Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

He pulls away and leans his forehead against mine. "I love you... I can finally call you my wife..." he said. "And I can finally call you my husband... I love you too, Gaara... so much..." I said. He smiles and pulls me into another kiss as the crowd starts to cheer for us.

-Welcome to the World-


I'm sitting on the bed. My hands on my stomach as I rub it softly. The baby in my womb is growing. Now I am 8 months pregnant, which means I'm due to give birth next month. I'm so nervous and excited at the same time.

I'm nervous because I use to watch my mom helps people giving birth. But I'm excited to finally have my baby in my arms.

Gaara told me not to move too much. There's one time when we're cleaning the house. He uses his sand and make me sit down. I just pout at him as he cleans the house. When I tell him about it, he just said "I just don't want my pregnant wife to exhaust herself and our baby..." he said, smiling at me. That made me blush. I smile at the memory. I still can't believe that I'm married.

"Why are you smiling baby?" I jump at the sudden voice, snapping me out of my daydream. I look up to see Gaara standing at the door, looking at me with a smile on his face. But I can see the slight amuse in his eyes. "You scared me..." I said, pouting slightly. He chuckles and walks closer to me. He sits next to me on the edge of the bed.

"Sorry... didn't mean to scare you..." he said. I just smile at him. "So... what are you thinking about?" He asks again. I gently hold his hand "I'm just thinking about how happy I am... I still can't believe that you are now my husband..." I said. He smiles at me. "Me too... I can't believe that you're my wife... I love you, Y/N... so much..." he said, leaning in to kiss my lips. I close my eyes and kiss him back. "I love you too..." I said, in between the kisses.

We pull away because we need to breathe. He smiles at me and place his hand on my tummy. "How's our baby?" He said. Right as he said that. The baby in my womb starts kicking. My eyes widened and I place my hand on top of the place where he just kicked. "Hey look... the baby to your voice..." I said. Gaara smiles as he place his hand to feel the kicks.

When the kicking stops, he leans down and place a soft kiss on my tummy. "Daddy love you..." he said. Then he goes around to lay next to me. I lay down as well and place my head on his chest.

"How's work?" I asks. "It was okay... but all I have in mind is this..." he said. "This what?" I asks, pulling away so I can look up at him. "This... being home... so I can have you in my arms... this instantly relieve all the stress from work..." he said. "Awee~" I said, cooing slightly.

"You mean so much to me, Y/N... I can't imagine a single day not having you close to me... so promise me... you will never leave me..." he said. "I promise, baby..." I said, pecking his nose softly. He blinks in surprise and grins at me. He place a soft kiss on my forehead. Then cuddles me closer. "I love you, Y/N... Gosh I love you so much..." he said, hugging me a bit tighter.

I just giggle and snuggle closer to his chest. Then I can hear a soft snore coming from him. I look up to see him sleeping peacefully. His arms didn't lose the grip. I close my eyes, placing my head back on his chest. Slowly drift off to sleep.


9 months... I'm due to give birth any day now. Gaara told Temari to accompany me at any cause. He can't always be around me because he still needs to be in the office as the Kazekage. But he promises me to be there when I'll be giving birth.

Temari is cooking some meal of us. I just sit at the dining table. Temari turns to me, while still stirring. She have a big smile on her face. "I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt any day now..." she said. I smile back at her. "And I'm going to be a mom..." I said, looking down at my stomach.

"I need to go to the bathroom..." I said. "Do you need my help?" Temari asks. I shake my head "no... I can manage... don't worry..." I said. She nods her head "be careful, sis..." she said. "I will... don't worry..." I said. Then I stand up and make my way towards the bathroom.

I wash my face with some water. I stand straight and look at myself in the mirror. Then I feel something running down my thigh. I look down to see a white substance. Then I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Temari!!" I scream. She runs towards me, looking alerted. "What? What's wrong?" She said. "I think my water broke... the baby is coming..." I said. Her eyes widened "then let's get you to the hospital..." she said. Right then, Kankuro came in.

"Kankuro, help Y/N... take her to the hospital. I have to tell Gaara that his wife is giving birth!" She said. He nods his head and runs towards me. Temari run out of the house.

Kankuro picks me up, bridal style and starts to run towards the hospital. "Hang in there, sis... I've got you..." he said. I just nod my head. The door pain is too much for me to handle.

Time skip

I'm trying my best to push the baby out. Gaara is next to me, letting me clutch onto his hand. "Push baby... push... you've got this..." he whispers. I give one final push and the once quite room is filled with the cries of a newborn baby.

I lay my head on the pillow and breathe heavily. I never knew giving birth would be this tiring. Gaara stands up and place a soft kiss on my forehead. "You did it, baby... our child is born..." he said. The nurse walks towards us with my baby in her arms.

"Congratulation, lady Y/N... you and lord Kazekage's child is a girl... she's in a perfect condition and very healthy..." she said. "Can I hold her?" I asks. "Yes... of course..." she said, handing my baby to me. I hold her gently in my arms.

"Hi~ sweetie... I'm your mommy..." I said. "And I'm your daddy..." Gaara said, looking down at her. The baby smiles at us. Then she yawns and close her eyes as she falls asleep. I look up at Gaara "what should we name her?" I asks. "Hmm.... how about... D/N?" He said. "That's beautiful, Gaara..." I said, smiling happily at him. Then I look down at the sleeping baby in my arms. "D/N...

Welcome to the World, sweetie...

*to be continued*

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