Chapter 18: A secret and an article

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Chapter 18: A secret and an article

‘Draco?’ Hermione says softly as they are seated on the bench facing the Black Lake.
‘I’ve been wondering.’
‘What did you mean yesterday evening when you said “I’ll listen, I’ll give you some space.”?’ Hermione asks lifting her head up from his shoulder.
Draco looks down at her, furrowing his eyebrows.
‘I was looking for you because I wanted to talk to you but I couldn’t find you. I ran into someone and that person told me that you might need some space, that I should keep my distance.’ Draco told her.
Hermione frowns.
‘Was it Ginny?’
Draco looks at her before turning back to the Black Lake as he shakes his head.
‘Lying isn’t a great start, now is it?’ Hermione sighs.
Draco turns to look at her and bites his lip before brushing his hand through his hair.
‘You’re right. Yes, I ran into Ginny.’ Draco sighs.
‘I knew something was up.’ Hermione says looking back at the Black Lake.
‘She was just trying to keep you from getting hurt.’ Draco says.
‘She didn’t have the right to say what she said though.’ Hermione sighs.
‘No, she didn’t. But she was trying to help you.’ Draco tells her.
Hermione sits up straight and looks at him.
‘Are you defending her?’ Hermione asks with a  small smile appearing on her face.
Draco shrugs.
‘She’s your best friend.’
‘You know Draco, you’ve become a great man.’ Hermione smiles before gently pressing her lips against his cheek.
‘I just hope other people will start to see that at some point.’ Draco sighs.
Hermione frowns.
‘You shouldn’t be bothered by what someone else thinks.’
‘Perhaps it’d be better if we kept us a secret for now? Especially with Goyle after me, I don’t want you to end up hurt.’ Draco says.
Hermione frowns.
‘Are you sure?’
Draco nods.
‘For how long?’
‘As long as needed.’
Hermione sighs.
‘So no one may know?’
Draco looks down at her.
‘Is that all right for now?’
Hermione nods.
‘For now.’ she sighs as she looks back at the Black Lake where the sun is just setting.

‘Have you spoken to him yet?’ Ginny asks softly as Hermione sits down next to her the next morning.
‘Yeah, he said something along the lines of that it would be better if we’d keep our distance and give each other some space for now.’ Hermione shrugs as she takes some toast and places it on her plate.
Ginny’s eyes widen and can’t help but glance over to the Slytherin table where Draco’s talking to Blaise.
‘He did?’ Ginny asks carefully.
‘Yes! I don’t know what’s gotten into him all of a sudden. First he doesn’t want to talk, then he tells me this. Perhaps it’s better this way.’ Hermione sighs.
‘Oh no Hermione, I’m so sorry!’ Ginny tells her placing her hand on her arm.
‘I’m afraid this is all my fault.’ Ginny says softly.
Hermione turns to her best friend with raised eyebrows.
‘What are you talking about?’ Hermione asks silently.
‘I ran into him the evening you were staying in the Gryffindor Tower. But that was before I knew how much you actually liked him. He asked me if I knew where you were and I figured it would be best for you if you’d just have some time to think. So I told him that it might be better if he’d give you some space, especially for the fact that we’re all still coping with the loses and everything that happened.’ Ginny whispered hurriedly.
Hermione listens as her best friend confesses what Hermione already knows.
‘I’ll make it right Hermione. I will! I’m so sorry.’ Ginny whispers looking down at her hands.
‘It’s alright.’ Hermione tells her.
‘And you don’t have to go to him. I’ll figure something out.’ Hermione says giving her a small smile.
‘I’m so sorry Hermione. Honestly if I knew that you had actually fallen for him I would never have told him to give you some space!’ Ginny says.
‘I know you wouldn’t have and it’s okay.’ Hermione tells her.

Draco turns to see Ginny catching up with him.
‘Save a seat for me, will you?’ Draco asks.
‘Sure.’ Blaise says as he walks on.
Draco waits for Ginny to catch up with him before Ginny starts to talk.
‘I know I told you to keep your distance from Hermione, but you really, really shouldn’t. I talked to her and she’s so confused by the fact that you all of a sudden want distance, especially after you kissed her out of nowhere and now she’s feeling horrible-‘
‘Weasley, calm down, I honestly can’t hear what you’re saying.’ Draco says in a calming tone.
‘I’m sorry.’ Ginny says softly.
‘What I was saying.’ she starts.
‘Two days ago, when you asked me if I knew where Hermione was and I told you that it would be better if you’d give her some space?’ Ginny starts.
Draco nods.
‘Well, Hermione’s extremely confused and hurt by this and I honestly didn’t know she likes you as much as she does, because I hadn’t really talked about it with her. And well, she seemed very confused and surprised by the fact that you all of a sudden kissed her. So I figured it would be best if she’d have some space and time to think about what had happened and what she really wanted.’ Ginny says.
Draco frowns and shakes his head.
‘She told you about our kiss?’
‘Duh, I’m her best friend. What did you think she’d do Malfoy? You’re lucky she came to me, I don’t know if the guys would be so pleased.’ Ginny tells him.
‘No offence of course.’ she quickly adds with an apologetic smile.
‘None taken.’
‘I just wanted to say I’m sorry and please go to her and declare your undying love.’ Ginny finishes.
Draco widens his eyes.
‘I’m just joking Malfoy.’ Ginny grins.
‘It’s okay.’ Draco tells her.
‘Thank goodness.’ Ginny sighs relieved.
‘So when are you going to tell her?’ Ginny asks.
‘Tell her what?’
‘That you don’t want space, rather as little space as possible.’ Ginny winks.
Draco quickly looks around him as he feels his cheeks flush.
‘Oh my, look at that. I’ve managed to get him blushing.’ Ginny laughs.
Draco rolls his eyes.
‘You look so innocent.’ Draco says.
‘Oh this is just the beginning Malfoy, there’s more to come.’ Ginny smirks.
Draco smiles.
‘Thank you for coming to me.’ Draco says.
‘But I’d better hurry before I’m late for class again.’ Draco says.
‘Oh Malfoy one last thing.’ Ginny says.
‘And that is?’
‘If you even dare to think about hurting her, I will make you suffer.’ Ginny threatens.
‘Have a good day.’ Ginny smiles before she turns around and walks off, leaving a surprised Draco behind.

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