Chapter 25: The Truth

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Chapter 25: The Truth

‘Madam Pomfrey.’ Hermione calls as they walk into the Hospital Wing.
‘Ah, miss Granger. Something wrong?’
‘She’s dealing with a broken heart.’ Ginny says.
‘I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you with that dear.’
Ginny sniggers behind Hermione, earning a shove between the ribs.
‘I was wondering if Draco Malfoy was here during the holidays.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Has it been necessary for him to be in here? Think of an injury? Amnesia?’
‘I haven’t seen Draco Malfoy in my Hospital Wing the past weeks Miss Granger. Is there something I should know?’
‘Oh no, nothing, I was just wondering.’ Hermione shrugs, slightly disappointed.
‘May I ask why you’re asking?’
‘I was just wondering, he’s been acting strange the past few days.’
‘I’m sure it’s nothing.’
Hermione nods. ‘Thank you Madam Pomfrey.’
‘No problem, have a good day.’
‘You too.’ Hermione and Ginny say in unison before walking out of the Hospital Wing.
‘You were probably imagining it, it’s a lot to process.’
Hermione shakes her head as they walk down the stairs.
‘I’m sure of it Gin.’
‘He cheated, of course he looks differently at you.’
‘Not in the way he was looking at me though.’
‘Hermione.’ Ginny says sternly as she takes Hermione’s arm, making her stop and turning towards Ginny.
‘I know it’s hard for you to believe, but he has screwed up. He’s not worth it, none of all of this. Perhaps you saw something, perhaps not, but that doesn’t take away the fact that he cheated and goodness knows how long he has been screwing Pansy, arseface, Parkinson.’ Ginny tells her.
Hermione sighs.
‘I should go talk to him.’
‘No you shouldn’t.’
‘Hermione. You’re coming with me to class and you’re going to let all of this sink in before you make a decision on what to do next.’
Hermione raises her eyebrows.
‘I know I’m giving you tough love right now, but that’s what you need before you’re going to do something stupid.’ Ginny tells her.
Hermione slowly nods, which makes Ginny let go of her arm and they walk further towards their first class of the day.

