Chapter 21

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Previously on Chapter 20

I lean forward, placing my elbows on my knees. He stares at me, waiting for me to start talking. I let out a sigh. "After what happens... it's clear that I haven't  done a better job at protecting my wife..." I said. I stay silent for a bit and then turns to another guy that I know have love Y/N since the very beginning. "So I'm going to need your help...


-I Don't Need Your Protection-


My eyes flutter open. The first thing I realize is I'm back at my house. Me and Gaara's house. They must have succeed in rescuing me.

I groan as my head starts to hurt a little. The door to our shared room opens. I turn my head to see Gaara. He smiles when he sees that I'm awake. "Hey, Y/N... I see you're up..." he said. I smile at him. He walks to me and take a seat at the edge of the table.

He place his hand on the back of my neck and pulls me closer. "I'm so glad you're okay, Love..." he said, wrapping his arms around me. "You really scared me. I thought I'm going to lose you forever..." he said. I can hear the sadness in his voice.

He stands up and offers his hand. "Come on... let's get you something to eat..." he said. I place my hand on top of his. I try to take a step forward, but stumble as my head starts to ache. Luckily, Gaara caught me before I fell over.

"Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm a little dizzy..." I said. He frowns and place his hand on my forehead. His eyes widened "Y/N... you're burning up!" He said. I just smile weakly at him. He scoops me up in his arms and gently tuck me back in the bed. "I'll ask Temari to make you some soup..." he said. I just nod my head. He leans down and place a soft kiss on my forehead. Then he walks out of the room.

He comes back about half an hour later, holding a tray. He place the tray on the night stand. He helps me sit up. I lean my back on the headboard. He turns to grab the bowl of soup and turn to me. I outstretch my hand to grab, but he pulls it away from me. I look at him in confusion. "Let me feed you, Love..." he said. I smile and nod my head. Then he starts to feed me.


As always... Gaara is at his office. Even when I'm sick. He can't abandon his duty as the Kazegake. Before he go to his office, he told me to stay in bed and not to move much.

Temari is the one in charge in looking after me. She's currently feeding me my lunch. After a few bites, I start to feel sick. I cover my mouth as I try not to throw out the food I ate. That would be a waste. But it got too much. Temari quickly grab a bucket and I start emptying my gut out.

"Are you okay?" She said. I just give her an "👌🏼" sign, since I'm too weak to speak. She helps me to lay down and makes sure that I'm comfortable. I just let out a sigh.

Then a sound of crying can be heard. I struggle to sit up, but Temari holds me down. "I'll take care of her" she said. I just sigh and nod my head. Temari walks out of the room and comes back with D/N in her arms.

"Mommy is sick, right now..." Temari said, swaying her slowly. But she wouldn't stop crying. I try my best to sit up and leans my back against the head board. I outstretch my arms. She hands D/N to me and I hug her in my arms.

"Shh... baby... mommy is here... don't cry..." I cooed softly in her ear. She starts to calm down and leans her head on my shoulder. "She misses you..." Temari said. I just smile and continue to pat her back. She slowly falls back asleep. Temari walks towards me and was about to take D/N, but I push her hand back slightly. I shake my head "she just fell asleep... not yet..." I said. She nods her head.


After a few more weeks, I finally feel better. I walk around the town, since I've been stuck at home for weeks due to my sickness.

"Y/N-Sama!" I heard someone calls out. I stop and turns around, to see a little girl walking towards me. I smile at her and kneels down, careful to not drop D/N.

"Y/N-Sama... I heard that you're sick... are you okay now? Are you feeling better?" She said. I smile and place my hand on top of her head. "Yupp... I'm a lot better now... thanks for asking..." I said. She grins at me and looks down. "So cute!! Your daughter is SO cute!" She exclaim. D/N lets out a giggle, making the little girl cooed at her cuteness.

The girl said bye and turns around to leave. I smile softly as I watch her walks away. 'Such a cute girl...' I thought to myself. I look down at D/N, who yawns and closes her eyes. I smile and kiss her forehead. I continue to walk.

As I walk, I can feel someone following me. I turn my head to see no one. I turn around to keep walking. I still can't shake the feeling of someone following me. Saphira... do you feel that? I asks her telepathically. I sharpen my senses and feel the familiar chakra getting stronger.

I stop walking and turns completely around. "I know you're following me... come out now..." I said. I wait for a while, then someone walks out. "What do you want?" I said, looking into the familiar onyx eyes.

"Your husband asks me to protect you..." he said. I roll my eyes. "I don't need your protection, Sasuke... and what are you doing here?? You're a rogue ninja. You could get caught... just leave..." I said, turning around to leave. But I feel him grab my wrist. I stop walking and turns to him once again. "Can't you see I'm carrying a baby? What if I drop her?!" I scold him. "Sorry..." he said. I roll my eyes at him. "Tch... whatever... just leave me alone..." I said. This time he didn't follow me.

Gaara... why would you asked him to protect me?? You know he have feelings for me... aish.. seriously

*to be continued*

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