Chapter 18

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Previously on Chapter 17

"It wasn't a request..." he said, his voice turning dark. Someone appears behind me and hits me on the neck. My vision instantly blurs out. Someone  takes D/N away from me as I fall to the ground. That's the last thing I remember, then everything turns black.

What am I gonna do? Gaara... where are you? Come and save me... save us



I open my eyes and realize I'm back in the room I first woke up on. What am I going to do?! How can I escape this place.

D/N... where is she?! I jump on my feet and look around. But I can't find her anywhere. I clutch my hair in worry. Where did they take her? What are they going to do to her?!

I make my way to the door and place my hand on the knob. I twist it, but of course... the door is locked. I let out a sigh and turn around, I walk towards the wall and slid down.

I hug my knees close to my chest, then I place my head on my knees. Gaara... where are you? Are you coming to save me? Save us?

Why am I even questioning that?! Of course Gaara will come to save us. He's probably on his way right now. God... I feel so stupid for doubting him. I just wish he would hurry. I really don't wanna be here any longer.

The door to this room opens, to reveal Itachi. I just look away from him. He enters the room and closes the door behind him. "What do you want?" I said. I refuse to look at any of them.

"I brought you something to eat..." he said. I scoff at what he said. "And what makes you think I want to eat anything from you? Or any of you?" I asks. "Well, I'm pretty sure you're hungry..." he said. "I'm not..." I said. As if on cue, as soon as I said that... my stomach starts grumbling. "You're a bad liar..." he said. I can almost feel the smirk, without even looking at him.

He place the tray on the table in this room. "I'll leave it here... it's up to you whether you want to eat it or not..." he said. Then he walks out of the room. I walk towards the table and stare at the food.

Saphira? Do you think it's poisoned? I asks Saphira. Just eat it, Y/N... they wants to recruit you... so there's no way they would want to kill you. Besides... if it's really poisoned... you know I can take it way... she responds. Well... I'll just eat it then. If I want to get away from here... I have to be fit.

I scoop up a spoonful and place it inside my mouth. It's quite delicious. Then I just continue to eat the meal.

Once I'm done eating, I make my way to the bed and take a seat. I lean my back against the headboard. I feel kinda bored. I glance at the bedside table to see a book. Well... at least they gave me something to keep me entertained. I pick the book up and start to read.

All of the sudden, my head starts hurting really bad. The book falls out of my hands as I clutch my head tightly. Saphira... what's happening to me? I asks her. I'm so sorry, Y/N... there's something in the food... I shouldn't have told you to eat... don't worry... I'll neutralize it... just sleep for now... she said. Okay... I reply. Then I move so I'm laying down on the bed. I close my eyes slowly drift off to sleep.


Gaara P.O.V

'There... that must be the hideout... I'm coming baby. I'm coming... just hang in there. I'll come and safe you...' I thought to myself. Then I start to speed up, running faster.

"Gaara! Slow down! We don't know if there's a trap!" I heard Naruto screams behind me. "I don't care! I have to save her! Who knows what they would have done to her!" I scream back. I'll save her... I WILL. Even if it'll cause my life. She means the world to me... and we have our little daughter.

Then someone appear in front of me. "Not so fast..." the person said. I know he's one of them. Seeing how he's wearing the black cloak with red cloud. I glare at him. "Move away! Stay out of my business!! I'm here to take my wife and baby back!" I scream again. He smirks at me. "And what makes you think... I'll let you do that? She's one of us now... he won't return to you... so just forget it..." he said. I clench my hands into a tight fists. "Liar! She would never betray me!" I scream, feeling the anger boiling up inside me.

He let out a laugh. "Well then... why don't you ask her yourself?" He said, moving aside. There stood my beloved wife. Her head is down. "Y/N! Baby... come back to me... let's go home..." I said. But she didn't respond and keep looking down.

"Y/N... baby?" I call out again. All of the sudden she starts laughing. I stare at her in confusion. "Home, you said? Oh please... are you kidding right now? This IS my home..." she said, finally looking up at me. My eyes widen in shock.

"Y/N... what are you talking about? This isn't your home! Your home is back at Sunagakure... with me!" I said. She just stare at me emotionless. "Y/N! Cut the act... come back with me! Where is D/N?" I asks again. Something is wrong with her. What did they do to her?

"Y/N... what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" I said. She just chuckles "like what? I stare at you normally" I said. "No it's not! You stare at me, as if... you don't know me..." I said. What she said next brought tears in my eyes.

That's because I don't know you...

*to be continued*

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