Chapter 35: Scars

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Chapter 35: Scars

Time flies by, especially when you're enjoying yourself. Hermione had seated herself down on the bench facing the Black Lake, wanting to get away from the crowd that had gathered in the Great Hall for dinner. This time, which she had spent in silence apart from a few hoots from the owls that would fly over, making it easy to fill her head with thoughts. She had gone over the time she had been spending here. How she arrived back at Hogwarts for her final year at the school for Witchcraft and Wizardry, how she and Draco had been chosen as Head Boy and Head Girl, how those first weeks had felt, how she had met Belle, how Draco had hurt himself with the sword and how she had helped him, how Blaise turned out to be a great guy, the Welcome Back ball, how she had found out about Ron and Lavender, how Draco had comforted her and how they'd kissed, how Blaise had taken her to the karaoke night and she left on her own after overhearing Draco and Blaise, the fights, the frustration, the feelings, Halloween and how Draco ended up knocked out in the Hospital Wing, the Christmas tree she had put up mid-November and how Draco had kissed her underneath a mistletoe, the love potion, the guilt Draco had tried to deal with, their intimate moments, James and his articles in Hogwarts Insider, the Daily Prophet with its articles, Ginny being hurt during the first Quidditch game and now the news that Lucius Malfoy has escaped Azkaban. It's quite a lot for someone who was hoping for a peaceful and quiet last year. But even through all the hard times she had been absolutely enjoying being together with Draco. The feelings she has towards him keep getting stronger and she can't imagine a life without him anymore, nor does she want to. And it might sound cheesy but it's true. Hermione gets up from her place on the bench and makes her way back into the castle. She walks up the stairs and towards Snape's portrait that's still guarding the entrance of their dormitory.
'Good afternoon professor.' Hermione says, looking up at him.
'I heard Lucius Malfoy escaped Azkaban.' Snape says, sounding extremely bored as he looks down at her, ignoring her greeting.
'As far as I know that information is correct.' Hermione nods.
'I wonder how he managed to do it.'
'I'm more concerned with the fact if they'll be able to catch him and get him back behind bars before he can hurt anyone or worse.'
'What's worse in your opinion Miss Granger?' Snape asks, slightly sitting up in his chair.
'Gather a group of Death Eaters and start to form a new threat.' Hermione says.
Snape nods, keeping his mouth shut.
'Oh well, Fairy Lights.' Hermione says after a moment of silence.
Snape nods again and the portrait swings open to let Hermione enter the common room.
'Have you seen it?'
Hermione looks up and sees Draco standing in front of the fireplace, looking at her with a newspaper in his hand.
'What?' Hermione asks, walking over to her boyfriend.
'The article in the Daily Prophet.'
'No? Something wrong? Did they find your father?' Hermione asks as she takes the newspaper from him and looks down at the front page.
'No apparently your relationship status is more important.' Draco says.
"Brightest witch of her age, not so bright?"
'What?' Hermione mutters as her eyes start to skim the page.
"Hermione Granger, one of the Golden Trio, known as the brightest witch of her age, might not be as bright as we all thought she was. Granger is apparently involved with Draco Malfoy, former Death Eater, son to Lucius Malfoy (who escaped Azkaban and is now hunted down by the Ministry so he'll can be put away in an extra secured cell) and Narcissa Malfoy. We can't help but wonder what Granger thinks to get out of this? How can a hero of this generation start a relationship with someone who was so close to the worst creature the Wizarding World has ever known and took orders from him?"
Hermione stops reading and looks up at Draco. 'They literally don't have anything to do with their lives, do they?' Hermione mutters, not even wanting to put any more time in reading what more they've written about Draco, her and their relationship.
Draco gives her a small smile and pulls her to him. 'Just forget about them.'
'Doesn't it bother you?'
'I don't care about what they write about me, or us, or anything. The only opinion that matters to me is yours and no one else's.'
Hermione looks up and gives him a soft kiss against his lips.
'I love you.' she whispers against his lips.
'I love you too.' he smiles, before deepening the kiss and pulling her closer to him.

Hermione slowly traces circles on Draco's bare chest, pressing a light kiss to his jaw. Draco smiles down at her before carefully propping himself up on his arm. Hermione looks up at him and notices his eyes slowly travel away from her face and down. 'Hey, my eyes are up here.' Hermione remarks, gently pushing his chin up with her finger.
'How did you get that scar?' Draco asks, ever so slightly touching the line on Hermione's neck.
Hermione quickly pulls back and sits up in bed, pulling the duvet up to her chin, covering her neck with it.
'What? Something wrong?' Draco asks.
'Oh no, it's just-' Hermione trails off.
'Did I do something?' Draco asks, sitting up as well, looking sideways at Hermione.
'No, it's just- uhm- my scar....' Hermione says quietly, biting down on her lips, her eyes fixed at the bed-end.
'Your scar? Oh....' Draco sighs, rubbing the back of his neck as his cheeks flush a bright red. 'I'm sorry.'
Hermione shakes her head. 'It's okay.'
'Can I see it?' Draco asks carefully after a moment of silence.
Hermione looks up at him and stares into his icy blue eyes. 'You want to see it?'
Draco slowly nods. 'Only if you're okay with it.'
Hermione furrows her eyebrows before slowly nodding and lowering the duvet to show him the scar that had been there ever since Harry, Ron and she were caught by the snatchers and brought to the Malfoy Manor the previous year, the scar Bellatrix Lestrange left after threatening to kill her with the knife tightly pressed against her bare neck. Draco lifts his hand up and carefully touches her bare skin, tracing his thumb over the long harsh line on her neck. 'How come I've never seen this before?' Draco asks quietly.
'I use make-up to cover it up. I don't like to be reminded of what happened that day every time I come across a mirror.' Hermione tells him.
Draco slowly shakes his head. 'I get that.' he sighs.
Draco looks back up and gives her a small smile. 'I've got the same every time I look down at my arm.'
'Your arm?' Hermione asks, furrowing her eyebrows.
Draco turns his arm around and then Hermione's facing the Dark Mark. It's slightly faded, but it's still there. The harsh lines of the skull with the snake coming out of its mouth stand out on his pale skin. She can't help but let out a slight gasp, but she quickly recovers herself and looks up at him. 'Sorry.' she says.
Draco shakes his head. 'It's alright.' he says. 'It seems we both have scars we'd rather forget.'
Hermione nods, giving him a small smile. 'Unfortunately, yes.' she says, placing her hand over his scar that will haunt him for the rest of his life. 'But the scars of our past have made us the people we are today and that can break you or you can come out of it as a stronger person and the latter definitely applies to you.' Hermione smiles, leaning up and pressing her lips against his.


For the record; in the film Bellatrix carved the word Mudblood in her arm, in the book she only used unforgivable curses on her and threatened with a knife to Hermione's neck to kill her when Harry and Ron had escaped and came to fetch Hermione and while she was holding the knife to Hermione's neck, she eventually cut through some skin, leaving a long cut on the front of Hermione's neck (which is the scar I'm refering to in this chapter).

I'll do my best to update as quickly as I can, which will probs be like not this Saturday but the Saturday after that :) 

lots of love


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