Chapter 7: A big mistake

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Chapter 7: A big mistake

Hermione enters the common room where she finds Draco sitting in his seat in front of the fireplace.
‘Malfoy, we need to talk.’ Hermione sighs sitting down in her own seat.
Draco looks up from his book and gives her a small smile.
‘About last night.’ Hermione says.
‘Last night?’ Draco asks.
‘Yes, you know the part where I cried, you comforted me, I spilled my heart out, told you everything, you listened and well we kissed.’ Hermione says.
‘Oh that.’ Draco smirks.
‘Yes, well, let’s just say; that never happened.’ Hermione says.
Draco raises his eyebrows.
‘What do you mean?’ Draco asks.
‘I was high on emotions and I needed someone, you were there for me and I might have gone overboard. I’m sorry for pulling you into the shit I’m in right now.’ Hermione says.
‘It was all just a big mistake.’ Hermione sighs looking down at her hands.
Draco slowly nods as he looks at her face, trying to find a sign she was joking.
‘It’s okay though.’ Draco says.
Hermione looks up at him.
‘It is?’ Hermione asks.
‘We are living together, if we like it or not, we’ll have to live with each other’s ups and downs.’ Draco says.
Hermione raises her eyebrows at him.
‘So it’s okay?’ Hermione asks.
‘As long as you’re not mad at me anymore for saying that word.’ Draco says.
Hermione looks back down at her hands.
‘As long as you will never say that word again.’ Hermione says.
‘Deal.’ Draco says.
‘Now get out of my sight woman, I’m trying to read.’ Draco says.
Hermione chuckles getting up from her seat.
‘Thank you for last night Malfoy- I mean Draco.’ Hermione says giving him a smile before walking off to her bedroom.
Draco sighs and rests his head against the back of the chair. He didn’t want to forget about last night, that kiss, he had felt like he had never felt before. It was a strange feeling, but a good strange as the warmth had travelled from his lips through his whole body. He had enjoyed it, it felt safe, familiar and he even found himself feeling home, not his home, but a real home, a welcoming home. He felt like how Christmas would feel like if you’d have a white Christmas as you were opening your presents in front of the fireplace with a hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream. He’d never experienced that kind of Christmas, but he had always dreamt of one like that. Draco smiles to himself as he opens his book again before the smile disappears again, because he remembers that she wants him to forget everything, like it never happened? Will he be able to do that?

