Chapter 14

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Previously on Chapter 13

"Hi~ sweetie... I'm your mommy..." I said. "And I'm your daddy..." Gaara said, looking down at her. The baby smiles at us. Then she yawns and close her eyes as she falls asleep. I look up at Gaara "what should we name her?" I asks. "Hmm.... how about... D/N?" He said. "That's beautiful, Gaara..." I said, smiling happily at him. Then I look down at the sleeping baby in my arms. "D/N...

Welcome to the World, sweetie...

-Life As A Mother-


Our daughter is a month old now. I never knew being a mother is tiring. Almost every night D/N wakes up in the middle of the night because she's feeling hungry. But I don't mind... I love her so much.

Tonight is no different. I was sleeping on the bed, with Gaara's arms wrapped around my waist. The sound of D/N's cries slowly wakes me up from my deep slumber.

I open my eyes and blink a couple of times, trying to get rid of the sleepiness. Then I move slowly, as I try my best not to wake Gaara from his sleep. Being the Kazekage, he must be very tired. Especially since he have a lot of paper works to do everyday.

Then I walk towards D/N's room. I approach her crib and pick her up in my arm. "Shh~ baby girl... mommy is here... are you hungry?" I asks. I walk towards a cushion and sit down. I unbotton a few buttons of my blouse and start breast-feeding D/N. Her cries instantly quiets down as she eagerly starts drinking up the milk.

I let out a sigh as I move to a much comfortable position. I stare at the ceiling as I let D/N drink until she's full.

I look down when D/N stops sucking to see her looking up at me. She smiles happily at me, making me cooed because of her cuteness. "Hi little one... are you feeling full now?" I asks. She tilts her head slightly, looking at me with curiosity in her eyes. I let out a giggle and place a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Come on now... let's get you back to sleep, yeah? But first... mommy need you to let out a burp..." I said. Then I place her close to my chest and start rubbing her back.

A soft burp comes from D/N little mouth. I smile and start swaying her back and forth, trying to get her to sleep again. Her eyes starts to get droopy and she closes them. Her breathing slows a little, letting me know that she have fallen asleep.

I walk towards her crib and lay her down gently. I was about to leave the room, when she starts crying again. I sweat-drop and walk back towards her.

"What's the matter sweetie... you don't wanna be left alone?" I asks, patting her tummy softly. She just keeps on crying. I let out a sigh and leans down to pick her up once again. "Mommy is here, sweetie... mommy is here..." I said, softly. It's obvious that she don't want me to leave her alone.

I walk back towards the cushion and sit down. I place her stomach down on my chest, and pat her back softly. Once again, she have fallen asleep. I smile and kiss the top of her head. I start to feel really sleepy, I lay down with D/N on my chest and close my eyes. Then I slowly drift off to sleep.

The Next Morning

Gaara P.O.V

I feel the lack of warmth of not having Y/N in my arms. I run my hand to her side, only to feel an empty bed. "Baby?" I questioned, opening an eye. She is no where in sight. She's probably in D/N's room.

I move and place my feet on the floor. Then I stand up and make my way towards D/N's room. I open the door slowly, worried that I might startle them. I smile softly at the sight, to see them asleep.

I head back to our shared bedroom and head back with blanket in my arms

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I head back to our shared bedroom and head back with blanket in my arms. I approach them and drape the blanket over their body, stopping just below D/N's back.

I smile "my princesses is sleeping... how cute..." I said under my breath. I lean down and kiss Y/N's forehead. Her eyes move slowly and she opens her eyes.


I feel a soft pressure on my forehead. I open my eyes to see a pair of sea-foam green eyes. "Gaara?" I said softly. "I'm so sorry, baby... I didn't mean to wake you up... you must've felt tired... I'm so so sorry..." he said, clearly panicking. I let out a giggle "it's okay, honey..." I said. He just smiles softly at me. Then his eyes trail down to a sleeping D/N.

"She don't want you to leave? Is that why you're here?" He questions. I nod my head. "Yeah... I place her down when I thought she's asleep. When I was about to leave the room, she starts crying again... so I figured she wants me to cuddle her..." I said. He pouts "what about mine? I want cuddles too..." he said, well more like whining. "Sorry honey... D/N is a baby... I need to look after her... sorry about that... when she grows up... I'll give you as much cuddles as you want, okay?" I said. He lets out a chuckle "I know, baby... I'm just kidding..." he said. I just roll my eyes at him. "What a dork..." I said. Then I look down at D/N who's still sleeping. I smile and caress her hair softly.

"I'll cook breakfast for us, okay?" Gaara said. I smile at him and nod my head. He peck my forehead, then he walks out of the room.

D/N starts to move so I turn my head to look at her. "Hey sweetie... you're awake~" I said, cooing at her. She lets out a giggle. "little cutie..." I said, nudging my nose against her's. She lets out more giggles. "Someone's being giggly this morning..." I said, laughing softly.

Life as a mother isn't an easy job... but I will try my hardest to raise D/N

*to be continued*

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