Chapter 52: Thoughts

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Chapter 52: Thoughts

Draco walks up the stairs after sitting with Ginny, Ron and Chris for a few moments longer. He wasn't sure what to do with what Chris had told them. He doubted his theory now that the Hermione who was here at Hogwarts with them wasn't the real one. Maybe Chris is right and she is processing what happened, or he has been lied to just like the rest of them. When he reaches Snape's portrait he tells him the password and walks inside. What he hadn't expected to find was Hermione on the couch, her face buried in her hands. 'Hey.' Draco says. Hermione quickly looks up and widens her eyes when she sees him, wiping her cheeks dry on her sleeves, clearly not having expected him to be there as soon as he was. 'Oh hey, I wasn't expecting you.' she says, getting up and offering him a smile.
'Are you okay?' he asks.
'Oh I'm fine.' she tells him. Draco stares at her, scanning her face, trying to find answers to the many questions that are rushing through his head.
'You know you can talk to me, right?'
Hermione stares at him in silence for a moment longer before she moves towards him. She stops in front of him and looks up before she wraps her arms around his waist and presses herself close to him. Draco wraps his arms around her and holds her in silence. 'I know I've been acting strange since I came back. It's just hard to deal with what happened.' she whispers, a tear rolling over her cheek. 'I've been trying to hold myself together, but yesterday when I walked into Chris I just broke.' she tells him softly, scared her voice might break if she'd speak louder. 'I'm scared.'
'You don't have to be.' Draco tells her solemnly. 'You're safe here and we won't let you out of our sight anymore.' he whispers, planting a kiss to the top of her head.
'That's good to hear.' she slowly nods, her head resting against his chest.

Ginny walks into the Great Hall where she finds Draco and Ron already seated at the Gryffindor table. Draco nods at something Ron says before his eyes drift off and focus on Ginny. He smiles and waves her over. 'Good morning.' he greets.
'Morning.' Ginny says, sitting down next to him. 'What were you talking about?'
'I was trying to give Weasley here a tip considering Quidditch, but he's having none of it.' Draco says, rolling his eyes.
'Why doesn't that surprise me. I'm the captain and he barely listens to me.' Ginny tells him. 'On another note, have you been able to speak to Hermione after the library session?'
'I have.' Draco nods.
'And? Have you changed your mind about what you told us yesterday?'
Draco looks down at his plate before looking up at Ginny. 'Chris might've been right.'
'You really think so?'
Draco offers her a small smile. 'We just have to take it slow around her. She's still adjusting to being back here while trying to deal with what happened. The only thing we can give her that she needs from us is time.'
'What do you mean?'
'I mean we keep our distance so she doesn't have to feel claustrophobic and when she feels like she's ready to talk to someone she'll come to us. I'm thinking we shouldn't put too much pressure on her since she's under a lot of pressure already.' Draco explains. 'I think she's going to mostly focus on school at the moment before she'll try to deal with everything. I think she's kind of trying to run away from her feelings at the moment.'
Ginny places her hand on his arm and slightly squeezes. 'If time is what she needs, we'll give her that. But we do have to make sure she knows we're here for her whenever she needs us.'
'She knows.' Draco tells her.
'Speak of the devil.' Ron interrupts, making Draco and Ginny look up only to see Hermione enter the Great Hall and approaching them.
'Hey.' Hermione greets sitting down next to Ginny. Ginny smiles at her and spontaneously wraps her arms around her best friend. 'Good morning to you too.' Hermione chuckles, patting Ginny's arm as she looks up at Ron, who shrugs.
'Good morning.' Ginny smiles broadly as she pulls away.
'What did I deserve that for?'
'For being here.'
Hermione smiles. 'Well, it's my pleasure.'
'So, what about Hogsmeade this weekend?' Ginny asks.
'What about it?'
'Are we going?'
'Of course we're going.' Hermione states.
'Are you sure that's such a good idea?' Draco asks.
'What do you mean?'
'You were kidnapped in Hogsmeade, remember? Is it a good idea to go back to a place with such a bad memory?'
'I have to go back there eventually, I can hardly run from my fears, now can I? I guess it's better to jump over them then to hide from them.'
'It doesn't mean you have to go back right the first opportunity you get.' Ron agrees. 'Don't you think it'd be better to take it slow?'
'Guys, don't worry. I'm fine. I want to go back there. Not to the place where it happened, but just the Three Broomsticks for a nice cup of butterbeer.' Hermione explains. 'Plus I won't be alone, all of you will be by my side.'
'Just take some time to reconsider, okay?' Draco asks. 'I don't want you to jump into something that will have a bad outcome.'
'I will.' Hermione nods.
'It's okay if you decide not to go. We'll just stay here and play some games or something.' Ginny reassures her.
Hermione smiles and nods. 'Thank you for looking out for me.' she says.
'That's what friends do.' Ginny smiles.

After breakfast they all got up and made their way out of the Great Hall. Draco was following the group down the corridor as Ginny was busy telling Hermione about something that had been told in one of the classes when Hermione was gone. Harry walks next to her, jumping in with some extra information now and then or something that Ginny forgets to tell and Hermione listens intently, seeming to be genuinely interested in the subject, which without a doubt she really is. Just as Draco wants to quicken his step to catch up with the group, because he had started to fall slightly behind, his arm is grabbed before he is pulled away from the group and around a corner. He looks up and sees Ron standing next to him. 'We've got to do something.' Ron whispers.
Draco looks at him and nods. 'And we will.'

Hermione opens her eyes and slowly sits up with the little strength she has left. She's cold to the bone and the touch of the icy stones doesn't help at all with this matter. She looks up and around her, but the room is pitch black. She groans as she pushes herself back before she softly hits the wall and leans back against it. She wraps her arms around her, the sound of the chains moving over the stone floor filling the small room. Too long, it has been too long and she doesn't know how long she'll be able to survive this. She needs to get out, she needs to escape, they need to find her, before it's too late. 


Oooooh shit, just as they thought Hermione was back, it appears they have the wrong person living under the same roof. Good thing Draco and Ron have caught onto it, but will Ginny, Harry and Christopher want to see the light? Will they want to believe the Hermione they think is their Hermione, isn't actually the real one? But who is this Hermione? And where is Lucius and his hooded friend keeping the real Hermione? Who is the person hiding under the hood? Will the real Hermione ever be found? Will she come out of this alive? All these questions and I have the answers ;p Stay tuned and you will too :D

Thank you for taking the time to read my work, it honestly means a lot! It's been a fun ride with all of you and to see all those lovely and nice comments every week, it just warms my heart! 

Lots of love!! 


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