Chapter 6: The ball and an apology

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Chapter 6: The ball and an apology

'Good, good.' Hermione nods as she looks at the schedule she's holding.
'Okay Luna and Ginny, if you could bring the decorations to the Great Hall and Harry, Neville and Blaise if you could get started on placing the tables and seats.' Hermione says looking up.
'I will take care of the food, you, you and you, all three can go help Ginny and Luna setting the decorations up in the Great Hall.' Hermione says looking over at the Hufflepuff prefects and the boy Ravenclaw prefect.
They all nod before taking off.
'You sure you don't need help with the food?' Blaise asks stopping in the door opening.
'I'm fine, I'll be in the Great Hall in a few minutes.' Hermione tells him with a smile.
'Okay, but if you need me you know where to find me.' Blaise says giving her a wink before quickly following Harry and Neville.
Hermione shakes her head with a smile on her face before turning to walk out of the classroom they had been meeting.
'What do you want me to do?' Draco asks all of a sudden behind her.
Hermione turns to look at him with one eyebrow raised.
'You can always make yourself busy with that one over there.' Hermione says jerking her chin in Pansy's direction.
'It seems like you won't have any problem doing that.' Hermione says before turning back around.
'Oh no we won't have any problem with that at all.' Pansy says getting off her seat and walking over to Draco before dropping herself on his lap.
Hermione rolls her eyes before leaving the classroom and walking down the stairs to the basement. She does the whole ritual to get into the kitchen before actually walking in.
'Miss Granger!' Belle says excited as Hermione enters.
'Hi Belle.' Hermione smiles.
'Belle is so pleased to see Miss Granger!' Belle squeals.
Hermione chuckles.
'I'm also very happy to see you.' she smiles.
'What can Belle help Miss Granger with?'
'I just wanted to see how everything was going for tonight's Welcome Back Ball.' Hermione says looking around.
'Everything's perfectly fine.' Belle smiles.
'That's wonderful, are you going to attend tonight?' Hermione asks.
'Who? Belle? No Miss Granger, Belle can't come.' Belle says looking down at her feet.
'Why not?'
'Belle has so much to do.' Belle says.
'Well if you have any time left on your hands just come and find me, okay?' Hermione smiles.
'Belle will do.' Belle says looking back up.
'Good, I have to go back upstairs though, to help the others with decorating and all.' Hermione says.
Belle nods.
'Thank you again Belle.' Hermione smiles.
'No problem Miss Granger. Belle is happy to help.' Belle says.
Hermione smiles and says goodbye to Belle and the other house elves before leaving the kitchen. She makes her way back upstairs and walks into the Great Hall, closing the large doors behind her. James had asked her for some sneak previews for the Ball, which Hermione had given. James had posted them in the Hogwarts Insider and the students were overly excited for tonight's ball at this point. The Hogwarts Insider was a great hit and almost everyone walked around Hogwarts with this school newspaper in their hands. Hermione had offered James to come over to take pictures while they were preparing and of course he would have the opportunity to take pictures in the evening when the party was going on. James had asked if it was okay for him to ask the prefects and herself of course a few questions and Hermione had told him as long as the prefects were okay with it, then he could ask whatever he wanted. Hermione looks around and sees James had taken Luna to the side, who is pointing up in the air at nothing. James writes something down and nods as Luna talks to him. Hermione smiles and walks over to Ginny.
'Where's Malfoy? Shouldn't he be helping?' Ginny asks as she gives the girl Hufflepuff prefect a few decorations for up on the tables where they would be eating. Harry, Neville, Blaise and the guy prefects from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were busy with setting the tables and seats up, clutching their wands in their hands while pointing at the folded tables and seats.
'He's keeping himself busy with Parkinson.' Hermione shrugs.
'Are they a thing?' Ginny asks.
'No idea.' Hermione says.
'Whenever I see him, she's nearby, quickly jumping in his arms and crashing her lips on his.' Hermione shrugs.
'Interesting.' Ginny says.
Hermione rolls her eyes.
'And what about Zabini over there?' Ginny asks jerking her chin towards Blaise.
'He's nice, he's changed a lot, even though he wasn't really the bullying kind before everything happened.' Hermione shrugs.
'And he's still friends with Malfoy?'
'I think he is.'
'He seems like a nice guy and he keeps looking at you.' Ginny silently laughs.
'He's not.' Hermione says shoving Ginny between the ribs.
'Oh get a grip.' Hermione laughs.
'This really was a great idea Hermione.' Ginny says looking around the Great Hall.
'I thought it would do everyone good. To just have fun and laugh around.' Hermione smiles.
'I think you're right.' Ginny says.
'Oh dear, that James guy is coming over to us.' Ginny whispers looking at James who was crossing the Great Hall.
'He's nice.' Hermione shrugs.
'Just a little annoying.' Ginny mutters before James stops in front of them.
'Ladies, may I ask you a few questions?' James asks.
'Both of us?' Ginny asks.
'Or did you want Hermione for yourself again?' Ginny smirks.
'Oh both will do.' James winks.
Ginny rolls her eyes and folds her arms in front of her chest.
'Get started then, we've got plenty to do.' Ginny says.

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