Chapter 50

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Previously on Chapter 49

"That's a pretty name... and I'll make sure you'll achieve your dream. If you want... I can train you" he said. Her eyes sparkle as she stares at Itachi with the look of pure admiration. I smile at the sight as I pick up S/N in my arms. Yep... welcoming them to Sunagakure is the best choice we've made.

-One Whole Family-


Itachi have earned D/N's trust in a short time. He became her favorite. This makes Gaara jealous and worried that his daughter might replace him with Itachi. It's amusing to see how he's acting when Itachi and D/N acted close in front of him.

The look of jealousy on her face is quite obvious despite him trying his best not to show it. I assured him that he shouldn't be worried about getting replaced by anyone. After all, every daughters first love is their fathers.

Itachi enters our house with D/N asleep on his back. He kept his promise to train her. Now they train together quite frequently. D/N looks tired as she sleeps peacefully on his back. I smile at the sight.

"I'll take her to her room..." he said. I nod my head. He turn towards the direction of her room and make his way there. I turn my attention back to my book. S/N is asleep on the small crib next to me. Temari have to go to Konoha for a little while for business purposes, so she can't help me babysit my son. Hm, I wonder how her relationship with Shikamaru is going.

Itachi re-enters the room and sits on the couch across from me. "How's D/N doing with her training?" I asked, placing the bookmark on my current page. I place it on the table and turn to look at Itachi.

"She's a true prodigy. She'll surely surpass you when she grow up. She's going to be an excellent kunoichi" he said, making me smile proudly at my daughter's achievements. I smile softly at Itachi.

"Thank you for keeping your promise to her..." I said. He smiles at me and nods his head. S/N wakes up and starts to cry. I stand up and gently picks him up. I hold him in my arms and gently pat his back. "It's okay, honey. Don't cry... mama's here" I said, soothingly. I keep patting his back, to comfort him.

His crying eventually stops. I smile as I pull away to look at his face. "Mama..." he said, making me smile. I nudge my nose against his, making him giggle softly. I place a soft kiss on his forehead and turn to look at Itachi.

"Sorry about that..." I said. Itachi just smiles reassuringly and shakes his head, letting me know that he didn't mind hearing a baby's cry. I walk towards the couch and sits on it.

"It's alright. I'm used to it. I took care of Sasuke when he was a baby" he said. I smile softly and nod my head. Of course, since there's about 6 years age gap between those two.

"By the way... how's Sasuke holding up?" I asked. I'm not only worried about his well-being in Suna. But also his heart. After all, I remember that Sasuke have feelings for me. I wonder if he still have that.

Itachi smiles reassuringly at me. "He's been fine. And I know that's not the only thing you're worried about. But also his feelings for you, right?" He said. I blink my eyes in surprise at what he said. I guess I made my worry seem obvious in his eyes. 

"I guess I made it quite obvious, huh?" I said. He let out a chuckle and nods his head. I blush out of embarrassment and turn my attention to S/N who's playing with my hand as he sits on my lap.

"You might now know about this... but Sasuke started dating Sakura" he said. I blink my eyes in surprise, as I turn to look at him. I was shocked to hear what he just said. Sasuke is dating Sakura??

"That's great... I'm glad he finally let go of that feelings" I said. Itachi smiles brightly at me and nods his head, agreeing with me. I feel happy, knowing that Sasuke finally let his feelings for me go. I'm glad that he realized that we can't be together, because the only one I love is Gaara and no one else.

"Also... I'm sorry for the curse I placed on you" he said. I just look away from him after he said that. "I thought that I was helping my brother get the happiness he longed to have if he's with you. I didn't realize I was ruining such a perfect family. Your marriage is broken because of me" he said. I can hear the pain and guilt in his voice.

He's right, Gaara and I have divorced when I left Suna. I blink my eyes, trying to fight the tears starts threatening to fall from my eyes. I shake my head and turn to look at Itachi.

"I forgive you... you were only thinking about your little brother. I can't imagine how much pain and pressure you were going though. I'm glad that you and Sasuke finally made up" I said. He smiles at what I said and nod his head.

"Yeah. And it's all because you... thank you so much, Y/N. Gaara is lucky to have you as his" he said. I can feel my cheeks getting warmer at his comment. I just smile shyly at him.


Itachi have went home. I'm just sitting on the couch while breastfeeding my son. My mind went back to what Itachi said. How Gaara's and I's marriage got ruined. I let out a sigh, trying not to show any sign of sadness. Especially not to my son.

The door to the house opens as Gaara walks in. He smiles at the sight of me and walks over. He sits down next to me. He leans his head on my shoulder as he watch our son drinking milk from me.

"Y/N... I've been thinking..." Gaara said, breaking the lingering silence. I turn my head to look at him, to let him know that he have my attention. He wrap his arms around me. "We have been busy with a lot of things that it just slipped out of my mind. But now, I realize that you and I... we're not married anymore because of what happened to us" he said. I look down at my son after he said that.

"Yeah... it did slipped out my mind too. I find it hard to accept that we are not together anymore" I said. Gaara turn my head to look at him. He gently cups the side of my cheeks.

"You're wrong, Y/N. We can still be together. You and I... we can rebuild our family, and start over again..." he said, smiling lovingly at me. I just stare into his eyes. He places a soft kiss on my forehead and leans his against mine. "So... for the second time, Y/N. Will you marry me?" He said.

Tears starts to stream down my cheeks. I smile happily at him and nod my head. "Yes... of course" I said. He smiles and gently hugs me, minding our son. I lean my head on his chest.


"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" the priest said. Gaara cups my cheeks softly and pulls me into a kiss. I close my eyes and kisses him back.

"I love you. Thank you for being my wife again, love" Gaara said, after pulling away from the kiss. I smile and kiss his cheek. I wrap my arms around his torso, leaning my head against his chest.

"I love you too..." I said. The crowd breaks into cheers. I turn my head to look at them and notices familiar faces. Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. Sasuke have his arm around Sakura's shoulder. He have a smile on his face. He finally accepted the fact that I'm not the one for him, but Sakura.

I turn my head to look at Temari who's carrying our son. He looks happy as he keeps clapping his hand. Next to her stood D/N on a chair, so she can be as tall as everyone else. She waves her hands once she realize she have my attention. I let out a giggle and wave back at her.

I pull away from Gaara to look at him. He smiles softly at me, making me give him a close eye-smile. He leans in and place another soft kiss against my lips. I smile into the kiss and kisses him back.

Finally, after such a tragic part of life in our love story... we found our way back together. And just like Gaara said, we can re-build our family into a... One Whole Family.

The End

A/N: ahhhh!!! Y/N and Gaara are finally together once again! And with that... this book has come to an end. Thank you so much for reading, guys! I hope you're enjoying your time here! Love ya~

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