have to wait for the Ministry to find her.' Chris says.
Ginny raises her eyebrows and looks at Harry before looking back at Chris. 'We won't be doing nothing. We're going to look for her ourselves.' Ginny states.
'What do you mean?' Chris asks confused. 'We can't do much from within Hogwarts.'
'We can a lot from within Hogwarts and when we can't do anything more from within the walls of this castle, we'll have to go look outside Hogwarts.' Ginny says.
'Are you suggesting we leave school?' Chris asks. 'To interfere on a Ministry official mission?'
'Yes,' Ginny answers, raising her eyebrows. 'but if you don't want to come, you can stay here.'
'No, no, it's just- isn't that illegal?'
'Probably.' Harry nods.
'Have you heard the stories surrounding Harry? Do you think any of that was legal?' Ginny chuckles.
'Exactly.' Ginny says. 'Are you staying here?'
'Where were you planning on going?' Harry asks.
'Back to wait for Draco.' Ginny says.
'Do you want me to come?'
'No, it's alright. I can go by myself. Just go make yourself useful while I'm away.' Ginny says, turning around.
'Aye aye, captain.' Harry calls. Ginny grins and exits the common room.

Ginny sighs, leaning her head back against the stone wall. Draco has been in the office for over an hour now and still no sign of him. He couldn't have slipped away while she was up in the Gryffindor Tower, could he? No, the others and herself were in the office for longer than the time she had been away to wake Harry. She hoped Mr. Hemming wouldn't treat Draco too harshly, he's been through so much already. Ginny just closes her eyes when the door next to her opens. She whips her head around and sees Draco closing the door. Ginny quickly gets up and searches Draco's face. 'Are you okay?' she asks.
Draco stares blankly out in front of him before his gaze meets hers. It seems like all his energy has slipped out of his body and he is barely able to stand. 'Draco?' she asks carefully, reaching out to touch his arm.
'I'm fine.' he mumbles.
'You were in there for a long time.' Ginny says, to which Draco slowly nods. 'What did he ask you?'
'A lot of questions.' he mutters, reaching up to rub his neck.
'What kind of questions?'
'A lot about my father, my time as a Death Eater, my feelings for Hermione and Hermione herself.'
Ginny nods, searching his face.
'He also made very clear that in case I am helping my father, not only I, but also my mother will be send off to Azkaban.' Draco mutters, looking up at Ginny.
'They can't do that.' Ginny tells him. 'Still, you don't have to think about that, because you're not helping your father.'
Draco nods. 'I think I have to lay down for a while.'
'Okay, we'll see you during dinner.' Ginny says.
Draco nods again and walks off. Ginny furrows her eyebrows as she looks at him. Yes the interrogation wasn't pleasant, but how come Draco looks like his soul has been taken from his body? Ginny heads back to the Gryffindor Tower, her mind racing.

Draco walks down the corridor, completely disoriented. He feels like he's been sucked into a dark void and his feelings and hearing are muted. His eyes stare blankly out in front of him and he doesn't register where he is going, not knowing where he's headed until he stops. He stares down at the bench, a cold breeze blowing against the side of his face. A shiver runs down his spine as he sits down on the cold bench. He had intended to walk back to the Head dormitory, but having to be in there alone has become harder and harder with every minute Hermione's gone. He doesn't know what to do. He feels useless, he just needs to do something, anything, that might help them find her. He just hopes she's alright, wherever she may be. He needs her to be alright, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if she'd get hurt. If it was his father who took her, he wouldn't know what to do, nor where to find her. The obvious place would be Malfoy Manor, but would his father want to endanger his wife's freedom? If only he knew where he could start looking, a push in the right direction, because not knowing where to even start looking is making him crazy. Should he contact his father? But how? Should he send an owl? Would the owl be able to find him? And what would he say? Even if his father has Hermione, would he just tell Draco where to find her? Draco sighs and leans his head back, before taking a deep breath in. The interrogation was exhausting. Mr. Hemming asked questions which made Draco doubt himself. Is he the cause Hermione's gone? Does he have anything to do with it? He knows his didn't write a note for her.... or did he? No, it can't be, he'd remember doing so. Someone else must've written it and made sure she'd see it before heading to Hogsmeade, but who? Who would help someone kidnap Hermione? Maybe Goyle? He has become a big bully, but would he risk his own freedom to kidnap a classmate? Pansy? She's horrible and a bitch, but she wouldn't do such a thing, right? What about that James guy? He did some nasty things, but he wouldn't endanger someone's life like that. What if it was someone close to Hermione? Harry or Ron? They've been through a lot and even though Draco tried to come up with any reason for them to help someone kidnap Hermione, he couldn't find one, nor for Ginny. Christopher is a new friend, but he seems to be grateful for the friendship he has with Hermione and he's actively helping in trying to find Hermione. Seamus, Dean and Neville are old friends and they always seem to get along with Hermione. Luna can't even be considered as a possible suspect, Luna wouldn't even think about it, too busy with her made up creatures. Blaise couldn't have done it either, Draco was together with him during the possible time someone must've put the note into Hermione's pocket. Which must've happened before Hermione returned to their dormitory. Draco lets out a frustrated breath as he pushes himself off the bench. Who helped Hermione's kidnapper?


Oh Draco, poor Draco, aren't we all asking ourselves who helped the kidnapper? And we have yet to learn who's face is hiding underneath that mysterious hood...... and was it actually Lucius behind the kidnapping? Or did someone else quickly snatch Hermione away from Lucius's hands and the hands of Draco?

I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Thank you for taking the time to even read my work! I hope you liked this chapter and I'll do my best to update as soon as possible!

thank you all for being patient! 

lots of love


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