Chapter 24: A Broken Heart

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Chapter 24: A Broken Heart

Hermione stumbles back before quickly turning around and making her way out of the Slytherin common room. She first walks, but then starts to run, faster and faster. Making her way out of the castle and out into the freezing cold air. She runs on and on until her lungs feel like millions of daggers are stabbing them from the inside out. She stops and breaths heavily, panting as she leans her hands on her knees. She feels nauseous, her head feels like it's about to explode and her hands and legs start to slightly shake. She lifts a shaking hand up to her forehead and wipes the cold sweat away with the back of her hand.
'Don't cry.' she pants. 'Don't cry. Don't bloody cry' she repeats but she can't help it and tears start to roll down her cheeks. She sits down on the wet grass before laying down and trying to control her breathing as warm tears roll down her cheeks. She knows she's stronger then is, she shouldn't be crying because of some stupid guy, but she can't help herself. The stress from the past period, the worries from the past day, then finding him pushing his tongue down Pansy Parkinson's throat. It just all became a little too much. She wipes the tear away with a trembling hand as she tries to catch her breath. After a few minutes she manages to sit up again before getting fully up and making her way slowly back to the castle. On her way she quickly wipes her tears away once again, taking a deep breath of fresh air in before quickly making her way into the castle and making her way upstairs and up to their dormitory.
'Poly Juice.' she hastily says.
Snape's uninterested face doesn't even get to her at this point. She's glad he just swings the portrait open without questioning what's wrong. She never thought she would say or think this, but she's actually happy with Snape being this way. She storms through the common room and into her own room, falling back on her bed and curling up under the duvet. Wanting it all to end.

She takes a quick peak, slowly opening her eyes, but as she sees the time her heart skips a beat when she realises her first class has already started. Disoriented she sits up in bed but then she remembers everything. She doesn't bother to get up and turns her back to her alarm before closing her eyes again as she feels the pain returning in her chest and stomach. Her heart feels as if it's literally breaking into a million pieces as the image of Draco and Pansy returns to the surface of her mind. She bites hard down on her lip, tasting blood after a few seconds. She doesn't want to feel this way, she wants to be able to get up and move on. But something's pulling her down in her bed as she feels her heart break. She gets why they call it "heartbreak" because it literally feels like your heart is breaking. How? How can he do this? And why? Was this the reason he didn't want to go public with her? Was this the reason he wanted to keep the two of them a secret? But how? How could he do this? How could he be so loving, so caring towards her while being together with the heartless and cold Pansy Parkinson? Yes the old Draco would fit perfectly with the bitch, but not him, not the Draco she knows. How is this possible? How did she not know this? And how did she not see this coming?

Hermione pulls the duvet up over her head, not wanting to have any contact with anyone, not trusting the tears to stay in her eyes instead of rolling down her cheeks.
Hermione takes in a deep breath, slightly shaking her head.
'Hermione? Here you are.'
She feels someone sitting down next to her on her bed before the duvet is carefully pulled away from over her head.
'Hey, what's wrong?' Ginny asks concerned when she sees her best friend's tear stained cheeks.
Hermione shakes her head.
'What happened? Are you hurt? Are you okay?'
Hermione shakes her head again, not trusting her voice.
'Hermione, talk to me! You're scaring the hell out of me right now!' Ginny exclaims, stroking the hair out of Hermione's face.
'I-' Hermione starts, but her voice quivers and right as she speaks, tears start to roll down her cheeks again. Why is she so weak? She has never been so weak. She's gone through so much and never has she had this kind of melt down, this kind of break down. Perhaps it was just everything together. Everything they've been through, now everything with Draco and the fact that apparently he has someone else without her knowing they were broken up.
'Oh love.' Ginny whispers as she pulls Hermione into a hug.
'Everything will be okay.' Ginny tells her as she strokes her hair in a soothing manner.
Hermione shakes her head before slowly nodding. She knows Ginny's right, of course everything will be okay, it just doesn't feel that way right now.
'I knew he was trouble.' Ginny sighs, catching up with the fact why her best friend is in tears.
Hermione shakes her head.
'Is it not him?'
Hermione nods as a sob leaves her mouth.
'What happened?'
Hermione pulls away from the hug and looks up at her best friend.
'He's cheating.' Hermione manages to whisper.
'No way! How do you know?'
'I waited for Blaise in- in the Slytherin common room and all- all of a sud-sudden I-I heard laughter behind me and the-there he was in a full on ma-make out ses-session.' Hermione softly sobs.
'You're kidding.'
Hermione shakes her head, wiping the tears off her cheek.
'I'm so sorry Hermione.' Ginny sighs. 'I knew this bastard would screw up and leave you broken hearted behind.'
'Not helping.'
'I'm sorry.' Ginny sighs. 'You'll be fine. He's not worth your tears, nor your attention. He's an arse and he shouldn't be in that head of yours. He's not worth your time.'
'You had us worried sick. Not showing up for a whole day isn't you.' Ginny sighs, shaking her head.
'I'm sorry.' Hermione whimpers.
'It's okay.'
'You'll be okay, you hear me?'
'I know I will.' Hermione says, taking in a deep breath and looking up at her best friend again.
'It just hurts. This is the second time. Am I cursed?'
Ginny smiles as she shakes her head. 'No Hermione, you're not cursed. You've just had bad luck with guys apparently.'
Hermione nods. 'I don't know why I'm like this, perhaps it's just everything together.'
'I bet you it is.'
'Thank you Gin.' Hermione smiles.
'That's what I'm here for.' Ginny tells her with a small smile as she slightly squeezed Hermione's hand. 'You want me to talk to him?'
Hermione softly chuckles. 'I don't want him dead.'
Ginny shrugs. 'I can hex him.'
Hermione shakes her head.
'Or kick him at the spot where his balls should be, because apparently he has none.'
Hermione laughs.
'That's better.' Ginny smiles. 'Have you eaten at all today?'
Hermione shakes her head.
'I'll be right back, I'll get you something.' Ginny says getting up and walking up to the door.
Ginny turns around to look at her.
'How did you get in?'
'Snape let me in.'
'How did you know it was here?'
'Malfoy told me, because he needed my help for something.'
'For what?'
'It doesn't matter anymore.'
'No really Hermione, it doesn't matter anymore. Now lay back, I'll be right back.' Ginny says.

