Chapter 45: Dark and Cold

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Chapter 45: Dark and Cold

Silence. Silence weighs down on her as she slowly opens her eyes. She narrows them when she's not sure whether she has actually opened them. The darkness is too dark for her to see anything. It's literally black. She slowly sits up, her head bouncing with pain. She feels around her, but when she moves her hand the loud clanging of chains that are dragged over a stone floor fills the room. She stops moving her hand and lifts her other hand up to her wrist, feeling the thick, cold, metal band, following the chain that's attached to it to the wall in which it's stuck. She tries to stay calm, but slowly and surely her breaths start to quicken and her heartbeat rises. She has been in worst situations, right? She doesn't even know in what kind of situation she has found herself in this time. She just wanted a drama-free year at school. Just one year, is that too much to ask? She takes a deep breath in, trying to calm herself down and it takes her a few minutes to prevent herself from hyperventilating. Where is she? And why is she in a dark and cold room? Chained down like a dangerous animal. She stretches her legs out in front of her and notices the heavy feel of shackles and chains on her ankles. She moves her hand to her backpocket, but her wand is gone. How did she even come here? She tightly closes her eyes, trying to get the information that she has lost back, but she seems to have forgotten what happened before she woke up in this room. Questions rush through her head, overwhelming her with how little she knows. Why is she here? Where is here? And who put her here?

Draco runs through the corridors and up the stairs to the Gryffindor Tower where Harry is waiting for him. 'There you are.' Harry says when he sees Draco nearing.
'I'm sorry, I was stopped by McGonagall, she said we'll have to come to her office in an hour to be questioned about what we know.' Draco breathes.
'Is someone from the Ministry coming?' Harry asks after telling the Fat Lady the password.
'Yes.' he nods.
'It was about time. A day has already passed, we can't afford to lose any more time.' Harry says, stepping towards the couch where Ron, Ginny and Chris are already seated.
'Is that even legal?' Chris asks.
'What is?' Harry asks.
'Placing a taboo on Hermione's name.' Ginny says, looking up at him as he sits down on the armchair.
'We could ask the Ministry?' Draco suggests.
Ginny raises her eyebrows.
'Someone from the Ministry is coming in an hour to question us.' Harry informs her.
'Seriously? That took them long enough.' she huffs.
Harry nods in agreement.
'Don't you think we should go out and find her ourselves? The Ministry isn't putting any hurry to the matter.' Draco says.
'And where do you suggest we start looking, Malfoy?' Ron states. 'Malfoy Manor?'
'Ronald.' Ginny warns. 'Don't even think about continuing what you've started.'
'That's what I'm going to tell the Ministry, to go look there first.' Ron says. 'Just to make sure she's not kept as a prisoner and hostage there, of course.'
'I'm sure that's what you meant.' Draco huffs.
'Can you two stop it? We've got more urgent matters on our hands than your personal vendetta against each other.' Chris tells them, glaring at both guys.
Draco and Ron stare at Chris in surprise for a moment, astonished by the fact the guy who is quite silent to put them on their place like they're children. Ginny can't help but chuckle at the scene that's playing out in front of her. 'And? Has she been found yet?' Neville asks, appearing behind the couch, followed by Dean and Seamus.
Ginny shakes her head, the smile immediately fading from her face.
'I could blow something up if that would help.' Seamus offers.
'I don't see how that will help us right now.' Harry says. 'But thank you for the offer.'
Seamus nods.
'If there's anything we can do, just let us know.' Dean says.
Ginny nods. 'Thank you guys.'

A shiver runs down Hermione's spine. She has lost the sense of time and because there are no windows in the room she doesn't have a clue whether it's morning, afternoon or evening. The cold temperature is amplified by the cold stones she's surrounded by. The darkness has started to make her think she has turned blind, but that can't have happened, right? She wished there would be some kind of sign of sight, just to make sure she's still able to see. The darkness is maddening and she doesn't know what to do. She has already tried to crawl around the room she's stuck in, but the chains are apparently only a few feet long, making it impossible for her to reach the other side of the room. She leans her head back against the stones and takes another deep breath in. She has to get out of her, soon.

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