Chapter 20

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Previously on Chapter 19

"Oh, Y/N... I thought I'm going to lose you forever..." he said. I smile softly and wipe away his tears. "you won't... I promised that I'll always be with you, didn't I?" I said. He nods his head, smiling happily at me. My vision blurred out, and my arm fall to my side as everything turns black.

-Double Guard-


After I gained my consciousness, we fought them to get D/N back. It took so much on us, but in the end we manage to get her back.

I cradle her in my arms as we make our way back to Sunagakure. Naruto walking on my left, while Gaara on my right. He have his arm around my shoulder. I lean my head on his.

"I'm so glad I got you back... I thought they're going to take you away from me forever..." he said, placing a soft kiss on the side of my head. I turn to him and smile "I'm sorry for attacking you, Gaara... I don't know what's come over me..." I said. "It's okay, baby. Don't apologize... it's not your fault. It's them... they  brainwashed you..." he said. "I still can't believe that they're capable of doing such things..." I mutter. He hums "that shows that we need to do a better job at protecting you..." he said. "I don't think that would be necessary..." I said. "Yes it does! I'm not risking you getting abducted again, baby... you need more protection... both of you..." he argue back. I let out a soft sigh, knowing I can't argue him on this.

When Gaara have his mind set on something. There will be no talking him out of it. Gaara is a stubborn person. But well... I couldn't blame him. Ever since what happened to Gaara that time... where he lost his tailed beast, I would do anything to protect him. I guess that's what he's feeling right now. He just feels the need to protect me and our daughter. Which I'm grateful of... that's just shows me how much he loves us.

"Y/N-Chan... I can carry D/N for a bit if you're tired" I heard Sakura-Chan said. I turn to her and smile "I will be fine, Sakura-Chan..." I said. She hums "if you need help, just tell me, kay?" She said. I just nod my head at her.

"Baby... let her carry our baby... I want you to rest..." Gaara said. I turn to look at him, to see him looking at me with a stern gaze. I sigh and turns to Sakura, letting her carry D/N.

As soon as D/N is in her arms, Gaara scoops me up in his arm. It was so sudden that I let out a squeal. My arms instantly wraps itself around his neck.

He chuckles softly at my reaction and place a soft kiss on my forehead. "Sleep now... I'll carry you for the rest of the way..." he said. "But Sunagakure is still so far..." I said. "It's okay... as long as you're well rested... I don't mind..." he said. I huffed and nod my head. I lean my head against his chest and close my eyes, slowly drift off to sleep.


When I wake up, the first thing I realize is that it's quite late at night. The next thing, is that I'm back in Gaara and I's shared room.

'Hm... what time is it?' I thought to myself. I glance at the clock on the wall to see it 8.00 at night. 'Hm... it's not that late...' I thought to myself. I sit up in my bed and lean my back against the head board.

"Oh you're awake..." I heard someone said. I turn my head to see Gaara standing by the door. He's holding a tray in his hands. I smile softly at him. He smiles at me and walks over to me. "Here baby... I brought some meal for you" he said, placing the tray on my lap. I look down to see my fav food. I grin and looks at him. "Thank you Gaara..." I said. He smile and leans down, placing a soft kiss on my head. "Eat now... then you need to rest some more..." he said. I nod my head and start eating.

"What about D/N?" I asks. "She's already asleep... Temari is looking after her... she already drank her milk..." he said. I hummed in respond and continue to eat.

After I'm done eating, Gaara take the tray and place it on the desk. Then he walks back to me and help me lay down. "Get some sleep... I'll join you later, Kay?" He said. "What? Where are you going?" I asks. "I still have something to do... just get some sleep" he said. I just nod my head in return. He smiles and leans down, placing a soft kiss on my lips. I run my hand through his hair as I kisses him back softly.

He pulls away, only to place another soft kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight, baby... I love you..." he said. "I love you too, Gaara..." I said. I close my eyes. Gaara stays with me, caressing my head softly. Then slowly I drift off to sleep.

Gaara P.O.V

I smile when I see Y/N have fallen asleep. I place another soft kiss on her forehead and stand up. I slowly walk out of our bedroom, trying my best to be as quite as possible to not wake her up.

When I reach the door, I turn to look at her one last time to see her still asleep and close the door. Then I make my way downstairs. I walk to the living room.

Naruto is still here, because he wants to make sure Y/N is alright. I'm thankful that she have such a caring friends like him and the others.

He turns to me when he saw me coming. "How is she? She's okay, right?" He said, looking worried. I nod my head. "Yeah... She's fine... she already ate her dinner... now she's sleeping..." I said, as I take a sit on the couch across from him. He nods his head.

I lean forward, placing my elbows on my knees. He stares at me, waiting for me to start talking. I let out a sigh. "After what happens... it's clear that I haven't  done a better job at protecting my wife..." I said. I stay silent for a bit and then turns to another guy that I know have love Y/N since the very beginning. "So I'm going to need your help...


*to be continued*

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