Chapter 43: First date

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Chapter 43: First date

The corridors are buzzing with people who are getting ready to go on their way to Hogsmeade. Hermione had pulled her Gryffindor scarf tightly around her neck to keep the cold air away from her neck and she pulls her winter coat tighter around her as she steps outside. She spots her friends and waves as she walks towards them. 'Hey.'
'Ready for your date?' Ginny asks.
'I guess.' Hermione shrugs. 'It's not like we don't know each other.'
'Oh no, it sure isn't. You know each other very well, now don't you?' Ginny winks.
'Stop it Gin.' Hermione hisses, nudging her friend's side as she looks around her to see if someone heard her, only to meet Harry's eyes. She feels a blush forming on her cheeks and she quickly turns her eyes back to Ginny.
'Hey guys.' Chris says, appearing behind Hermione. Hermione takes a step aside to give Christopher some room to join the group. 'Are you ready for a nice cup of butterbeer?'
'She's not joining us.' Ginny answers.
Christopher raises his eyebrows and turns his eyes to Hermione. 'You're not?'
'No, she has a date.'
'A date with?'
'Draco.' Hermione answers.
'So you won't be joining us at all?'
'I'm sure I'll pop by at some point.' Hermione tells him.
'That's good to hear.' Chris smiles.
Hermione returns the smile and turns around when she hears another pair of footsteps nearing their group, only to see Lavender walking up to them, her eyes turn to the exit of the castle and she sees Goyle and Pansy walk out of the castle with three other Slytherin students. Pansy glances at her before quickly looking back out in front of her, her chin up high and an ignorant look on her face. Goyle on the other hand stares at her, a smirk on his face, his brows turned down. Hermione looks away from his hard stare and fixes her eyes on her group of friends.
'Everyone ready to go?' Harry asks.
'What about Neville?' Ron asks.
'He and Luna will meet us in The Three Broomsticks.' Harry tells him.
'Alright then.' Ron nods as he turns around and starts walking off, followed by Ginny and Harry. Chris starts walking as well, only to stop midstep and he turns around. 'Aren't you coming?'
'Oh, yes right.' Hermione nods, quickly walking up to him and joining the group.
'Where's your date?' Chris asks.
'I got a note that he'd meet me in Hogsmeade somewhere close to the Shrieking Shack.' Hermione shrugs, pushing her hand into her jeans pocket and feeling the note she had found in her cloak pocket this morning when she was folding it. The note had fallen onto the ground. He must've put it in there the previous night. He was already asleep when she found it and she wasn't keen on waking him for such a small thing, besides he could've anticipated for it to be a romantic gesture or something. He could hardly pick her up at her house with a bouquet of flowers or something that was equally as romantically cliché.
'Alright then.' Chris smiles before changing the topic and starting to talk about a book he had read that Hermione had recommended to him a while back.

Draco walks into The Three Broomsticks, looking around him to find Hermione, only to spot her friends sitting in the far corner around a table. He walks over to them and stops next to Ginny. 'Hey, do you know where Hermione is?' Draco asks.
'Hey, no? I thought she was with you?' Ginny answers, looking up at him with a frown.
'Clearly not.' Draco says gesturing around him with a small smile.
'She is where you told her to be.' Chris says.
'What do you mean?' Draco asks confused.
'On the note.' Chris says.
'What note?'
'She said you left her a note with a location.'
'I didn't?' Draco slowly says, furrowing his eyebrows.
'That's what she told me.' Chris shrugs.
'Do you know what the note said?'
'I haven't seen it, but she said you'd meet her somewhere in Hogsmeade- near the Shrieking Shack?'
'The Shrieking Shack you say?' Ron asks.
Chris turns to look at him and nods. 'That's what she said, somewhere near the Shrieking Shack.'
'Malfoy.' Ron hisses with widened eyes.
'Draco?' Ginny slowly asks, ignoring her brother. 'Are you sure you didn't give her a note?'
'I'm one hundred percent sure.' Draco says, shaking his head.
'But if you didn't give her the note, who did?' Ginny asks quietly before quickly looking up at him with widened eyes. 'Draco.'
'Shit!' Draco hisses, turning on his heels and running out of The Three Broomsticks.

Hermione looks around her as she nears the place where Harry had thrown a snowball at Draco's head in their third year. A small smile plays at the corners of her lips as she comes to a halt and turns to look at the Shrieking Shack, out of which there doesn't come any wolf howls anymore. The smile disappears immediately. Lupin had been such a great man and so brave. She felt so sorry for Teddy who had to grow up without both of his parents. She knew Teddy was living with his grandmother and during the summer was often visited by Harry, now that Harry can't visit him Ginny told her Teddy and Andromeda are occasionally found at the Weasley's. She looks away from the old building and sighs, looking around her once again, but there's no Draco to be found. Her eyes turn to the trees and sees movement a few feet behind them. 'Draco?' she calls, but she doesn't get an answer and a moment later a bird flies out from between the leaves. She furrows her eyebrows and contemplates for how long she'll wait, because it was rather cold out here. A sigh rolls over her lips as she turns back around to face the Shrieking Shack again. The building stands out against the winter surroundings, a building you'd often find in horror movies and not only the outside. Images of the inside of the house resurface as she thinks back to that crazy "adventure" she experienced with her two best friends. How they had felt so betrayed by Lupin when it turned out that he was on Sirius's side, even though Sirius had supposedly been out for Harry's dead and then Snape who stepped into the room, who later was disarmed and knocked unconscious by Harry. It sure was a hell of an experience. She hears a branch crack underneath someone's foot, but just as she wants to turn around she's grabbed from behind and a wet cloth is pressed against her mouth and nose. The smell is strong and toxic. She tries to get away from the cloth and the person, but the more she tries to fight back, the sleepier she feels and slowly but surely she starts to lose consciousness.


Oh no! That note wasn't from Draco, and there's the hooded person again.... but who hides underneath the hood? And how will Draco and her friends react when they find out she's gone? Will Hermione come out of this alive? Or will this be her last "adventure"?

So many questions.... I'd say stay tuned and find out what happens in the next few chapters for yourself ;p 

lots of love


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