Chapter 33

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Previously on Chapter 32

I tighten my embrace around Sakura, as I start to cry more. All the sweet memories I have with Gaara. All those laughter... the kiss we shared, they all now just a sweet memories.

I miss you, Gaara...

-Back on Mission-


It's been about a month since I left Sunagakure. To say I miss Gaara would be an understatement. I'd do anything if that means I can see him again. I want to be in his arms. See his smile... hear his voice. I miss him, so much that I feel like I'm suffocating.

I stay with Sakura, because I no longer have a house here. She didn't mind having me around. Instead, she said she's happy, because having me here makes her feel as if she have a sister. That's what she said. I'm glad that I have a friend like her.

I'm currently feeding my daughter. She's already 3 years old now. Sure, she can eat by herself. But she wants me to feed her sometimes. Being the loving mother I am... I decided to feed her, otherwise she would start sulking.

I hear footsteps coming closer. I turn my head to see Sakura. She smiles as she sits across from me. "Hey, Y/N..." she said. "Hi..." I said, smiling softly at her. She gives me a close-eyes smile. I turn to focus on my daughter because she's letting out a complain. I let out a soft giggle as I feed her again.

"After feeding your daughter. Can you come with me?" She said. "Where?" I asked. "Lady Tsunade wants to see you. She said she needs your help" she said. "What about D/N?" I asked. "I'll look after her for you, don't worry" she said. I hum softly and nod my head.

"D/N, honey..." I said. "Yes, mama?" She said. "I'll be going to see Grandma Tsunade after this. So be a good girl and stay with auntie Sakura, okay?" I said. She turns to look at Sakura, who starts making silly faces. She let out a giggle and turn to me, nodding her head excitedly. I let out a laugh and place a soft kiss on her forehead. "Good girl..." I said, smiling softly at her.


I'm now standing in front of Lady's Tsunade's office door. I lift my hand and give it a soft knock. I wait and hear a soft 'come in' from the other side of the door.

I open the door and make my way inside. "You call for me, Lady Tsunade?" I asked. "Yes, Y/N. I want to send you to a mission..." she said. "Mission?" I said. She nods her head.

"We need a tracker in this mission. But Neji and Hinata are busy. The only other tracker in Konoha available is you. I know you have a kid to look after. But this is important..." she said. I nod my head at her explanation.

"It's okay, Lady Tsunade. So... what's the mission?" I asked. "I want you to join the search party. They will be going to search for Sasuke. I have been hearing some rumors that he will try to destroy Konoha. So we need to catch him before he got the chance to..." she said. I nod my head at what she said. "I got it. So, which team?" I asked. "Team 7..." she said. My eyes widened at what she said.

"Wait... that means Sakura is also going on this mission?" I said. "Yes... is there a problem?" She asked. "She's currently after my daughter. If she go too... who will look after her?" I asked. "You don't have to worry about that. She will stay with me until you return..." she said. "Alright... thank you..." I said, bowing.

"You're welcome. Now off you go and get yourself ready. You and the others will be leaving at noon" she said. I nod my head. I bow at her one more time. I turn around and walk away from her office.


Me, Naruto, Sakura and Sai is currently jumping from trees to trees. I have my dragon eyes activate. I look around, making sure no one is going to ambush us.

"It feels like old time, isn't it?" Naruto said. I turn to look at him. "Huh?" I asked, looking at him with a confused face. "Yeah! Going on missions! It's been so long since we have one as a complete team 7..." he said.

"It's not complete though. Sasuke isn't here..." I said. "I wasn't talking about him, Y/N-chan! I'm talking about you! It's so good to have you back!" He said. I stop jumping and keep my head down. My bangs is covering my eyes as tears streams down my cheeks. I bit my lips to stop myself from letting out a cry.

I hear Naruto yelping. I turn my head to see him holding his head. Sakura is next to him with her hand fisted. She must have hit him. Typical Sakura.

"Naruto, Baka!! Now is not the time to talk about that! You know Y/N is having a hard time!" Sakura said, glaring at him. "I-I'm sorry! I just got carried away because I'm excited to have a mission with you again..." he said, panicking. Sakura huffed at him. She turns to me and jumps. She lands next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Shh... it's okay, Y/N..." she said. I just nod my head as I wrap my arm around her torso. I lift my hands and wipe away my tears, trying to stop myself from crying.

"Well well well... look what we have here..." someone said. I pull away from Sakura and turn towards the voice. Not far from us, on a higher branch stood the one and only Sasuke.

"Sasuke..." I said. "Y/N... oh how good it is to see you again. I see you're back at Konoha. What happened, hm? Did that good for nothing husband of yours hurt you?" he said. I glare at him after he said that.

"Shut up! It's none of your business, Sasuke!" I said. "Oh, Y/N... it is my business. If he hurts you, you can always come to me. My arms will always be ready to be your sanctuary..." he said, spreading his arms. I just scoff at what he said.

"In your dreams! And how do you even know that me and Gaara are not on good terms?" I said. "I have my ways, Y/N. There's nothing that I don't know of. Especially when that something resolves around you. You know why?" he said. I stay silent as I stare at him, waiting for him to say something else.

"Because up to this very seconds. I'm still madly and hopelessly in love with you, Y/N. I'd do anything in my power to keep myself up to date about your well-being" he said. "You're crazy..." I said. He let out a laugh as he stares at me with mad eyes. "Yes! I'm crazy...

I'm crazy for you

*to be continued*

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