Chapter 3: The First Night

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Chapter 3: The First Night

‘You survived your first night!’ Ron says smirking as she sits down next to him.
‘How was it?’ Harry asks.
‘My bed is a-ma-zing!’ Hermione exclaims.
‘Where is mister Malfoy?’ Ginny asks.
‘I guess he’s still in bed.’ Hermione shrugs.
‘You didn’t wake him?’ Ginny asks.
‘Of course I did! But he told me to mind my own business so I walked down here.’ Hermione says taking a sip of her pumpkin juice.
Five minutes later she sees a guy with platinum blonde hair walk into the Great Hall and walk straight over to the Slytherin table.
‘He seems to be in a good mood.’ Ginny says sarcastically taking a bite of her toast.
‘He’s such an arse, I’m telling you.’ Hermione says.
‘And the stupidest thing of all is that McGonagall has appointed me as his tutor for this year, his tutor!’ Hermione says.
Ron spits out the pumpkin juice he was drinking and looks over at her.
‘Tutor? You have to tutor the Death Eater?’ Ron exclaims shooting a glance over to the Slytherin table.
‘Yes! And I can’t say no! It’s McGonagall!’ Hermione says.
‘I’ve got to say though.’ Hermione says looking over at the teachers table.
‘She looks totally exhausted.’ Hermione sighs.
‘She does? Didn’t notice.’ Harry says.
‘It’s not strange though. I mean after everything that has happened. She had to practically build Hogwarts up from scratch. Making new rules, keeping an eye on the renovation, sending everyone a letter to tell them they can come back.’ Hermione sighs turning back to her friends.
‘She’ll be fine. It’s tough for everyone right now. We just have to get used to the changes.’ Ginny says.
Hermione nods.
‘I’m going to the library before our first class starts, see you later.’ Hermione says, hurrying off.
She walks to the library and can’t help but feel slightly anxious. What if the books were destroyed in the Battle of Hogwarts? What if the library hasn’t been renovated because there was nothing to renovate. Hermione fastens her step without even noticing and when she turns the last corner she bumps into someone.
‘I’m so sorry!’ Hermione exclaims.
‘It’s okay.’ Luna’s dreamy voice spoke.
‘Luna! How are you?’ Hermione asks.
‘I’m fine, how are you?’ Luna asks.
‘Same here. How’s everything with Neville? I heard you two became an item.’ Hermione smiles.
‘He’s a great boyfriend.’ Luna smiles.
‘Where were you going?’ Hermione asks.
‘Nowhere in particular.’ Luna says.
‘You’d like to walk with me? I’m going to the library.’ Hermione asks.
‘Yes sure.’ Luna smiles.
‘Congratulations on being Head Girl.’ Luna says.
‘Thank you.’ Hermione smiles.
‘You’re sharing a dormitory with Draco, aren’t you?’ Luna asks.
‘Unfortunately yes.’ Hermione sighs.
‘It can’t be that bad, can it?’
‘He doesn’t seem to have changed a bit.’
‘Of course he has. Everyone has.’ Luna says.
‘Just give him a chance, he might even surprise you.’ Luna says.
Hermione nods.

Hermione walked into their common room later that day after her last class and sees Draco bowed over a book with one hand in his hair and a concentrated look on his face.
‘Hi.’ Hermione says.
Draco doesn’t answer nor does he look up. Hermione rolls her eyes and walks into her room, making a mental note to literally not even make an effort to get along with him. She gets her books out and starts her homework. She is done in an hour and walks out of her room again. And it seems like Draco hasn’t even moved at all.  Hermione frowns and looks at him.
‘Malfoy, you need help?’ Hermione asks.
Draco just lifts his hand up, telling her to shut up, before placing it back down on the table.
‘Whatever.’ Hermione sighs before walking towards the portrait.
‘We’ll have to make rounds tonight around 11, just so you know.’ Hermione says before turning around again and walking through the portrait hole.
Hermione walks to the Gryffindor Tower and tells the Fat Lady the password before she steps inside the common room and immediately sees her friends sitting at their usual spot.
‘Hi.’ Hermione says sitting down in between Harry and Ron.
Ron leans over to give her a quick kiss on the cheek before looking back at his parchment which has just the date on it.
‘I see you’re right on schedule.’ Hermione says.
Ginny laughs from across the table.
‘They have been staring at their parchment for an hour.’ Ginny says.
‘We have to make a star map for Divination.’ Harry sighs.
‘Sounds interesting.’ Hermione chuckles.
‘What are you doing here?’ Ron asks looking up over at her as he wraps his arm around her shoulders.
‘I had finished my homework so I figured it would be nice to have some company.’ Hermione shrugs.
‘You’ve got company on the seventh floor.’ Harry stats.
‘Company I’d like to have around me.’ Hermione says.
‘That’s good to hear, that you’re not sick of us yet.’ Ron smiles.
Hermione laughs.
‘You can’t really call him company though.’ Hermione says.
Ron laughs.
‘Poor you.’ Ginny says.
All of a sudden a guy jumps in front of them with a camera in his hands and a flash went off.
‘Oi!’ Ron says rubbing his eyes.
‘Hi, James Cliff, nice to meet you. I’ll be running the school newspaper this year.’ the guy says.
Hermione raises her eyebrows at the blonde guy. He is a 7th year student Hermione remembers.
‘School newspaper? There is no school newspaper.’ Ginny states.
‘Now there is. I asked Headmistress McGonagall and she accepted my idea.’ James says.
‘You’re new here, aren’t you?’ Hermione asks.
‘Yep, all the way from Durmstrang.’ James says.
‘What were you doing at Durmstrang?’ Ron asks.
‘I got my letter from Durmstrang when we lived in Norway. We had moved a year earlier because of my father’s work. And now, after the Wizarding War my father decided it was time to move back to the UK, which meant me changing schools, so here I am, at Hogwarts.’ James says.
Hermione nods.
‘Welcome at Hogwarts James.’ Hermione says.
‘Thank you Miss Granger.’ James winks.
‘May I ask why you took a picture of us?’ Harry asks.
‘You three will be the cover story of the first issue of Hogwarts Insider.’ James says.
Harry, Hermione and Ron exchange looks.
‘Don’t you think it would’ve been better to ask us permission before snapping a picture?’ Hermione suggests.
‘Perhaps.’ James says.
‘May I take a picture?’ James asks.
‘Sure.’ Ron shrugs.
‘Smile.’ James says.
A small smile spreads across the three faces and quickly fall again after the picture was taken.
‘Could I also get an exclusive interview?’ James asks.
Harry raises his eyebrows.
‘Just a few quick questions.’ James says.

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