Chapter 15

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Previously on Chapter 14

D/N starts to move so I turn my head to look at her. "Hey sweetie... you're awake~" I said, cooing at her. She lets out a giggle. "little cutie..." I said, nudging my nose against her's. She lets out more giggles. "Someone's being giggly this morning..." I said, laughing softly.

Life as a mother isn't an easy job... but I will try my hardest to raise D/N

-You're Coming With Us-


I'm carrying my baby through the village. I make sure to cover her head from the sand around us. I greet people once in a while as I passed by.

I look down and smile at my daughter. She smiles back at me. She's turning 5 months tomorrow. She have Gaara's hair and eyes. Then she have my lips and nose. The perfect resemblance of us.

Then one of the villagers approach us. "Hello... Y/N-Sama..." she said. I smile at her "hello..." I said. "Can I see your baby?" She said. "Of course..." I said as I move D/N's blanket slowly. She cooed when she saw her.

"She looks just like you, Y/N-Sama... she's beautiful" she said. I smile "why... thank you..." I said, smiling at her. "I'm sure she will grow as a fine Kunoichi... wise and strong... just like her parents..." she said. "Yeah... I'm sure she will..." I said. Then she bows at me and leaves.

I smile and keeps walking. I stop when I feel a strong presence. "Who's there?" I said. 4 people approach me. They're wearing a cloak. Their hoodie covering their faces.

"You're coming with us..." one of them said. I know that voice. I glare at him. "No way... I would never go anywhere with any of you..." I spat. "Hm... suit yourself... seems like we need to take you by force... we've being nice enough to wait until you give birth..." the other said. Then he looks up at me. I can see Sharingan. My eyes widen then I start to feel sleepy. The last thing I remember is one of them taking a crying D/N away from my arms and everything turns black.

Gaara P.O.V

I jump when someone burst into the room. "Can you knock before-" he cuts me off. He place a hand on his chest and bow. "I'm sorry, Gaara-Sama... but this is urgent... it's your wife and daughter..." he said. I frown "what happened?" I asks. "They're taken by a group of 4 people... our man tries to stop them... but they are too strong... we're not sure who they are, but one of them have the sharingan... I think he's an Uchiha..." he said. My eyes widened. Uchiha? That means... Sasuke.

I clench my hands into a tight fists. "Gather up your man... we are going after them... no one can take my family and get away with it easily..." I growl out. He bows and exits the room. "Call Temari and Kankuro" I instruct Matsuri to take care of my job. "Yes, sir!" She said and leaves the room.

She comes back with Temari and Kankuro behind her. "What happened?" Kankuro asks. "someone took Y/N... and I think it's Sasuke... we all know he loves Y/N..." I said. "Are you sure? Don't accuse someone..." Temari said, looking worried. "Who else have the Sharingan? We have no time to argue... we have to look for them! Who knows what will happen to my wife and daughter... come on... Matsuri... take care of my work while I'm gone... Kankuro, come with me. Temari... go to Konoha... asks for some help from them..." I said. I clench my hands as I feel anger flowing in me.

I'm coming Y/N... I'm coming...


Naruto P.O.V

Granny Tsunade calls for me and a few others. When I reach to her office. I can see Sai, Sakura, Lee, Kiba Hinata and Neji. Then I turn around to see Temari.

Her face looks scared and worried. I can feel worry rising up in my chest. I look around in confusion. "What... What's going on? What are you doing here? Did something happens in Sunagakure?" I asks.

"Y/N... and their daughter, D/N... they're taken by a group... we're guessing it's Sasuke..." Tsunade said. My eyes widened as anger flows inside me. Teme... how dare he?!

"Well then... what are we waiting for? We have to safe them!" I said. Granny Tsunade sends us off after letting us know the plan and choose Shikamaru as the leader of this rescue team.

Then we leave the room. I run to my apartment and grab everything I might need for this mission. Then I run towards the gate, where we'll be meeting up. Then we went off for the mission. Neji and Hinata will be the ones that'll show us where to go. They are also in charge to give us a heads up for any sign of traps and ambush.

It didn't take long for us to catch up with Kankuro and Gaara. "How did this happen? Why can't you protect her better?!" I scream, holding Gaara by his collar.

"Naruto! It's not his fault! He's the Kazekage... there are lots of things that he needs to take care of..." Lee said. "You think I want this to happen?? Y/N is my wife, Naruto... and we have a daughter. I want to protect them... I have no control over this... I would have prevent this if I know this whole thing is going to happen... I would... I w-would've protect her..." he said. I was shock when he starts crying.

Sakura hits me in the head. "Now look what you've done! Gaara... it's okay... we'll save her..." she said. Then she turns to me with a stern look. I flinch and turn to look at Gaara. "I'm sorry... I just panicked... Y/N-Chan is my best friend... so to know that she's been taken... I can't control my anger..." I said. Then bow at him. He looks at me, then wipe his cheeks. "That didn't matter now... we need to save my wife and daughter..." he said. I nod my head "yeah... we will stop at nothing. Until we get them back... don't worry Gaara... we got your back... I vow to save her even if it's cause my life" Lee said, looking determine with a thumbs up on his chest. Gaara smiles at us. "Thank you... I appreciate that... thank you so much for coming..." he said, bowing at us.


*to be continued*

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