Chapter 41: Doubts

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Chapter 41: Doubts

Hermione looks up from her book when Ginny and Harry sit down opposite her. The Great Hall is almost deserted. A few people had settled themselves down in the Great Hall to make homework or play a game of chess. 'What are you doing here all by yourself?' Harry asks.
'Making homework.' Hermione answers.
'Trouble in paradise?' Ginny asks carefully.
'Not at all actually.' Hermione says, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.
'Did something happen?' Ginny grins, wiggling her eyebrows.
Hermione softly chuckles, making Ginny and Harry exchange a look.
'What happened?' Harry asks.
'Draco might have asked me to move in with him after school.'
'What!' Ginny and Harry exclaim in unison.
Hermione slowly nods. 'But that's amazing!' Ginny exclaims.
'Isn't that a bit early?' Harry asks at the same time.
Ginny turns to look at her boyfriend and smacks him across the arm. 'Can't you just be happy for your best friend?' she mutters, narrowing her eyes in annoyance.
'It's okay Gin.' Hermione reassures her. 'Yes, it might be a bit soon, but it feels right between the two of us.'
'You know you practically broke up a few days ago and another time before that?' Harry says carefully, protecting his arm from another smack with his hand.
Ginny's eyes dart to Hermione and slowly nods. 'That is true.'
'I know it is, but you're not going to tell me you two never have a fight.'
'Of course we do, but not to the point that we find it necessary to temporally split up.' Harry says.
'Harry.' Ginny hisses, nudging his arm.
Hermione furrows her eyebrows as she looks from Harry to Ginny and back again. 'So you're saying that Draco and I won't last?'
'That's not what he's saying.' Ginny quickly answers before Harry can open his mouth.
'I'm just saying that you might want to think this over before you make rushed decisions.' Harry tells her. 'I hope for you that this will last, because you seem so happy when things are going great between the two of you. But I do want to remind you that you've never been naïve, so don't start being that now.'
Ginny lets out a sigh as she covers her face with her hands. 'I wouldn't worry about that right now, you've still got months to spend here.' Ginny says after uncovering her face again and looking up at Hermione. 'You can figure out what you want in those months and whether your relationship with Malfoy is as stable as you think it to be to be able to live together.'
'We love you, Hermione, but to have you on and off in our guest bedroom because you and Malfoy broke up again isn't something that was in our planning.' Harry jokes.
'Harry Potter! You've gone too far.' Ginny snaps at him, smacking him across the arm again.
'It was only a joke!' Harry defends.
'Not a proper one!' Ginny says. 'A little compassion isn't misplaced.'
Harry just wants to open his mouth when Ginny shakes her head. 'Just stay quiet, you're only making it worse.' she says before turning to Hermione again. 'I'm sorry Hermione.'
'That's alright.' she shrugs.
'Don't listen to him, he's just having a bad day.' Ginny tells her.
'I'm no-' Harry starts.
'So forget what he says and enjoy the fact that you're together with someone who loves you and who makes you happy.' Ginny interrupts, glaring in Harry's direction. 'A relationship doesn't only exist of happy times, also of hard times and fights, but if your relationship is worth it, you'll find a way to get through those hard times.'
'Thanks Gin.' Hermione says softly, Harry's words replaying in the back of her head, not seeming to be able to get rid of them.
'Are you okay?' Ginny asks.
Hermione looks up at her and gives her a small smile before nodding. 'I'm fine.'
Ginny searches Hermione's face for a moment before slowly nodding and starting to talk about something else, but Hermione can't keep her attention fixed on the conversation, her thoughts someplace completely else.

The corridors are crowded as students make their way from one classroom to the other for their next class. The Quidditch pitch is used for training by the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, only to make room for the Gryffindor team within ten minutes time. Hermione presses her books tightly against her chest as she manoeuvres her way through the crowded corridor towards the exit of the castle. She has been feeling like she's in desperate need of some fresh air to clear her head ever since the talk she had with Harry and Ginny that afternoon. She walks down the path, onto the grass, towards the bench near the Black Lake, where she sits down. She takes in a deep breath and looks out at the water. Even though it's extremely busy inside the castle and there's practically nowhere to escape to inside at this point, it's nice, quiet and peaceful out in the brisk air. Her hair is blown into her face by the wind and she has to tuck it behind her ear to keep it from happening again. She blows out a deep breath and looks up at the sky. A few owls fly into the owlery after a who knows how long trip through the cold air. Crookshanks crosses her mind and she makes a mental note to ask her mother how Crookshanks is doing. She left him with her parents when she left for Hogwarts because she felt like it was the right thing to do. According to Ginny Crookshanks had been on his best behaviour when he stayed at the Burrow with the Weasley's and even after Ginny had left for Hogwarts, he was good company for Molly. She was glad to have him back after such a hard time and it was nice to share the empty house with at least someone when her parents were still nowhere to be found. Hermione gasps when a hand is placed on her shoulder and she abruptly turns around to see who caught her off guard.

Narcissa walks down the stairs towards the library. Ever since the trial she has been feeling rather lost in some way. She doesn't know what to do, she doesn't know what she wants. She often finds herself aimlessly wandering through the massive Malfoy Manor, not sure if she even knows where she's wandering to. The Ministry of Magic is keeping a close eye on her and the moment she does something that's out of line she'll be in trouble and that's something she tries to stay out of as much as possible. Her thoughts often drift off to her husband and she can't help but miss him. She read about his break out and one part of her was relieved for him to be away from that horrible place, but another part of her was scared for him because if they would catch him this time he would be in way more trouble than he was before breaking out. Contacting Draco about his father wouldn't be a good decision, the Ministry is going through their mail, making sure there's nothing of valuable information that can either be used against them or be used to search for on the lose Death Eaters and in this case her husband. She wants to talk to her son about it, but she knows she can't. Ever since she found out about her son being involved with Hermione Granger, she can't help but feel the urge to talk to him. She wants to know how this happened, how he feels and most important of all how Hermione feels about Draco. She doesn't want Draco to end up with a broken heart, he's been through enough the past months and with his father first in prison and now a fugitive, she's not sure whether he'd be able to handle a broken heart on top of it all as well. She wants him to be happy and if Hermione Granger can make her little boy smile from ear to ear again, she can only be happy for her son to have found her. Draco is a changed man and Narcissa can't be anything other than proud of him. Narcissa feels guilty for the way her son was when he was younger, how he was a bully to children who didn't have pureblood. It was her and her husband's fault that Draco had turned out to be that way. If they would have given him an upbringing in which it was only natural for wizards and witches to have either pureblood, half blood or were muggle born, maybe he would've found Hermione Granger sooner and maybe she would've been able to stop him from doing the stupid things he has done in the past. But that's in the past and she can hardly change the past. If it weren't for Lucius's extreme devotion to the Dark Lord they would have led a completely different life, perhaps a better life, but she can't blame her husband for this, she's as guilty as he is. She was devoted to the Dark Lord, but at the end the only thing she wanted was for her family to come out of it all alive and well. They are all alive, but well- that's another story.


Oh my, who is the person who caught Hermione off guard? Will she come out of this alive? Damdamdaaaaaaam

I guess you'll have to wait and see until the next update! Which will take place not upcoming Saturday but the Saturday after that, as usual. Due to me having more exams the upcoming week, I doubt I'll be able to update sooner, but I'll do my best :)

lots of love


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