‘Hermione!’ Ron shouts.
Hermione stops in her track and turns around to see him running her way and she turns back, walking further.
‘I’ve been looking for you all over the castle, but I couldn’t find you.’ Ron says.
‘Clearly not good enough, because I was in my bedroom.’ Hermione says sternly, not even looking at him.
‘I’m so sorry Hermione.’ Ron says.
Hermione raises her eyebrows.
‘You’re sorry for cheating on me or are you sorry for the fact that I found out?’ Hermione asks.
Ron sighs.
‘Why didn’t you break up with me before you slept with her?’ Hermione asks.
‘Because I don’t want to break up with you, I was stupid!’ Ron exclaims.
‘You were stupid?’ Hermione says raising one eyebrow at him.
‘Yes!’ Ron exclaims.
Hermione sighs.
‘How long has this been going on?’ Hermione asks.
Ron looks down at the ground.
‘Ronald? An honest answer.’ Hermione says.
‘Two weeks ago.’ Ron says.
‘This is just the end of the third week back at Hogwarts!’ Hermione exclaims shaking her head.
‘You, you should really learn how to treat a girl properly before jumping into another relationship!’ Hermione tells him.
‘What do you mean?’ Ron asks.
‘I mean that we are over! Done! Finnito! I break up with you.’ Hermione says.
‘You’re breaking up with me?’ Ron asks rather surprised.
‘I wouldn’t be surprised if I were you. You’ve been sleeping around with Lavender for the past two weeks while I was thinking everything was okay! I had to find out by walking in on the two of you!’ Hermione exclaims.
‘You know how much that hurt me?’ Hermione asks softly.
‘I’m sorry Hermione-‘ Ron starts.
‘Don’t even, I don’t want to talk to you or see you right now.’ Hermione says.
‘Please just go and leave me alone for a while.’ Hermione says before walking away from him.
She was so done with Ronald Weasley, she knew she couldn’t avoid walking into him, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try her hardest to stay out of his way. How could he? Did he not care for her at all? Hermione runs around the corner and all of a sudden bumps into someone.
‘Oh sorry.’ Hermione says looking up.
‘It’s okay, but are you?’ Blaise asks looking down at her and seeing her expression.
‘It’s fine, I’m fine.’ Hermione says quickly wiping the tear that had escaped away from her cheek.
‘You don’t look fine.’ Blaise says.
Hermione shakes her head.
‘There you are! I was looking for you! Come on Granger!’ Draco says all of a sudden behind her.
Hermione turns around to see him walking down the staircase and she raises her eyebrows.
‘Come on! I don’t have all day.’ Draco says motioning for her to follow him.
‘I’ve got to go.’ Hermione says turning to Blaise.
‘See you later, and if you want to talk about it, you can always come to me.’ Blaise says with a small smile.
Hermione nods.
‘Thank you.’ she says before she turns to Draco who waited on the staircase.
Hermione turns and walks up to him.
‘What is it?’ Hermione asks as Draco starts to make his way back upstairs.
‘I figured you didn’t want to talk about everything to Blaise.’ Draco shrugs.
Hermione furrows her eyebrows as she looks up at him, trying to catch up with him.
‘Did you speak to Weasley yet?’ Draco asks turning to look at her.
‘Erm, I appreciate the gesture of saving me from telling the whole story to Blaise, but that doesn’t mean I’d like to share every detail with you Malfoy.’ Hermione says.
‘Aren’t I the only person who knows everything?’ Draco asks stopping in his track and turning to look at her.
‘Yes, but not for long.’ Hermione says stopping in front of him.
Draco nods.
‘I’m going to go and try to find her.’ Hermione says.
‘And thank you for well, before.’ Hermione says giving him a small smile.
Draco gives her a small smile and nods.
‘No problem. You know where to find me if you happen to need me.’ Draco says.
Hermione nods.
‘See you later.’ Hermione says before turning in the other direction and rushing off to the Great Hall, where Ginny would probably be for breakfast.
She runs down the stairs again and walks into the Great Hall.
‘Last night was great!’
‘Thank you for last night!’
Students say as she walks over to where Ginny is seated. Hermione smiles and thanks them before she reaches her best friend.
‘Gin.’ Hermione says.
Ginny looks up and furrows her eyebrows as she sees the expression on Hermione’s face.
‘What’s wrong?’ she asks.
‘Can I talk to you?’ Hermione asks.
‘Yes, yes, of course.’ Ginny says getting up.
‘You need me?’ Harry asks.
‘You just stay here.’ Ginny says patting his shoulder before following Hermione out of the Great Hall.
‘What’s wrong?’ Ginny asks as they turn the corner to another corridor.
‘I caught Ron cheating on me yesterday night.’ Hermione says looking down at the ground in front of her.
‘You what?’ Ginny gasps.
‘With who?’
‘Lavender Brown.’
‘No way! He’s going to die!’ Ginny exclaims.
‘No, Gin, please don’t do anything.’ Hermione sighs.
‘What now?’ Ginny asks.
‘I broke up with him this morning.’
‘How long….’ Ginny trails off.
‘Two weeks.’ Hermione sighs.
‘No!’ Ginny says.
‘Are you okay?’ she asks.
Hermione shrugs.
‘It hurt, seeing him with another girl in bed.’ Hermione says.
Ginny nods.
‘And I don’t want to see or talk to him for a little while.’ Hermione says.
‘But, you know, perhaps it’s for the better.’ Hermione says.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Perhaps we’re better off as friends? Perhaps we weren’t meant to be to last.’ Hermione sighs.
‘He’s such an arsehole! How can he do this to you!’ Ginny exclaims.
‘Not so loud!’ Hermione says looking around.
‘I’m sorry, but he’s not going to get away this easily.’ Ginny mutters.
Hermione gives her a small smile.
‘Thank you Gin.’
‘For what?’
‘Being such a great best friend.’ Hermione says.
Ginny smiles and pulls her into a hug.
‘You’ll be fine Hermione.’ Ginny says.
‘I hope you’re right.’
‘Of course I am, I’m always right.’ Ginny winks.
Hermione laughs.
‘You wish.’

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