Chapter 30

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Previously on Chapter 29

Exhaustion from the stress, and cry starts to eat me out. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep in Gaara's arms. Something I've been missing for a long time. I miss his warmth.

-I Had To-


I wake up in the morning, I expect Gaara to be next to me. But he's not. It's his free day, which is rare considering that he's the Kazekage. But that's not what I should be thinking. Normally, would sleep in during his free-day since he would feel tired. So this makes me wonder where he is now. I let out a sigh and get up from the bed. I make my way to the washroom to take a shower.

Once I'm done, I make my way out of our room. I can see Gaara sitting on the couch. I smile softly at make my way over to him. I sit next to him. He just glance at me without saying anything.

"Good morning, Gaara..." I said. He just nods and turns away. This makes me frown. I thought he's not going to ignore me again after yesterday. But... here he is... ignoring me again.

"Gaara... if I do something wrong. Please just tell me. Don't do this to me..." I pleaded. Tears streams down my cheeks. But instead of answering me, he gets up and walks away.

Gaara P.O.V

I make my way to our shared bedroom. I close the door and leans my back against it. I slide down and burst into tears. I cover my mouth as an attempt to not make a sound. It's just hurts to much to see the tears streaming down her beautiful face.

I'm sorry, Y/N... I have no choice. I had to do this... I don't want you to get hurt again. It pains me to when I have to see you in such state. I want you to be free from it. Even if it mean... I'm gonna have to let you go.



I had stop crying for the past few minutes. But I just stay in my spot, without moving at all. I feel so numb right now. The thought of Gaara ignoring me again just... hurts.

"Mama?" Someone said. I turn my head to see my 1 year old daughter. I wipe the remaining tears and give her a small smile. She walks over to me and stare at me with worry eyes.

"You're crying again... are you okay?" she said, with a soft voice. "Mama is okay, honey..." I said, smiling at him. "Mama is lying..." she said, pouting. "No... I am not lying. I'm okay, sweetie. Don't worry, okay?" I said. "Hmm... 'Kay..." she said, making me smile softly. She starts to pout, making me look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"What's with the sudden pout, honey?" I asked. "I'm just thinking about papa. He keeps ignoring me. He never play with me anymore" she said, I can hear the sadness in her voice. I can feel my heart clenching in my chest. Gaara... what's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this towards us?

Suddenly, I feel my stomach churning. "Honey... I need to go to the washroom" I said. I gently place her down and rushes over to the washroom. I hunch over the toilet bowl and start emptying my stomach.

I flush the toilet and sit down while leaning my back against the wall, trying to catch my breath. "What's happening to me?" I mumbled to myself. Wait... is it possible?

I hear the front door opens. I stand up and make my way out. "Temari?" I said. "Hello, sis..." I said. I grin and sprint towards her, engulfing her in a tight hug. She have been away from Sunagakure because of a mission.

"Awe... I miss you too. How are you? And where's Gaara?" she said, patting my back. I frown and pulls away from her. She notice the sadness in my eyes and her eyes shows concern. "Are you in a fight?" She said.

I shake my head. "No... we're not fighting. That's the thing. He's not talking to me at all..." I said. "What? What happened?" She asked. I let out a sigh and sit down on the couch, with her following in suit. I start to tell her everything, without missing out a single detail of how Gaara have been acting lately.

By the end of it, Temari looks at me with concern. I just look down as tears streams down my cheeks.

Temari pulls me into a hug

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Temari pulls me into a hug. I just bury my face into the crook of her neck as I cry softly. She caresses my hair, trying her best to calm me.

Eventually I calmed down. But I feel exhausted, both emotionally and physically. So I just give in and let myself drift off to sleep.

Temari P.O.V

I hear a soft snore and pull away slightly to see Y/N is asleep. I gently lay her down on the couch and drape a blanket over her body. I stand up and make my way towards their room. Y/N told me Gaara is in there.

I knock on the door. The door opens to reveal Gaara. He have a bloodshot eyes. I instantly know that he have been crying. But that's not what I'm worried about right now. I need to know why he's treating Y/N the way she told me.

I cross my arms across my chest, looking at him with a stern expression. "Y/N told me everything. Why are you acting like that towards her and your baby daughter?" I said. He just looks down and falls on his knees, as he starts to cry. I frown and kneel down in front of him.

"Are you going to tell me why?" I said, in a soft voice. "I-I... I... I-I c-can't" he cried. "Why not?" I said. He just stay silent, not answering me. "Gaara. Tell me why!" I demand. "I can't okay! If I tell you... Y/N'll be in danger!" He burst out. "Why??" I asked. "Just stop asking me anything, Temari! I had to do this! I had to... I don't have a choice! I had to protect Y/N and this is the only way!" He said, his voice breaking a little as tears streams down his cheeks like a water fall.

"I d-don't have a-a choice..." he cried. He sits on his butt and hugs his knees, burying his face into his arms. I can hear his cry, which is quiet loud. I'm kind of surprise it didn't wake Y/N. I guess she's tired.

I sit down next to him, wrapping my arms around his shoulder. "But you have to realize, Gaara... the way you're acting is hurting her. You can't be doing this. Don't you love her?" I said. "I love her, okay? I love her with all of my heart. It's just... complicated. I hate myself for putting so much pain on her... I just don't know what to do..." he cried out. I just hug him softly.

After he calmed down. He turns to look at me. "I've got no idea what I should do... I feel so lost" he said, in a hush voice. "I may have a suggestion, Gaara..." I said. "What?" He said. I look at him with a serious face.

Send her back to Konoha

*to be continued*

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