Chapter 59: Saved?

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Chapter 59: Saved?

'We're here.' Draco breathes, staring out in front of him.
'Are you certain?' Ron asks, raising his eyebrows as he stares at the open space in front of them. There's nothing that indicates the presence of a house. All there is, is an open space spreading out in front of them for miles and miles.
'I told you it was hidden behind a spell.' Draco states, starting to walk up to the tree.
'Draco.' Ginny hisses.
'Just wait.' Draco tells them as he reaches the tree and ducks. When he looks up the house he remembers from when he was eight, stands tall in front of him. There's no light, nor movement visible inside and his heart drops. He was anxious to have to face his father, but if his father isn't in this house, he had no idea where else to look. He turns around and ducks again, motioning to the others to come over. The four students make their way over to him and after telling them to duck, they are all on the other side of the vail. 'Wow.' Ginny mutters.
'This is crazy.' Blaise whispers as they all stare up at the house.
'Come on, we don't have much time.' Harry says, nodding to the door. Draco steps to the house and tries the door, but as expected it's locked. Luckily his mother had reluctantly send the key of the house and when he pushes it into the lock, the door clicks open. Draco steps inside and mutters "Lumos" to shine some light into the dark hallway. Quietly Harry, Ginny, Ron and Blaise follow him inside, carefully closing the door behind them to make sure it won't make any noise. 'I'll go upstairs with Blaise, you three be careful and search the ground floor. If she's here, she can't be far.' Draco whispers. They all nod and Blaise follows Draco upstairs, leaving Harry, Ginny and Ron to search the downstairs.
'How are we going to do this?' Ron whispers.
'We first have to see what's down here. The rooms, escape routes apart from the door we just came through.' Harry whispers, looking around him.
'A map would've been useful in this situation.' Ginny mutters.
'I think we should split up.' Ron whispers.
'That would be stupid, what if one of us runs into trouble?' Ginny hisses. 'We're better protected together.'
'It would take too long. We have to be efficient.' Ron mutters. 'We have to act quickly if we want to find Hermione and if we split up we'd cover more ground without wasting too much precious time.'
'I agree with Ron.' Harry states. 'We have to act quick.'
'Have you thought of the possibility all of this might be a trap?' Ginny hisses. 'If we split up all three of us are more vulnerable.'
Harry stares at his girlfriend for a moment before turning to Ron. 'You go with her that way, I'll go this way.' Ron tells him.
'Ron-' Ginny starts.
'There's no time Gin. Just go. I'll meet you back here as soon as possible.' Ron hisses, turning around and walking away, leaving Harry and Ginny behind in the hall. The hallway he enters is dark, only a single dim light above a painting ever so slightly lighting his way. A door opposite the painting is locked, so Ron mutters "Alohomora" to open it, but behind the door merely hides a dusty library. He closes the door again and turns to look up at the painting. It's a portrait of an old, white haired, man. It must be Draco's grandfather or perhaps great-great-great grandfather. Ron turns to walk further down the corridor and tries another two doors, but yet again nothing. Only when he tries the third door he finds a stairs leading down into complete darkness.

Ginny lets out a deep breath as she shines her wand around her, the tip of her wand illuminating the kitchen counter and a bowl of green apples on top of it. 'Nothing.' Harry sighs behind her.
She turns to look at him and shakes her head. 'There are still two doors left.' she mutters.
'Come on.' Harry says, turning around to exit the kitchen. They walk over to the next door and open it, only to find a cold toilet in there. Harry quickly closes the door again and turns around. 'She's not in there.' he tells her. Ginny presses her lips into a thin line, suppressing a smile.
'What if she's not in this house?' she wonders out loud. 'Where else would we have left to look?'
Harry sighs. 'I don't know Gin. From the looks of it we can't even be sure someone's living here. Nothing indicates it. Everything is dusty.'
Ginny furrows her eyebrows before shaking her head. 'No, someone is living here. There are apples in the kitchen, new ones.' Ginny states.
'Who else but Lucius would be living in this hellhole?' Harry says. 'Hermione is here, there's no doubt about that.'
Both Ginny and Harry look up over their shoulder when they hear the front door opening and footsteps after that, a gasp leaving Ginny's lips. 'You heard that?' she whispers as quietly as possible.
Harry nods. 'Nox.' he whispers, Ginny soon following before they're surrounded by complete darkness.

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