Chapter 36: Hogsmeade

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Chapter 36: Hogsmeade

Draco walks down the path away from the shops where the other students of Hogwarts are wandering around. He turns to look over his shoulder to see if he's being followed, which doesn't seem the case. He makes his way down the path as he keeps checking for any followers over his shoulder. Draco quickens his step and stops when he has arrived at his end destination. He looks behind him one more time before disappearing into the woods, which look out at the Shrieking Shack. He walks through the small forest, trying to find what he's looking for. Then he sees it and he stops walking, turning around to check behind him one more time before passing the tree with the ribbon. Draco stops in his track when he hears something near him. He slowly wraps his fingers tighter around his wand, ready for any kind of confrontation.
'Draco.' he hears behind him in a soft voice.
Draco turns around and gives the person a stern nod.

28 hours earlier

Hermione looks up as the owls start to fly into the Great Hall, bringing the letters and possible gifts for the students of Hogwarts. She's not expecting anything, so she's rather surprised when one of the owls drops a letter on her plate. Hermione turns to look at Ginny, who's looking down at the letter as well.
'From who could it be?' Ginny asks.
'I have no idea.' Hermione shrugs, picking up the letter and staring at the neat handwriting on the front of the envelope.
'Do your parents read the Daily Prophet?' Ginny asks.
Hermione shakes her head. 'As far as I know, they don't.'
'Do they know about Draco and you?'
'I've written mum a letter about two weeks ago and I've already gotten a reply to that.' Hermione says, turning the envelope around. 'Plus, I don't think I recognize the handwriting.' she says, opening the envelope and pulling the letter out of it.
Hermione groans as she drops the letter on the table after reading it.
'What?' Ginny asks, taking the letter from Hermione's hand and starting to read the letter for herself.
"Dear Hermione Granger,

The Daily Prophet has been a very successful newspaper in all its years. We're here to bring the news to the people. Now I'm sure you've read my past articles and I was wondering whether you'd be interested to share your side of the story. I've been informed of your relationship with Draco Malfoy and thought it would be a good idea to give you a chance to speak for yourself whether this is true information yes or no? Enclosed in the envelope are some questions for you to go through and answer. I figured this would be the best way to get an interview, as for the fact Headmistress McGonagall doesn't allow reporters at school, so there's no way for me to interview you in person. Please send the parchment, enclosed with answer to the questions I send you, back to me.


Rita Skeeter"
'For Merlin's sake.' Ginny mutters. 'She must've hit her head.'
'I never liked her.' Hermione sighs, taking the letter from Ginny and grumbling it to a ball.
'Incendio.' Hermione mutters, pointing her wand at the ball of parchment, setting it alight. Hermione hears a few students around her gasp, but she chooses to ignore this as she turns back to Ginny.
'They first publish a story about your relationship and after she's asking you for an interview to confirm this.' Ginny says shaking her head disapprovingly.
'She's always been a weird woman.' Hermione says, looking up to see Draco looking down at his own postal delivery. She sees Blaise asking Draco something, but he's too caught up reading the letter in his hands that he doesn't notice, until Blaise nudges his shoulder, making Draco look up as he quickly folds the letter and puts it back in the envelope. She can see Draco saying something before getting up and quickly making his way out of the Great Hall. Hermione furrows her eyebrows, staring at his back before he disappears, before turning back to Ginny.
'Good morning.'
Hermione looks up and sees Chris stopping next to her.
'Hey.' Hermione says, giving him a small smile. 'Here, sit down.' Hermione says, lifting her cloak up from the seat next to her to make room for him.
'Hey, I'm going to see if I can find Harry before class starts, I've got to get some things cleared up before Quidditch training this afternoon. Make sure to be there in time Chris.' Ginny winks.
'I'm always in time.' Chris grins.
Ginny smiles and nods before walking away.
'How have you been?' Chris asks, sitting himself down.
'I'm fine, what about you?'
'Same, but is something wrong?' he ask, concern flashing over his face, taking a piece of toast from the plate on the middle of the table and placing it on his own plate.
'I'm sure you've read the Daily Prophet?' Hermione sighs.
'Hmm?' Chris furrows his eyebrows, looking up at her. 'Has Lucius Malfoy been spotted?'
Hermione shakes her head. 'The gossip section?'
'Oh no, I don't read that bullshit.' Chris shrugs. 'I'd rather hear the truth instead of all those lies that Rita woman spreads.' Chris says, giving her a small smile.
Hermione nods. 'Well she wrote about Draco and me and how I might not be as "bright" as they claim me to be because I date a former Death Eater. And now she send me a letter, asking me for an interview to get information from the source.' Hermione sighs.
'Oh wow, you're kidding.' Chris says.
Hermione shakes her head.
'That woman has some nerve.' Chris says, shaking his head.
Hermione shrugs. 'I don't really care what they think of me, but they shouldn't paint Draco as a badguy, because he has changed so much for the better and he's doing so well. I don't want him to be discouraged or anything.'
Chris nods understanding. 'I'm sure he's fine. He has had to deal with these kind of things for a long time, I'm sure one article more or less wouldn't make a difference.'
'I know, but with the thing with his father that's going on right now, it's just- I can see he's having a hard time with it, even though he's trying to hide it.' Hermione says.
'Why don't you talk to him about it?' Chris asks.
Hermione shrugs. 'I don't know.'
'I think you should just go and talk to him. I'm sure it's fine, but it doesn't hurt to make sure.' Chris says, offering her a small smile.
'Thanks Chris.' Hermione smiles.
'That's what I'm here for.' Chris says.

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