Chapter 16: Girl's night in

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Chapter 16: Girl’s Night In

‘Look what I found.’ Ginny smirks holding up a bottle of fire whiskey.
Hermione widens her eyes and chuckles.
‘Gin, where did you get that from?’
‘Seamus.’ Ginny winks.
‘Of course.’ Hermione laughs.
‘Where’s your roommate?’
‘Oh I asked her if she could sleep in one of the other girls’ room, I told her you needed a good old sleepover.’ Ginny says.
Hermione smiles.
‘She even offered you her bed.’ Ginny says.
‘That’s nice, I’ll thank her in the morning.’ Hermione nods.
‘What shall we do first? Braid each other’s hair? Do our nails?’ Ginny says.
Hermione rolls her eyes.
‘No but seriously, have you come to a conclusion?’ Ginny asks sitting down on her bed, opposite from Hermione.
Hermione sighs.
‘I honestly don’t know.’ Hermione says biting her lip.
‘You shouldn’t have to force a feeling upon yourself, that means it’s not real.’ Ginny says.
Hermione nods.
‘So if you can’t tell right away that you like him, should you really be giving it so much attention?’
‘I do like him.’
‘But is it enough?’
‘That’s something I don’t know yet.’
‘You haven’t told anyone what happened last night, right?’
‘Of course not!’
‘Good.’ Hermione breaths.
‘Tell me what you like about him?’ Ginny says.
Hermione smiles as she looks down at her hands.
‘How much he has changed. How good of a person he actually is. The way he smiles whenever I say something stupid, or how he laughs at my stupid jokes, which I know are not funny at all.’ Hermione chuckles looking up at Ginny.
‘The way he always checks if I’m alright. How he brushes his hand through his hair whenever he feels embarrassed, stressed or whenever he thinks he’s being sexy.’ Hermione smiles biting her lip as she shakes her head looking down at her hands again.
‘How he is genuinely interested in things and wants to learn more. How he genuinely seems to care. How his frown line appears every time he’s doing his homework and doesn’t really get what to do, but how he doesn’t want to ask help. And how could I forget how he looks without a shirt on.’ Hermione winks.
Ginny smiles.
‘Oh Hermione.’
Hermione looks up at her best friend.
‘I’m afraid you’ve fallen for his charms.’ Ginny chuckles.
‘But if he is how you describe him to be, he seems like a good guy.’ Ginny says.
Hermione nods.
‘He is.’
‘The problem is though that I just can’t imagine Malfoy being like that.’ Ginny says shaking her head.
Hermione frowns.
‘If you’d spend a few hours with him you’d notice how much he has changed.’ Hermione states.
‘Now tell me everything you don’t like about him.’ Ginny says.
‘Eeeeerm…..Uuuuuuuuuhm………. well there is…. no……. eeeerrmmm….’
‘Ahw come on! There must be something!’
‘I honestly don’t know? Perhaps how he is overly confident sometimes?’
‘Is that a question?’
‘I don’t know? But I actually find it quite cute most of the time…..’
Ginny groans.
‘You’re impossible.’
Hermione chuckles. Ginny looks over at her best friend and shakes her head.
‘Why Malfoy? Why can’t it be anyone else?’ Ginny asks.
Hermione looks down at her lap and shrugs.
‘You don’t choose to like someone, you just do.’ Hermione says looking back up.
Ginny tilts her head as a small smile appears on her face.
‘Well if you like him, you should tell him.’ Ginny says.
‘I can’t when I’m being kept prisoner here, now can I?’ Hermione jokes.
Ginny laughs.
‘And you will stay a prisoner until I set you free.’ Ginny chuckles.
‘You’re crazy Weasley.’
‘That’s why you love me Granger.’

‘How’s Hermione?’ Ron asks.
Harry raises his eyebrows.
‘Good, I think?’
‘I’m impressed by how she’s coping with the fact that she has to live with Malfoy.’ Ron says.
Harry shakes his head.
‘She says he has changed.’ Harry shrugs.
‘You believe that? It’s still Malfoy.’ Ron huffs.
‘People do change, people do things you would never have expected from them.’ Harry says giving him a side glance.
Ron’s cheeks turned a bright red at that comment as they turned another corner.
‘Yes, but how often does someone who’s like Malfoy change into a good person?’
‘Look at Zabini.’ Harry shrugs.
‘Zabini was never such a huge pain in the arse.’ Ron states.
‘True.’ Harry mumbles.
‘I don’t know.’ Harry answers after a moment of silence.
‘Exactly. What if he’s just using Hermione?’
Harry pinches the bridge of his nose before looking over at Ron.
‘You think so?’
‘You don’t? That’s the only explanation I’ve got for all of this.’ Ron says.
Harry frowns.
‘I don’t want her to end up hurt again.’ Harry says.
Ron shakes his head.
‘We’ve got to find out if he’s really changed.’ Ron states.
Harry slowly nods as they walk up the stairs.
‘Yes we do.’ Harry says.

‘Hi Belle.’ Hermione smiles as they enter the kitchen.
‘Good evening Miss Granger and Miss Weasley, what can Belle do for Miss Granger and Miss Weasley?’ Belle asks smiling.
‘We were wondering if you’ve got strawberries dipped in chocolate?’ Hermione asks.
‘Of course, Belle will get them immediately for Miss Granger.’ Belle says hurrying off, only to return moments later with a bowl filled with strawberries dipped in chocolate.
‘Oh this is amazing, thank you Belle, you’re a life saver.’ Ginny cheers.
Belle blushes as a smile appears on her face.
‘Thank you Miss Weasley.’
Ginny chuckles as she takes the bowl from Belle.
‘Thank you Belle, I’ll make sure to come by sometime this week to catch up.’ Hermione smiles.
‘Belle would be thrilled to catch up with Miss Granger.’ Belle smiles.
Hermione nods before they both say goodbye and walk out of the kitchen again.
‘She’s so cute.’ Ginny says.
Hermione chuckles.
‘And she’s so sweet.’ Hermione adds.
Ginny nods as she takes a strawberry from the bowl and puts it in her mouth.
‘Hey! Don’t eat that yet!’ Hermione says.
‘I can’t help myself, they just look so delicious!’ Ginny exclaims.
Hermione rolls her eyes as she takes the bowl from Ginny.
‘To keep them safe.’ Hermione states jerking the bowl away from Ginny as she tries to grab another strawberry.
‘Ah come on! Party pooper.’ Ginny exaggerates.


Hi there,

I know this chapter is quite short, but I didn't have a lot of time to write because of all the studying that I've got to do. I'm sorry!

OMG I literally had a new idea for a new Dramione fanfic yesterday, so yeah I've noted my ideas down and I'll first finish this story before I start writing on the new one hahah I already have so little time, no time to start a new fanfic at this moment. So yeah..... there will definitely be coming another Dramione fanfic at some point this year :) idk if that's good news for you or bad...... perhaps you've grown tired of me! :O ;p

lots of love


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