Chapter 23

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Previously on Chapter 22

I feel a pair of arms snaking around my waist from the back. I turn my head slightly to see Gaara. He's looking at his daughter with so much fondness in his eyes. A soft smile spread across his face. I smile and leans my head on his chest.

-I'm Not Free-


I wake up in the morning. I smile softly as I feel a pair of arms around my waist, already knowing it's Gaara... my beloved Husband. I turn in his arms so I'll be able to see his face.

He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. Ever since he got Shukaku taken from him, he can sleep well. He didn't have to worry that the one-tailed beast will get loose.

As much as I want to let him sleep, I can't... he have work to do. So I lift my hand and place it on his head gently. When I get no reaction, I start caressing his cheek.

I can feel his lips forming into a smile as it's pressed on my neck. "You do realize if you caress my hair and cheek will only make me feel sleepy even more, right?" He said, in a playful tone. I let out a giggle at his response.

"Right... I forgot... wake up..." I said, patting his cheek instead. He tightens his arms around me and bury his face further into the crook of my neck. "Y/N. Stop... I'm trying to sleep. Let me sleep..." he said, whining softly. I let out a giggle. "I know, honey... but you need to go to work..." I said, cooing softly. He huffed and pulls away from me.

He looks at me with his doe eyes. "What?" I asked. "Where's my morning kisses?" He said, pouting. I burst out into a fit of giggles. "Here..." I said, as I place a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Not there!! Here..." he whined, pointing at his lips. I giggle even more. "Alright! Alright... come here, you big baby..." I said. I cup the side of his cheek softly. I lean closer and place a soft peck on his lips.

I was about to pull away, but he tightens his arms and turn our body. He hovers above me, supporting himself with both of his arms. I gently wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

I pat his shoulder gently, because I need to breathe. He chuckles and pulls away from me. "What?" He said, acting clueless. "I can't breathe..." I said. This makes him laugh even more. He place a soft kiss on my forehead. I smile softly at him.

"Great... now you're awake. Now get up..." I said. He slumps his body weight on me. I groan at the sudden heavy weight. "Gaara!" I said. I get no response from him, instead he faked a snoring sound.

I shake my head at his behavior. "Gaara... come on. You're going to be late" I said. Still no response. He continues to lay on top of me, with his face on the crook of my neck.

I let out a huffed. "Gaara... if you don't wake up now. No kisses for a month!" I said, in a warning tone. He instantly gets up and rushes to the bathroom. I blink at his quick movements.

I shake my head as I giggle softly. I stand up and was about to tidy the bed. The bathroom door opens up. I turn my head to see Gaara peaking out.

"Uhh... honey?" He said. "Yeah?" I said. "Um.. I forgot I didn't bring any clothes..." he said, smiling at sheepishly at me. I let out a giggle and grab some clothes with him.

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