Hermione wanders through the corridor away from the Head's dormitory. She told Ginny she had to pick her books up before going to their first class of the day and that she'd meet Ginny in the classroom. Ginny has been keeping a close eye on Hermione. Draco wasn't at breakfast today, nor did he come in last night, which was for the better because Ginny would've killed him. Hermione turns a corner, but as she does she bumps into someone, her books falling out of her arms.
'Oi, sorry.' Hermione hastily says as she gets down to pick up her books, but the person whom she bumped into had the same idea, making their heads collide.
'Ouch.' they mutter in unison.
'Sor-' she starts again, but as she looks up she's met by the grey, blue eyes she's starting, started, to fall for.
'Dr- Draco.' she stutters.
Draco raises his eyebrows at her as he looks at her. He seems distant, the way he looks at her, it's different.
'I'm sorry for bumping into you, I hadn't seen you.' Draco says.
Hermione slowly nods.
'Hermione? What are you do- YOU BLOODY SON OF A-' Ginny starts shouting as she rushes to Hermione's side and grasps Hermione's books out of Draco's hands.
'GINNY! Mind your language!' Hermione tells her.
'You ferret. Get away!' Ginny snaps.
Draco looks at her with shock in his eyes.
'Excuse me?'
'Ginny, let's just go.' Hermione mumbles.
'No! We're not done yet here!' Ginny tells her, not turning away from Draco.
'You mister, are an arsehole! How can you live with yourself? And how can you disappear for two days, not letting your own girlfriend know where you are? Not letting anyone hear from you at all? She's been worried sick! And then she finds you cheating on her? You're evil! EVIL!' Ginny shouts.
'Come on Hermione, he's not worth your time.' Ginny says as she takes Hermione's arm and pulling her after her, far away from Draco, who looks at them before they disappear from sight.
'Something wasn't right.' Hermione mutters.
'He's not right in his mind, that's what it is.' Ginny huffs.
'No, Gin, I mean it. Something's not right.'
'The way he's been acting isn't right Hermione, what are you talking about?'
'Him, the way he looked at me, as if he didn't know me as he should know me. His eyes looked distant, as if he was far away.' Hermione tells her as she stops in her track.
Ginny turns to look at her and frowns.
'What do you mean? You're not making sense.'
'You should've seen him looking at me. It's hard to explain. But I know what I saw Gin, there's something wrong.' Hermione says before turning the other way.
'Where are you going?' Ginny asks, hurrying after her.
'To the Hospital Wing.'
'What are you going to do in the Hospital Wing?'
'I need to know if he's been there in the break.' Hermione says.
'What are you getting at Hermione?'
'What if he can't remember us, what if he's lost his memory in some sort of way?'


hi there lovelies,

wow wow wow I left you on quite the cliff hanger last week I see. hahah oh well, here's another one ;p I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the rest of the book :) thank you for reading, voting, adding and commenting :) it means a lot! And I'll be back with another update next Saturday :)

lots of love


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