Hermione’s seated in her chair in front of the fireplace. After just having finished her homework she figured it would be okay to go sit down and read for a while, trying to relax and take her mind off Draco. She can’t help but think back at the way he looked at her that morning. How his eyes had looked so distant, that he had seemed so far away, even though he was standing in front of her. Perhaps Ginny was right, perhaps she had imagined it. Perhaps they had gone too fast in the beginning, making him doubt his decisions. Hermione shakes the thoughts away again as she tries to focus on the pages of the book she was holding. She just starts rereading the last five sentences when she hears the portrait hole open and Draco walks in. But just as Hermione wants to say something she sees another person entering the common room, Pansy Parkinson.
‘No! No, no, no, no!’ Hermione says, getting up and walking over to where Draco and Pansy had stopped in their tracks.
Pansy gives her a disgusted look as she looks her up and down.
‘What is she doing here?’ Hermione demands as she looks at Draco.
Draco raises his eyebrows. ‘Am I not allowed to have my girlfriend on my room?’
‘That’s your girlfriend?’
‘Yes, she’s my girlfriend. Something the matter?’
‘Nothing’s the matter, but she can’t be here. She’s got to go.’ Hermione tells him sternly.
‘Geez, party pooper.’ Pansy huffs.
‘Shut up you.’ Hermione snaps.
Pansy gives her a deadly glare, but Hermione doesn’t give her any more attention and has already turned back to Draco.
‘She’s got to go.’
‘No one, but we, are allowed here.’
‘Miss knows-it-all is back people.’
‘I told you to shut up!’
‘And you think I’m going to listen to you?’
‘I would keep your bloody mouth shut if I were you.’ Hermione snaps.
‘Or else?’ Pansy snaps back.
‘Girls!’ Draco says.
‘Just one time.’ Draco says.
‘Come on.’
Draco sighs before turning to Pansy.
‘Another time, okay?’ Draco tells her.
Pansy huffs glancing over at Hermione before hastily planting her lips on Draco’s and pushing her tongue down his throat, not literally of course. Hermione has to look away, feeling what was left of her heart, shatter into tiny pieces. Pansy pulls away.
‘See you tomorrow tiger.’ Pansy winks before turning around, leaving a flushed Draco behind.
‘YOU ARSEHOLE!’ Hermione screams after Pansy is gone and the portrait hole is closed again.
‘What?’ Draco asks confused, turning to Hermione, who just threw a book at his head, which he could just avoid.
‘HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!’ she screams, throwing the little vase with the single flower at him.
‘What the hell is wrong with you!’ Draco snaps, avoiding the vase.
‘What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you? What happened? Why couldn’t you just tell me it was over? Why are you acting as if nothing has happened?’
Draco rolls his eyes before turning to walk to his room.
‘Have you hit your head?’
‘I could’ve if you would’ve hit me!’ Draco shouts over his shoulder at her.
‘Draco.’ Hermione says as she walks over to where he has stopped and turned around to look at her.
‘Don’t you remember anything? Don’t you remember us?’ Hermione asks.
‘Faintly, I just know Pansy is the one.’ Draco says dewy-eyed.
‘Since when?’
‘I just knew one day.’
‘I don’t know, the second week of the break.’ Draco shrugs as he stares into nothingness with this idiotic smile on his face.
Hermione looks at him with a frown on her face.
‘Just out of nowhere?’ Hermione asks.
‘Exactly!’ Draco says excited.
She looks at him. The same distant feeling washes over her when she stares into his eyes. Something’s not right. The way he looks at her, the way he talks, the way he smiles, the way he stands, his whole body language has changed into a boy who’s overly, almost creepy, in love with someone. She doesn’t know what’s going to happen, but she’s got to try it. She leans up and plants her lips on his, but he quickly pulls away, looking at her in shock.
‘What was that?’
Hermione shakes her head.
‘Stay here.’
‘I’m not su-‘
‘Stay. Here!’ Hermione demands before she runs off and out of the common room, leaving a confused Draco behind once again.
She runs through the corridors, up different sets of stairs, turning corners before she arrives in front of the Fat Lady. She quickly tells her the password before storming into the common room.
‘Harry!’ Hermione breaths.
Harry, Ginny, Ron, Neville, Seamus and Dean all look up at her.
‘I need you.’
Harry looks at her before nodding and getting up.
‘I’ll be right back.’ he says before walking off to Hermione.
‘Good night guys.’ Hermione calls before she pulls Harry out of the common room and down the sets of stairs.
‘Remember when Ron was under the influence of that love potion? You know, when he had eaten those chocolates which were actually for you?’
‘Do you remember the way Ron talked and looked?’
‘Do you mean how he acted?’
Hermione nodded.
‘What is this about?’
‘I think Pansy has given Draco a love potion.’
‘And why would we care?’
Hermione sighs.
‘Because Draco and I are, were, are together and he’s been sleeping around with Pansy.’
‘Wait a second.’ Harry says, stopping in his track, making Hermione stop, who let go of Harry’s arm.
‘You and Malfoy are together?’
Hermione nods.
‘Since when? Why didn’t I know?’
‘Since before the holidays, Draco had asked me to keep it quiet.’
‘Who knew?’
‘Just Draco and me.’
‘What about Gin?’
‘I told her just before the holidays.’
‘Why didn’t you tell me?’
‘I wasn’t even allowed to tell Gin. Just please Harry, this is urgent.’ Hermione begs.
‘We’ll talk about this later.’ Harry states.
Hermione nods, pulling him after her again towards the portrait hole.
‘Draco!’ Hermione calls.
Draco appears in his bedroom door opening, looking suspiciously at Harry behind Hermione.
‘You just said the only ones allowed here are the two of us.’ Draco states.
‘He’s here to help.’ Hermione tells him.
‘I heard you like Pansy Parkinson.’ Harry says.
Draco’s expression softens and the dewy eyes make their reappearance as the idiotic smile reappears as well.
‘Like? I love her.’
Harry slowly nods, glancing over at Hermione, who bites her lip as she listens to what Draco has to say.
‘How come?’
‘She’s amazing!’
‘What’s so amazing about her?’
‘Just everything.’
‘Malfoy, can you come with me?’
‘Where to?’
‘To go and get Pansy the best gift ever.’ Harry says.
‘You’ve got the best idea ever?’
‘I know where to get it.’ Harry nods.
‘Just come along.’
‘Okay, okay, yes sure. Just let me pull some shoes on.’ Draco says, walking back into his room.
‘What are you doing?’
‘I’m going to bring him to Slughorn. He definitely has a love potion in his system.’ Harry tells her softly.
‘Can I come?’
‘I think it’s better if you’d wait here.’ Harry tells her.
‘Will he be alright?’
‘Ron’s alright, isn’t he?’
Harry gives her a small smile.
‘He’ll be alright, I promise.’
‘I’m ready.’ Draco cheers from the door opening.
‘Isn’t this exciting.’ Draco grins at Hermione.
‘It sure is.’ Hermione tells him softly.
‘Let’s go.’ Harry says.
Draco nods enthusiastically, walking to the portrait hole.
‘It’ll be alright.’ Harry tells Hermione softly as he giver her arm a soft squeeze.
‘Thanks.’ Hermione nods.

Hermione slowly opens her eyes, seeing Draco hover over her.
‘Hi.’ Draco whispers with a small smile.
Draco nods.
‘You- you okay?’
‘If you’re asking me if I can think straight again then the answer is yes.’ he smiles.
‘Can you remember-‘
Draco softly plants his lips on hers, kissing her gently, savouring the taste of her lips, the lips he had missed so much the past two weeks.
‘Yes, I can remember us.’ Draco whispers after pulling away, brushing her lips with his.


Ah damn you Pansy! Of course it was Pansy, who else could it be! :o 

gheheh, did you expect that? Yes? No? oh well, next chapter will be up next Saturday or Sunday :)  hope you like the story so far :) 

lots of love


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