Chapter 39

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Previously on Chapter 38

"Thank you, Lady Tsunade. I'll be on my way now..." I said, turning to look at Lady Tsunade. She smiles at me and nods her head. I turn to look at Temari. She nods her head. Then we make our way to my house. The only thing on my mind along the way are those letters. What are they?

-Letters and Tears-


We finally reach my house. I let Temari in and make my way inside. I close the door behind me and locks it. I turn to look at Temari who's still carrying my son who have fallen asleep.

"Come... I'll take you to the nursery room, so you can place him on the crib" I said. She nods her head. My daughter place a soft kiss on my cheek. I smile at her and place her to her feet. She makes her way to her room. I turn to look at Temari and gestures her to come with me.

I lead her to the nursery room. She walks towards the crib and lay my son down. I walk up next to her and smile at my son.

"Thank you, Temari..." I said. She smiles and wrap an arm around me. I return her hug. I lean down and place a soft kiss on my son's cheek. I caress his hair softly, looking at her with a fond gaze.

I turn to look at Temari. "Come on... let's go to the living room" I said, in a hush voice. She nods her head. We turn around and walk towards the living room.

"Do you want something to drink?" I said, as we enter the living room. "A cup of warm tea would be nice..." she said. I nod my head and smile at her. I gestures her to take a seat. I turn around and make my way to the kitchen to make us some tea.

Once the tea is done. I head towards the living room. I place her cup in front of her. "Here you go..." I said. "Thanks, Y/N..." she said. I smile at her and sit down next to her.

I take the letters in my hands and stare at it. There's a couple of letters. I bit my lips, contemplating if I should read it or not.

"Just read it, Y/N..." she said. I turn to look at her. I nod my head and take the first letter. I open it and start to read the content. I realize it's not a letter... but more of a note. By the writing, I can tell that it's Gaara's handwriting.

Y/N's condition have been getting worse lately. The curse mark embedded in her is getting stronger. I feel so helpless because I can't help her.

It pains me to see that Y/N have no control over her own body. I can see how much she's scared of her action. I held her everyday in my arms. I want to help her... but I don't know what to do.

This must be when I was under that curse's control. I feel so bad for Gaara. I must have troubled him a lot. I place the letter down and take the second letter. I unfold it and realize it's another note.

I've been trying everything to help Y/N. But none of them seem to work. Y/N is still under the influence of that curse... and she's getting worse everyday. The only thing those medication can do, is slow the curse down. But can't completely lift it. I can see the fear in her eyes, every time she manage to snap out of the control. She's so scared... she's even terrified to even come close to our baby.

Gosh I feel so hopeless because I can't help Y/N. It makes me have this biting doubt. How can I be a good Kazekage if I can't even help the woman I love?

I bit my lips, as I try not to cry. Gaara even starts to doubt himself because of me. I'm so sorry, Gaara. I didn't know you felt that way. I take a deep breath. I wipe a lone tear and place the letter down. I pick the next one.

A cure... finally! Y/N can be free. But it came with a price. In order for Y/N to get the cure. I'll have to let her go. But I know she won't leave. So I had to act rude towards her. By doing so... Y/N will ended up hating me. It's going to be painful, but I'm willing to go through it... for her to be free.

I don't want to do this... but I don't have a choice. I only want to see Y/N free. Free of control over her own body.

I'm so sorry, my love...

So this is why Gaara have been ignoring me? He did it so I can get a cure? So I'll be free. But who did it? Who gave me the cure? Why would that person do such thing??

I shake my head, trying to control the building mix emotions that's slowly growing in me. I place the letter and take the next one. I unfold it and starts to read.

Y/N is crying again... it's been a while since I talked to her or behave nicely towards her. It pains me to see her that way. I want more than anything to just scoop her up in my arms... hold her tight and never let go. 

But I can't do that. The curse may be gone... but that only means the one who gave the cure can control it for their own benefit. I don't want to see Y/N losing herself to that horrible curse again.

By the end of that letter, I'm full of tears. I place the letter on my lap and cover my face as I starts to cry. Temari who's been silent this whole time, scoots closer to me. She wraps her arms around me. I lean mr body against hers as I cry.

Oh Gaara... I'm so sorry. I thought badly about you. All this time I thought that you've fallen out of love. But I didn't know you were suffering just as much as I do.

After a while of crying. I finally start to calm down. I wipe my tears and take the next letter. I unfold it and start to read.

Y/N finally had enough with my action. She decided to return to Konoha. She took our daughter with her.

Watching them walked away... out of my life. it broke my heart to millions pieces. I have to use every fiber... every strength in me to hold myself from running to her... to hold her in my arms tightly and tell her how much I love her.

I know... how unloved she felt these past few months of me ignoring her. I'd do anything if it means I can show Y/N how much I love her, and I will always love her... because she means the world to me.

I love you Y/N... always and forever

"I love you too, Gaara..." I said, tears streams down both of my cheeks. I hold the letter close to my chest, as I start to cry once again. I starts sobbing loudly as I cry harder.

"Mama?" I hear my daughter said. I look up and see her standing by the doorway. She walks towards me and stares at me with a worried face.

"Why are you crying, mama?" She said. I pick her up and place her in my lap. "Mama's okay, honey. I'm just a little tired..." I lied. I know it's bad to lie... but D/N is still a child, she's too young to deal with these problems.

"Don't cry, mama..." she said. She cups my cheeks with her little hands and starts wiping away the tears. I smile softly at her and hugs her close. I bury my face into her hair as I start to cry again. Gaara... I'm so sorry.

*to be continued*

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