Chapter 38

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Previously on Chapter 37

"Goodnight, Y/N. I love you... always" he said. "Just leave" I said, looking away from him. I can hear him heaving out another sigh... then silence. I turn to the window to see it empty, letting me know that he had finally leave. Good riddance.

-Unexpected Visitor-


I'm sitting in the dining room. I have a cup of tea in front of me. I'm currently reading a book. I'd take a sip of the tea every once in a while.

"Mama!" Someone said. I turn my head to see my 3 years old daughter running to me. "Hey, honey" I said. I close the book and turn to face her. She lifts both of her arms, wanting to sit on my lap. I smile as I reach down to pick her up.

"I want tea too!" She said. She reached for the cup, but I pull it out of her reach before she could take it. "Not now, sweetie. It's too hot for you..." I said. She turns to me with a pout. I let out a giggle and give the tea a light blow. I take a sip to make sure it's not too hot for D/N.

"Okay... you can drink it now..." I said, handing the cup to her. She grabs it with both of her hands and starts drinking. I let out a giggle as she didn't stop drinking.

She ended up drinking the whole thing. "That was mama's tea... why did you finish it?" I said, faking a pout. "I'm thirsty, mama..." she said, pouting at me. Her reaction makes me giggle. I nudge my nose with hers.

"No worries. I'm just messing with you..." I said. She just smile at me. I run my hand through her hair. She snuggles closer into my embrace. "Did you have fun with uncle Naruto?" I said. She nods her head happily. I smile and place a soft kiss on her head.

"Mama..." she said. "Hm?" I hummed, letting her know that I'm listening. She turns to look at me with her teary eyed. I frown as I wipe the tears that falls from her eyes.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" I said. "I miss papa... when can we go home?" she said, in a low voice. I bit my lips, trying to stop myself from crying. "Soon..." I said, caressing her head. I hope...

She place her head against my chest. I can hear a soft snore coming from her. I tilt my head slightly so I can look at her face. I smile sadly as I stare at her sleeping face. She misses Gaara... she misses her dad, and I miss my husband.

I let out a sigh and gently pick her up in my arms. I walk towards her room and gently place her on the bed. I pull the blanket up to her chest.

"I miss papa too, honey... but I don't know if he still wants me" I said, in a hushed voice. I bit my lips as a tear escapes my eyes. I wipe it away and leans down to place a soft kiss on my daughter's forehead. I stand straight and make my way to my room.

I enter my room and leans my back against the door. I slowly slide down and sits on the floor. It's been 3 years since I left Sunagakure... since I left Gaara. I miss him... so much.

Heavy tears starts to stream down my cheeks. I pull my knees closer to my chest as I cry. I bury my face into my arms, trying not to let out any sound. I don't want to wake my kids up.


I'm carrying my 1 year old son, and holding my 3 years old daughter's hand. I've been called to meet Lady Tsunade at the Hokage's office. I don't know what she needs from me though. Guess we'll have to wait and find out.

I turn to look at my daughter. She nods her head and lift her hand, lightly knocking on the door. I can hear a soft come in. I let my daughter's hand go and I own the door. We make our way inside.

"Temari?" I said, as soon as I notices her. She turns to look at me. "Y/N!" She said. She rushes towards me. She pulls me into a hug.

"Oh it's so good to see you again. And who's this?" She said, after pulling away. I notice she's looking at S/N. My son stares at her with his doe eyes. He look confused. I can't blame him for being confused, as he never meet his aunt.

"This is S/N... your nephew..." I said. "N-Nephew??" She said, looking at me in shock. I nod my head and smiles at her. "Yeah. Apparently... when I left, I was about 2 weeks pregnant" I said. She looks at my son and at me.

"It must be hard for you, huh?" She said. I just give her a weak smile. She gently embrace me. I place a hand on her back, because the other one is holding my son.

"What brings you here, Temari?" I said. "I have to give these to you..." she said. She hands me a bunch of letters. "What are these?" I asked. "Just read it... you'll know..." she said. I just nod my head. "Okay... I'll read it later. Lets go to my house?" I said. She nods her head in agreement.

"Can I carry him though?" She said, gesturing my son. I smile at her and nod my head. "Of course..." I said. She beams and gently take my son from my arms.

"Hello~ I'm your aunt... you're such a cute little boy" she cooed. I let out a soft giggle. I feel a tug on my shirt. I look down to see my daughter.

"What is it, honey?" I asked. "Since aunt Temari is carrying brother. Can you carry me?" She said, with her arms up. "Well, of course..." I said. I reach down and pick her up in my arms. She wraps her arms around my neck.

"Thank you, Lady Tsunade. I'll be on my way now..." I said, turning to look at Lady Tsunade. She smiles at me and nods her head. I turn to look at Temari. She nods her head. Then we make our way to my house. The only thing on my mind along the way are those letters. What are they?

*to be continued*

A/N: what do you think the letters are? And who are they from?? Curious? Stay tune for more! See you next time! Love ya~

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