Chapter 34: Rumour has it

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Chapter 34: Rumour has it

Hermione takes in a deep breath as she closes her eyes. It's quiet and peaceful this early in the morning. It's been a long time since she came down here and as she opens her eyes to see the sun come up she realises it's a pity, because there's no better place to sort your thoughts out than this small place of a safe haven. After Ginny stayed the night a week ago and went to the check up the next morning, where she was told she could go back to her own room and have a whole night of sleep again, Hermione told herself to visit the Gryffindor Tower more often. Last night when she went up there to make homework with her friends she ran into James. He had quickly muttered a sorry before running through the portrait and away from Hermione. Ron had fallen back into the couch with laughter, clutching his stomach after seeing what had just happened. Hermione hadn't been able to keep a grin from appearing on her face as she settled down next to the laughing Ron.
"Did you see how scared he was? You must be great at punching people in the nose." Ron had laughed.
"He better be scared. If he even thinks about crossing her again he can get a right hook from me." Ginny had remarked before turning back to the book about Quidditch she had been reading.
The fact she had been spending most of her nights in the Gryffindor Tower with her friends meant she didn't spend as much time with Draco anymore. She only saw him briefly in the morning and briefly in the evening when she returned from another homework session with her friends. Making the nights longer as they caught up with each other's stories of the day while lying in bed, the duvet pulled high up to their chins.
Hermione looks up and sees Draco stopping next to the bench.
'Mind if I join you?' he asks.
Hermione gives him a small smile and shakes her head. 'Of course not.' she says, making more place for him to sit. Draco sits down next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pressing her close to him. 'It's rather cold outside this early, isn't it?' he says silently.
Hermione looks up at him and nods. 'It's worth the view.'
Draco smiles as he presses a kiss to her temple. 'What are you doing here?'
'Just thinking.' Hermione shrugs. 'And enjoying the sunrise.'
'You know, the closer Spring comes, the earlier the sun will rise?' Draco remarks.
'Thank you captain obvious.' Hermione chuckles. 'It's just a good place to empty your head for a bit before starting another busy day at school.'
Draco slowly nods as a sigh rolls over his parted lips.
'You okay?' Hermione asks, looking up at him.
'Draco?' Hermione says sceptically.
Draco turns to look at her and gives her a small smile. 'I'm fine, really.'
Hermione slowly nods before resting her head on his shoulder.

