Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

I can't tell him what happened... I don't want to worry him more... it's hard enough for him and his busy schedule as the Kazekage. I can't add more pressure on him.

What should I do?

-Your Safety is My Top Priority-


Gaara isn't joking. He really did asks for his man to guard me. Literally everywhere I go. Well... I get that he's being worried about my safety. But it's not me that he needs to worry about. It's himself. But I did not tell him about it. Honestly because I simply don't know how to break the news to him. He have enough weight in his shoulders. I don't wanna add more to it.

I know soon or later I need to tell him at some point. He deserve to know, because it's either me joining the Akatsuki.... or they will target him.

Today is one of those rare days that Gaara gets to be home. He's super busy because of his status as the Kazekage. So I'm not complaining for the lack of time he gets to spend with me. I understand his position. But that doesn't mean I don't miss him, because I do... like A LOT.

I'm currently in the kitchen, cooking for breakfast. While Gaara is upstairs still sound asleep. Gaara is not a big fan of breakfast. But I keep convincing him to eat every single one. I just want him to be healthy.

I'm stirring the soup deep in thought, so I didn't know that Gaara is awake as he slowly approach me. I jump slightly when a pair of arms snake around my waist. "You're suppose to get used to it by now, baby. I give you a back hug every day..." he said, chuckling slightly. I turn to him and smile awkwardly. "Well... I know that, but... I'm thinking about something..." I said.

He frowns slightly. "It's rare for you to be deep in thought... is it something serious? You can talk about it with me, you know? You don't have to deal with it alone..." he said. I let out a sigh and lean my back on his chest as he keeps me in his arms. "I know... it's just... you've already have enough weight on your shoulders... I just don't want to worry you even more when you have a lot to worry about..." I said, trying my best to hold back the tears that's slowly pooling up in my eyes.

Gaara let out a sigh. "Baby... you're my girl... DON'T ever think that your problem would only be a weight for me... no... I'm happy that I can help you... it hurts me to know that you're stress about something but I can't do anything about it. It makes me feel like a useless boyfriend to you. You're always there for me and I want to do the same for you... please let me..." he said, pleading slightly. That's when I lost it.

I choke a sob as I turn off the stove. I turn in his arms and cry onto his shoulder. I can tell that he's surprise by my sudden movement, but he didn't say anything and hugs me back.

Gaara P.O.V

I was surprise when Y/N suddenly turns around to hug me. I pick her up bridal style and walks to the couch. I take a seat and place her on my lap. I stay silent as I keep her close to in my arms.

She clutches onto my shirt as she keeps crying on my chest. I caress her hair softly as I wait for her to calm down.

Her cries stops and what's left is just a muffled sobs as she buries her face deeper on my chest. Y/N isn't the type to easily let her emotions exposed. So to see her crying this much, really shocks me.

Slowly she pulls away. I can see the tears still present in her face. I frown and cups her cheek softly. "Baby, please tell me... let me help you..." I said. Fresh tears streams down her cheeks. "Gaara... I... I'm scared..." she said, her voice cracked a little.

"What are you scared about? Is it have something to do with the day you got hurt? You still haven't told me who attacked you..." I said. She slowly nods her head.

"Who is it, Y/N? Who attacked you?" He asks. His voice is more demanding. The same voice he's been using when he try to get me to tell him who attacked me that night.

"S-someone from the Akatsuki... the same group that took you..." I said. His whole expression change. It's a mix between worry and anger. "They are the one who attacked you?!" He yells out, making me flinch slightly at his tone. His eyes softened when he realize it. He place a soft kiss on my forehead. "I'm sorry baby... I didn't mean to startle you..." he said. I just nod my head and lean my head on his shoulder. "It's okay..." I said.

"What do they want from you?" He asks, caressing my hair. "Me..." I said. "What?" He asks, pulling me away from his shoulder. "T-they want me to be a p-part of their group..." I said. His eyes widened as he shakes his head rapidly. "No... there is NO WAY that I'll allow them to take you from me..." he said. I cup his cheeks. "Gaara... I'm not joining them... you do not have to worry about that... but-" I stopped. "But what, baby?" He asks. "They threatened me..." I said. "What did they say?" He asks. "They'll kill you if I don't do as they said..." I said, looking down as I start to cry again.

I can hear a growl of anger coming from him. He place me down on the couch and head towards the phone. "Hello?" He asks through the phone, then he starts to speak to whoever it is he's calling. He nods his head. "Yes.. yes... please hurry..." he said. Then he hang up.

"Temari and Kankuro is on their way here..." he said. I look at him in confusion. "Why did you call them here?" I asks. "They'll be staying here for a while... until I made sure you're safe..." he said. "Gaara..." I start. He shakes his head as he sped walk towards me. He cups my cheeks gently. "you're not going anywhere and I'll make sure of that... they won't get their hands on you... I'll keep you safe... I promise... because now...

Your safety is my top priority...

*to be continued*

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