Chapter 46

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A/N: hello!! Sorry for keeping this book on hold for so long. But I'm back now! I will try my best to finish this book! Love ya! Now let's enjoy the book!

Previously on Chapter 45

"Well done, Y/N... you did it" he said. I turn to look at him and smile softly. I'm so glad... I manage to save Itachi's life. Hopefully, Sasuke and Itachi will be able to make amends after this. After all, they're all each other have. I just sit in Gaara's arms, watching the reunion of the two siblings.

-New Home-


We're making our way back to Sunagakure. Gaara have me in his arms, because he refuses to let me walk on my own after I used up a lot of my chakra. I just lean my head against his chest as he walks slowly. He make sure to hold me firmly so he won't accidentally drop me.

I turn to look over his shoulder, watching with a smile on my face as Sasuke interact with his brother. Those two guys finally reunites after being separated in such a cruel way. Sasuke is smiling a lot with his brother as they seem to be talking about their time as kids.

I'm happy to see how happy Sasuke looks, now that he finally learnt the truth behind the Uchiha massacre. I hope he won't hold grudges against Konoha after learning the truth though, or he's going to go down the path of revenge and hatred again. I hope he'd let go of the past, so he can continue on living with his brother. The only family he had left of the Uchiha.

"We'll make sure he won't" Gaara said. I turn my head to look at him. He turns to me and smiles. "You're worried that he might turn his anger to Konoha, right?" He said. I blink my eyes in surprise. I didn't expect Gaara to figure out what's bothering me. I guess he knows me really well.

"Yeah... we will" I said, smiling softly at him. He returns the smile. He leans down and place a soft kiss on the side of my head. The smile on my face widen at the affection gesture he gave me. I lean my head on his shoulder as he continues walking with me in his arms.


After spending days camping here and there. We have finally reached Sunagakure. We head towards the Gaara's outfit, along with Itachi and Sasuke because we need to discuss what to do with those two.

Gaara gently places me down on a couch. He leans down and places a soft kiss on my forehead. I give him a smile. I turn my head and notice Sasuke staring at us with a sad expression. But he looks away as soon as he realize I've caught his gaze.

Gaara makes his way towards his working desk and take a seat on the chair. "Now then, let's discuss what we should do about the two of you. I'm sure you're both aware that you're both are rogue ninja from Konoha. Both Suna and Konoha have formed an ally. So, we have to be careful about the choice we'd be making here or we'd ended up getting into trouble with the leaf village..." he said. He gave his hands on the desk as he stares at the two guys standing in front of him.

I nod my head in agreement. What he said is true. If we take in these two, we might ended up crossing fire with Konoha because they're their rogue ninja, and taking in rogue ninja is very risky.

"We also have to make sure that you both... won't go rogue on us if we do take you in. Also, Sasuke... we've also got to make sure that you won't go to Konoha and cause trouble for them" he said. He focuses his attention on Sasuke, who's staring back at him with his usual stoic face. I move to stand up and walk up to Gaara, standing next to him.

"Will you promise us that you won't take revenge to the leaf village?" I asked. Sasuke turns his gaze from Gaara to me. He just stares at me for a while, without saying a thing. I can see something flashing in his eyes. But they were gone as soon as they appear.

"I make no such promises..." he said, closing his eyes. Itachi turns to look at his brother. He smacks the back of Sasuke's head, making him wince at his brother's act. He turn to him with a frown, but Itachi just give him a stern expression.

"These two have been kind enough to consider on letting us stay in Suna as its own villagers. Show some respect" he said. Sasuke just huffed at his brother's comment. He turn to look at us and bow apologetically. But he doesn't seem sincere about it. Itachi clicked his tongue, annoyed at his brother's behavior.

"I apologize in my brother's place... please forgive his indecent behavior" he said. I just give him a soft smile, while Gaara nods his head. Itachi turns to look at Sasuke who's still looking aside, ignoring the three of us. I shake my head at his ignorance. Hopefully, that'll change soon or he will really cause some trouble.

Gaara let out a sigh and turn to look at Itachi. "First thing first, we're going to have to inform Konoha about you two being in Sunagakure" he said. Itachi nods his head at what he said.

"Yeah, naturally... whatever they decided later on. We'll accept it" he said. Gaara nods his head in satisfaction at his respond, while Sasuke keeps being silent. He keeps his gaze away from all of us.

Gaara calls out for Ayame. The woman enters the room and bows at Gaara. "I want you to find a place so these two boys can rest. In the meantime, I'm going to send a letter to Konohagakure regarding their stay here..." he said. Ayame nods her head and bows again. Gaara turn to Sasuke and Itachi, gesturing them to follow Ayame. They both leave the room following the girl.

I turn to look at Gaara as he did the same. He gently grab my wrist and pulls me, making me land on his lap. I feel my cheeks burning at his sudden gesture. I try to stand up but he tighten his arms around me.

"Gaara... this is a workplace. Not our home" I said. He just nuzzle his head on my neck. His arms still wrapped firmly around me. I let out a sigh, knowing he won't let me go no matter what I said. A soft smile appear on my lips. I lift my hand and gently place it on his head. I start to caress his red locks, making him hum in appreciation.

"I love you, Y/N..." he said. I place a soft kiss on the side of his head and wrap my arms around him. "Do you love me?" He asked, smiling at me. I let out a soft giggle at his question and nudge my nose against his.

"Of course... I love you too, Gaara" I said. He smiles and gently cups the side of my cheek. He leans up and places a soft kiss on my lips. I smile into the kiss and kisses him back.

*to be continued*

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