Chapter 48

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Previously on Chapter 47

I let out a giggle. I wrap my arms around his neck and smiles brightly at him. "I love you too..." I said. He smiles at me and pulls me closer for another kiss. I run my hand through his hair as I kiss him passionately.



Gaara and I are currently in the Kazekage office. Both of the Uchiha brothers are standing in front of us. Gaara just received a respond from Konohagakure regarding the info we gave him about the brothers being here.

I stay silent as Gaata reads the content of the letter. I kind of hope that there will be no trouble. Although, I'm aware that it's naive to think that way. After all, these two are rogue ninja from their village. They wouldn't let them go just like that, at least, not without facing the consequences of their actions.

Gaara hums softly as he place the letter down. He places his elbows on the table as he rest his chin on the back of his hands, while staring at the brothers. Itachi looks a bit nervous, while Sasuke remains emotionless. But that's to be expected from the younger Uchiha. It's rare for him to show that he's affected by something.

"I tried to convince Konoha to let the two of you go. But of course, seeing as you've both been causing a lot of troubles. They want us to send you both back to them so they can decide your fates..." he said. I place my hand on his shoulder, making him turn to look at me. He gently places a hand on top of mine, smiling softly at me. He turns back to the Uchiha's. He smiles apologetically at them. "I'm sorry... I've tried my best. You'll both be guarded during your journey to Konoha. That's the final decision from Konoha..." he said.

Itachi bows at him. "Thank you, Lord Kazekage. I deeply appreciate the kind gesture you've given us. I expected such decision to be made for fugitives like us..." he said. Sasuke just clicked his tongue, making Itachi smack the back of his head. Sasuke let out a grumble while rubbing the back of his head, glaring at Itachi.

Gaara calls out for the people to guard the brothers on their way back to Konoha. Itachi bows at Gaara once again. He nudges Sasuke on the ribs harshly. Sasuke let out a pained cry, wincing in pain and turn to Itachi with an annoyed look. He earns a stern gaze from his older brother. He let out a sigh and bow at Gaara, but it's clear that he's doing his gesture half-heartedly.

I watch as the two of them walks out of Gaara's office. I let out a soft sigh and run my hand through my hair. I'm worried for those two. I hope nothing serious will happen to them.

I turn to look at Gaara to see him already looking at me. He give me a soft smile and gently pat his lap, signaling me to sit there. I shake my head, because this is the office. He let out a huffed and grab me by the waist, pulling me down until I'm seated on his lap. I let out a yelp at his act.

"Gaara!" I scolded. But he just gives me an innocent look, making me roll my eyes at him. He pulls me closer in his arms. I give in and place my forehead on his shoulder. He runs his hand through my hair softly.

"I know you're worried about them. But we've done all we could. We can only hope for the best now..." he said. I just nod my head at what he said. He's right... at least, we have tried everything we can for the brothers. Whatever happen to them is out of our control.

The door opens to reveal Temari. She's holding S/N in one of her arm, while holding D/N's hand. D/N's eyes lit up when he looks at us.

"Mama! Papa!!" She said, letting her aunt's hand go and rushes towards us. I stand up from Gaara's lap and picks her up in my arms. She wraps her arms around my neck, happily.

"Hey... I miss you, honey..." I said, showering her face with kisses. She let out a giggle at my action. Gaara get up from his seat and walks up Temari, picking S/N in his arms. He gently held him in his arms while making faces at our baby, earning giggles from him. I smile at the sight of my husband and son playing together.

"Mama... I'm hungry" D/N said, making me turn to look at her. As if on cue, her stomach let out a grumble as if to proof her point. I let out a giggle and gently poke her. She let out a squeal and hold my finger, trying to stop it from poking her belly.

"Shall we go and eat? Or should we go home and mama will cook for you?" I said. She makes a thinking sound while placing her finger on her chin. I smile softly at her cuteness and kisses her cheek. She let out a giggle and hugs my neck.

"I want mama's cooking" she said. I smile softly and nod my head, while holding her closer. "So... can we go home now?" She asked. I smile softly at her and gently ruffle her hair with one of my hand while the other still holds her up.

"Sure, mama's cooking it is. Let's head home, okay?" I said. She grins and nods her head eagerly. I turn to look at Gaara. "You heard what she said, honey... I'll get going now, okay?" I said. He walks over to me and places a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Be safe on your way home, love..." he said. I smile and nod my head. Temari picks up S/N's hand from Gaara's arms, the baby makes grabby hands at his father. Gaara smiles softly at him and places a soft kiss on his forehead. "Sorry, son... Papa still have works to do. I promise I'll come home as soon as I'm done, okay?" He said, ruffling his hair softly.

S/N starts pouting at him, making the rest of us giggles at his reaction. At least he didn't start crying or it'll be hard for us to convince him. I place a kiss on Gaara's cheek, making him turn to look at me.

"I'll get going now, okay?" I said. He nods his head and gives me a side hug, placing a soft kiss on the side of my head. I wrap my free arm around his torso, giving him a light squeeze. He do the same, returning the affection. I pull away and wave at him. I leave the room with Temari and my kids.

Along the way home, my mind keeps drifting off to the Uchiha brothers. How will their fate be after they reach Konoha. The only thing I can do is hope for the best and that they will be spared. After all, they're the victims.

*to be continued*

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