Chapter 58: Underneath the hood

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Chapter 58: Underneath the hood

Lucius paces from one side of the room to the other. The hooded person stares at him in silence. Lucius has been pacing back and forth for a good ten minutes now, continuously muttering under his breath. 'I don't get it.' Lucius states. 'I don't get it.'
'The boy is having fun.' the hooded person says.
'Fun? In a time like this? I doubt it, there's something else going on. He never truly liked that school, it was obvious. I gave him a way out and he didn't come.'
'Perhaps you don't know the boy as well as you think you do?'
Lucius quickly turns his head to the hooded person with a glare on his face. 'Are you suggesting that I don't know my own son?'
The hooded person shrugs and turns away from Lucius, not in the mood for his insecurities. Lucius, who is clearly not accustomed to being treated this way, mutters something under his breath and turns away from the hooded person and to the single window in the room. 'He'll change his mind sooner or later.' Lucius speaks up after a while.
The hooded person looks up at him again. 'We'll see.'

A few weeks have passed since Lucius went to Hogsmeade, against what the hooded person had told him to do, and told his son to come with him, which his son declined, leaving Lucius terribly annoyed and confused. When the hooded person saw the headlines on the front page of the newspaper when the person picked it up that morning, the person knew this was going to be one hell of an afternoon later that day. The person apparates just on the other side of the charm that covers the house from wandering eyes. The person steps to the side, walks around the tree and ducks before the house appears in sight. The house is dark, only a few lights are switched on to mark the way to the stairs. The window is the only source of light in the room when the hooded person walks in. Lucius is seated in the armchair, staring at the two day old newspaper. When he notices the arrival of his companion he looks up before taking the new Daily Prophet the hooded person had taken with them for him. Lucius frowns before he turns to look down at the newspaper, only to widen his eyes a second later. 'This can't be, he's my son.' Lucius mutters, quickly opening the newspaper at the right page to continue reading. 'This can't be!' he exclaims frustrated.
'What do you want to do?' the hooded person asks.
Lucius looks up again, anger flashing in his eyes. 'We'll have to kill the mudblood.'
'What do you have in mind?'
A grin slowly appears on his face. 'You're going to have to pay a visit to Hogsmeade.'

Snow clings to the ground, covering every inch. The hood is nice and warm and makes sure to keep the face hidden away from the world outside the cloak. An hour had passed, but the hooded person stays near the trees, in case someone who shouldn't be there would come and find them. The person turns to look around the tree when they hear cracking of the snow underneath feet. Hermione appears, a little later than the hooded person had anticipated. She walks further, looking around her before staring at the Shrieking Shack for a moment. She turns away and looks around again. The hooded person slightly moves, which makes her look up in the person's direction. 'Draco?' she calls, but the hooded person stays quiet. A bird lands just next to the fabric of the robe which gives the hooded person a perfect opportunity to divert Hermione's attention away from them. The person moves their cape, making the bird fly up and away from the trees. A sigh is audible and she turns around to face the Shrieking Shack again. The hooded persons studies her for a moment, motionless. Eventually the person decide to move towards her, it's no use to take this long to get her. The person grabs the cloth with the potion that was made and soaks it through and through before they step from behind the tree and careful not to make any sound walks up to Hermione. A twig snaps underneath the person's footsteps, but the person is close enough to grab Hermione from the back and press the cloth over her nose and mouth. She tries to fight the person, tries to get away, but quickly her movements become weaker and soon she's unconscious. 'Leviosa.' the person mutters, which makes Hermione fly up and out in front of the hooded person towards the forest. The person knows they have to act quick, because it won't be long before her friends will be off to look for her. The hooded person walks off into the forest and when they reached the middle the person holds onto Hermione and apparates away from Hogsmeade and away from her friends and boyfriend.

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