Chapter 41

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Previously on Chapter 40

I snuggle closer to his chest, tightening my arms around his torso. He tightens his arms around me in return. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep in the arms of the man I love once again.

-Why Are You Ignoring Me?-


I wake up to the sunlight seeping through the gap of the curtain. I open my eyes and try to move. But I feel a pair of arms around my waist. I smile softly, knowing it's Gaara. I remember clearly that I have just returned to Sunagakure.

I turn around to face him. He still looks pale, but he looks better. I lift my hand and place it on his cheek. I caress his cheek softly. He starts to move a little. I let out a giggle as he pulls me closer to his arms. He buries his face into the crook of my neck.

"Morning, Y/N..." he said. "Good morning, Gaara" I said, gently running my hand through his hair. He let out a soft hum of appreciation. He tightens his arms around me.

"I still can't believe you're here. I don't ever want to lose you again" he said. I smile sadly at what he just said. "I'm not going anywhere, Gaara... I'll always be here for you" I said. He pulls away slightly and look at me.

"Promise?" He said. I nod my head and place a peck on his nose gently. He blinks his eyes, making me let out a giggle. "I promise, Gaara..." I said. He smiles at me happily, I can see his eyes literally sparkling. He gently pulls me close to him, placing a soft kiss on my lips. I smile into the kiss. He turns me to lay on my back and hover above me.

I run my hand through his hair, then wrap my arms around his neck. He slips his hand inside my shirt. I shivered at the sudden coldness from his hands. He lets out a chuckle and moves down to my neck.

A sound of crying makes me snap out of my bliss. I gently pat Gaara's shoulder. He pulls away and looks at me in confusion.

"What?" He said, in confusion. "Please move..." I said. He furrows his eyebrow, but he moves anyway. I stand up and rush out of the door. I quickly follow the sound, that leads me to Temari's room.

I knock on the door. Temari opens the door to reveal herself, carrying my son. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I tried my best to calm him down" she said. "It's alright... how is D/N?" I said. "She's asleep..." she said, gesturing towards D/N who is still sleeping on her bed. I nod my head, glad that she's still asleep.

I turn to look at Temari and pick my son up in my arms. I gently rock him in my arms, trying my best to calm him down. "It's okay, honey... mama's here" I said, cooing softly. His cry slowly stops as I gently pat his back.

"Y/N?" Someone calls out. I turn my head. Gaara is standing there, leaning against the wall. I walk up to him. "What are you doing up? You're still sick! You should still be laying down" I said. He didn't say a thing. He keeps his eyes on S/N in Temari's arms. He's looking back at Gaara with his big doe eyes.

"W-Who is t-this?" He said. "Oh... this is S/N. He's your son" I said, smiling at him. "My... m-my son?" He said, looking at me in shock. I nod my head. "I found out I was about 2 weeks pregnant when I was in Konoha..." I said. His eyes glisten with tears. He stares at me with tears slowly falling from his eyes.

He wraps his arms around me tightly. "I'm sorry, Y/N... I'm so sorry. I abandoned you when you needed me the most. You had to deliver our son alone and I wasn't there to support you. I'm such a bad person" he said, crying into my shoulder. I place my hands on his back, gently caressing his back softly. He just tightens his arms around me, sobbing softly. I close my eyes as I wait for him to calm down.

After a while, he finally calms down. He pulls away from the hug and cups my cheeks softly. "I love you so much, Y/N..." he said. "I love you too, Gaara..." I said. He leans in and place a soft kiss on my lips. I close my eyes and kisses him back.

Someone clears their throat, making us pulls away. I turn my head to see Temari, who's covering S/N's eyes. "Seriously? There's a baby here!" She said. I let out a giggle. Gaara just pulls me closer to him. I feel him burying his face into the crook of my neck.

"Are you okay?" I said. "A little dizzy..." he said. I turn in his arms. "Let's get you back to bed, hm?" I said. He nods his head in agreement. I let him wrap his arms around my shoulder. I slowly lead him back to our shared bedroom.

Temari enters the room, as I lay Gaara down. I walk towards her and pick S/N from her arms. I walk next to Gaara and take a seat on the edge of the bed. S/N sits on my lap. Gaara lift his hand and gently hold S/N hand.

"He looks just like you, Gaara..." I said, smiling as Gaara plays with our son's hand. S/N just stare at him, as if trying to figure out who he is. "He have your nose and lips..." he said. I smile and nod my head. "The perfect resemblance of us..." I said. He nods his head in agreement.

"Huh?" S/N gurgles. I look down at him and let out a chuckle. "This is your dad, honey" I said, caressing his hair. He tilts his head to look at me. "Dada?" He said. I let out a gasp at what he said.

"He just said his first word!" I said, happily. Gaara's eyes glisten with tears. "He never meet me but the first word he said is me..." he said. "Both of you have developed instant bond..." I said, smiling at him. I let our son lay between us. Gaara turns to lay on his side as he stares at his son.

S/N turns his body to lay on his stomach. Gaara lets out a chuckle as he caress S/N head. He leans close to him and place a soft peck on his forehead. He lets out a giggle, making me coo at his cuteness.

"Mama! Papa!" Someone said, entering the room. I turn my head to see D/N. "D/N! Hey!" I said. She rushes towards me and jumps into my arms. "Be careful, honey. Your brother is here" I said. "I'm sorry mama..." she said. I smile and ruffle her hair. She grins and me and move to lay between us, next to her brother.

"Hello, baby brother..." she said, kissing S/N on his cheeks. He lets out a squeal and starts laughing while clapping his hands. I giggle and move to lay down.

Gaara reaches over, above your children head and grab my hand. I turn to look at him. He pulls my hand close to his lips and place a soft kiss on the back of my hand.

"Thank you so much for coming back into my life..." he said. "And I'll never leave you again..." I said. He smiles at me. I smile softly at him. But a frown start to form as I think of something.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" He said, worriedly. "Why are you ignoring me?" I said, looking at him in sadness. He stares at me, for a few seconds. He lets out a sigh.

"Temari! Kankuro!" He calls out. I hit his shoulder because he's being too loud. He turns to me and smile apologetically. Thankfully, our children didn't wake up.

Temari comes running into the room. "What?" She said. Kankuro follows not long after. "Can you take D/N and S/N out? I need to talk to Y/N" He said, gesturing to our sleeping children.

"Of course" she said, nodding his head. She picks S/N up while Kankuro picks D/N. "Thank you" I said. They smile at us. They turn around and walks out of our room.

Gaara turns to look at me after they left. He pat the spot next to me, signaling me to come closer. I move closer to him. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close. I place my head on his chest. He runs his hand through my hair.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I said again because he's not saying anything. I feel his arms tightening around me. Then I hear him let out a silent.


*to be continued*

A/N: Gaara is about to tell Y/N his reason!! Curious, are you? Then stay tune for more. Thanks for reading! Love ya~ 

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