Chapter 31

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Previously on Chapter 30

After he calmed down. He turns to look at me. "I've got no idea what I should do... I feel so lost" he said, in a hush voice. "I may have a suggestion, Gaara..." I said. "What?" He said. I look at him with a serious face.

Send her back to Konoha

-I'm Sorry-


I open my eyes to the sun seeping through the gap of the curtain. I turn to my side to see an empty spot. I let out a sigh, because Gaara is no where to be seen.

Why is he doing this to me for the past months? And why did he refuse to tell me if I did anything wrong? Is Gaara... falling out of love with me? Could it be that he doesn't love me anymore?

I feel tears slips out of my eyes at the thought. Gaara, why? Why can't you just talk to me? Why can't you just tell me what I did wrong... so I can fix everything and make it right? I love you, Gaara... I love you so much that it hurts. It hurts because you're being so cold towards me.

I shake my head. No... I can't think like that. Gaara still loves me. I know he do. He wouldn't helped me when I scald myself. Okay... I'm going to bring some meal for him. I have to show him that I care and I'm willing to do anything to make everything right. I get up and make my way to the washroom to start my morning routine.

After shower, I make my way to the kitchen to cook something for Gaara. I put on an apron and start preparing for the ingredients. I start by cutting some vegetables.

"Mama?" I hear my daughter calls out for me. I turn to look at her and wince. "Mama!" She said, rushing towards me. "Mama is okay, honey... it's just a small cut" I said, reassuringly. I walk towards the sink and wash the cut.

"Mama..." D/N said, pulling on my skirt. I turn to her and kneel down. "Yes, honey?" I said. "I'm sorry. You get distracted by me..." she said. "Oh honey. It's not your fault..." I said, caressing her head gently. I place a soft kiss on her forehead.

I pick her up and place her on the chair. "Now be a good girl... and wait here, while I cook some food for your papa. Okay?" I said. "Okay, mama..." she said. I smile and ruffle her hair softly. I stand up and start to cook.


I walk towards Gaara's office and knock on the door. I hear him saying "come in" from the other side of the door. I push the door open gently to see Gaara sitting behind the piles of paperworks.

He looks up to see me. I give him a soft smile. He let out a sigh and looks away from me. I frown at his cold reaction. I blink back the tears and take a deep breath. I walk towards him.

"I brought you some food..." I said. "I already ate" he said. "Oh..." I said. I just stand there, not knowing what to do or say. "I'll just place it here... in case you feel hungry again..." I said. "Just go home..." he said, without looking up.

"Gaara... why are you being so cold towards me?" I said. "Not now, Y/N. I'm busy..." he said. "Gaara..." I start. "I SAID NOT NOW! Are you deaf or what??" He yelled at me. I jump at his sudden voice. "Gaara, I just..." I stuttered. "Why are you being so clingy, huh?? I can't give you attention 24/7. Just leave me alone!" He said, glaring at me. "24/7?? The last time I checked... you've been ignoring me! The only time you show your caring side towards me was when I hurt myself!" I said, slowly feeling fed up by the way he's treating me.

"Oh now you're turning it on me? You know my job, Y/N. I don't have a lot of free time! I need to rest... I can't just focus on you!" He yelled again, standing up.

"I don't mind if you don't show any caring side to me! But think about our daughter! She needs you, Gaara. But what did you do? You've been pushing her away. Pushing ME away. You've changed Gaara. I feel like I don't know you anymore. You're not my Gaara... you are a stranger!" I said. I feel my tears starts to stream down my cheeks.

I let out a choked sob, looking at him with blurry eyes. I shake my head. "I-I hate y-you..." I cried out. I turn around and run away from his office.

Gaara P.O.V

I clench my hands into a tight fists. Tears streams down my cheeks like waterfall. I let myself fall on my chair as I bury my face into my hands as I start to cry harder.

I-I hate y-you... her voice echoed in my head. I let out a scream as I throw the paperworks from the table. I sit down on the floor as I cry harder. Y/N hates me now... she hates me.

I'm so sorry, Y/N. I know that I'm hurting you. But I don't have a choice. Your safety and health will be at stake if I didn't do as 'he' said. He can return the curse back to you if I don't let you go. I'm so sorry, Y/N. I love you so much.



I reach home and lean my back against the door. The tears are still falling from my eyes. I slid down and hug my knees as I cry harder. I bury my face into my arms as I cry, not wanting D/N to see me.

"Y/N?" I heard someone said across from me. I look up to see someone I least expected. "Naruto?" I said. He smiles softly at me and walk towards me. I wipe my tears and looks at him in confusion.

"W-What a-are you doing h-here?" I asked. "Temari told me what happened. So... I decided to come here. I figured maybe... you needed my company. Do you want to talk to me about it?" He said, looking at me with a worried gaze. I just burst into tears. I stand up and throw my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. I bury my face into the crook of his neck and starts to cry once again.

He stumbles back a little, but manage to stay steady. He place his hand on my head as he caress my hair softly. I continue to cry as Naruto stays silent, letting me cry... he's not even bothered that his shirt is wet from my shirt.

I pull away from him as I finally start to calm down. He place his hands on my shoulders. "Well? Do you want to talk now?" He said. I just nod my head. He leads me to the couch and gently make me sit down. I start to tell him everything.

By the end of it, I start to cry again. He gently place a hand on the back of my neck, gently pulling me close to his side. I lean my head on his shoulder.

"It's just hurts, Naruto..." I said, softly. "I know, Y/N. That's why... I have a offer for you" he said. "What?" I said. "Come back to Konoha with me? You don't have to. Just until you calm down and get your mind in peace again..." he said. I just look down.

"Think about it. You're a mother, Y/N. You need to know if you're being in this state. It might affect your little daughter's emotions state. You don't want that to happen to her, do you?" He said. I shake my head. "Of course not..." I said. "Then think about it... just come with me. Live at Konoha for a while... okay?" He said. I let out a sigh and turn away from him. I nod my head slowly. "Okay... I'll think about it..." I said.

*to be continued*

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