'Hermione, have you read the Daily Prophet?'Harry asks when Hermione is just about to sit down opposite him in the GreatHall.'No, why?' Hermione asks, raising her eyebrows at her best friend.Harry shares a look with Ginny who lifts the Daily Prophet that had been lyingnext to her plate up and handing it to Hermione. Hermione frowns as she grabsit before scanning the front page. 'What?' she breathes when she sees the picture of a worn out, bad shaped LuciusMalfoy in a prison in Azkaban. "DEATH EATER ESCAPED." she reads at the top of the page.'Malfoy's escaped, does Draco know?' Ginny asks.Hermione slowly shakes her head as she looks up at Ginny. 'I don't think so.'Hermione says before turning her attention back to the newspaper."Lucius Malfoy, someone who worked closely and homed the Dark Lord during theuprising of Lord Voldemort, has escaped Azkaban last week. Guards were foundknocked out on the ground by the next shift of guards when they were about totrade places. When they found out that Lucius Malfoy had escaped his cell theystarted a search party all over Azkaban, but he was nowhere to be found. Searchparties of Aurors have all been given the job to catch Mr. Malfoy again andalso to keep their mouths shut. The Minister for Magic wanted to keep the escapequiet to not frighten people, because if Azkaban can't keep the (former) DeathEaters locked away from civilization what can? Our inside source contacted uslast night, giving us the intel on the case. To anyone who might run into Mr.Lucius Malfoy, do not encage, warn an Auror, but don't take any action becausethis man his dangerous and ready to kill if that means he'll keep his freedom."'Oh my.' Hermione mutters, reading the article a second time. 'I know, but how did he get out of his cell?' Ginny asks. Hermione looks up at her and shakes her head. 'I don't know, but where can hebe?'Harry shrugs. 'Who knows? It's been a week, perhaps he's fled the country?''At least he's far away if that's the case.' Ron says.'I don't think he has. The Ministry would know if he'd apparate somewhere.'Hermione says, shaking her head.'How? He isn't underage, he is allowed to use magic.' Ron states.'I know, but I've heard they've placed a trace charm on all the prisoners, incase they flee or escape. I'm not sure why they haven't been able to find him.It's been a week if we have to believe this article.''Maybe someone helped him get rid of the charm?' Ginny suggests.'I don't know, the only thing I know at this point is that this is bad news.''Where do you reckon he's gone to?' Ron asks.Hermione shrugs. 'Malfoy Manor would be a stupid decision because that'll bethe first place they'd look. I don't know. Somewhere far away from everyone.''What about Draco? Do you think he knows something?' Ginny asks.'What do you mean?' Hermione asks. 'Are you saying he might be involved?''No, how can he be? He can't leave Hogwarts and what can he do from this place?But it's his father who escaped, don'tyou think Lucius would first try to contact family? Try to find someone who'dhelp him?'
Hermione shrugs again. 'I don't know.'
'I mean the chance of one of your family members helping you is bigger thansome stranger.' Ginny states.
'I don't know.' Hermione sighs again.
'Or perhaps one of his fellow Death Eater buddies who's not locked away yet?But that would be dangerous for that person though, because when they catchMalfoy, they'll catch them.' Ginny goes on.
'Gin, I said I don't know.' Hermione says frustrated.
'Sorry.' Ginny says. 'Just thinking out loud.'
'You okay Hermione?' Harry asks.
'Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine. I'm going to see if I can find Draco.' Hermione says.
'I'm sure he'll be here to have breakfast.' Ginny says.
'I'll see you in class.' Hermione says before getting up and quickly making herway out of the Great Hall. She walks up the stairs and towards the shareddormitory. She tells Snap the password before hurrying inside, only to findDraco getting his stuff ready for the first class of the day in his room.
'Hey, weren't you already having breakfast?' Draco asks, giving her a quickglance over the shoulder.
'Yes, but-'
'Have you seen my books for advanced potions?' Draco asks, rubbing the back ofhis neck as he stands up straight. 'I can't seem to find it.'
'It's on the couch in the common room.' Hermione tells him.
'Ah thanks.' Draco smiles, giving her a kiss on the cheek as he passes her inthe doorway.
'Hey you alright?' he asks, grabbing his book from the couch and walking backto where Hermione is still standing. 'You look pale.'
'Thanks.' Hermione mutters. 'Have you read the newspaper yet?'
'From today?' Draco asks.
Hermione nods.
'Uhm no, I haven't been down in the Great Hall yet, why?'
'Okay, I don't want you to freak out or anything because everything will beokay.' Hermione starts.
'You're starting to freak me out atthe moment. Hermione, is there something wrong?'
'Well, yes-'
'Just tell me.' Draco says, placing his hand on her shoulder, looking her inthe eyes. 'It's okay, I've heard bad news often, too often if you ask me. But Ican take it, what happened that upset you so much?'
'I- uhm- you're father-' Hermione mutters.
'You're father has escaped from Azkaban.' she blurts out, biting down on herlip as she looks up at him.
Draco stares down at her with his eyes wide open in shock she presumes. Heblinks a few times as a frown settles down upon his forehead. Draco takes a fewsteps back, his eyes now aiming at the ground. 'What?' he whispers.
'I'm sorry Draco.'
He shakes his head. 'How could he have escaped from Azkaban? Isn't that placecrawling with Aurors now?'
Hermione sighs. 'I don't know how he did it, I only know he escaped a week agoand still hasn't been found.'
'You're kidding.'
'I wish I was.'
'I've got to let my mother know.' Draco says, rushing into his bedroom to grabparchment and a quill.
'I think she already knows. It's on the front page of the Daily Prophet.'Hermione says.
'I want to know if she's alright.' Draco says, walking into the common roomagain.
Hermione nods as she follows him. 'Do you think your father might have tried tocontact either one of you?'
Draco looks up at her. 'Excuse me?'
'It could be- you're still his family.' Hermione says carefully.
'Are you saying we might have helped him?'
'No of course not, you've been with me most of the time. You couldn't have-'
'Oh but my mother could have, couldn't she?' Draco snaps.
Draco takes in a deep breath and shakes his head. 'Could you leave me alone? Iwant to finish the letter before class starts.'
'Draco-' Hermione starts.
'Just go Hermione, I'll see you later.' Draco says, turning his back to her.
Hermione sighs, staring at the back of his head before turning around andwalking out of the common room.


hi loves!

I know, I know, I should've updated a week ago. I've had such a massive writer's block and migrain which made it hard to write a whole new chapter that would still be enjoyable to read.... so I hope it worked out, I quickly wrote this last night at like 1 AM so sorry if there are any sorts of mistakes xd that's what happens when you write at 1 in the morning. I'll try to update next Saturday and otherwise it's probs the week after that! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading, voting, adding this story to your reading list and commenting! It honestly means a lot!

lots of love


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