Chapter 44

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Previously on Chapter 43

"Why are you crying?" Gaara asked, gently wiping my tear. "I'm just happy. I'm so happy to be back here again. With you, with our children. We can be one whole family again..." I said, smiling at him. He smiles and leans his forehead against mine. "And I will never let you go... not anymore. I love you, Y/N... SO so much..." he said. "I love you too, Gaara..." I said, closing my eyes.

-Protecting An Innocent Soul-


I'm currently cooking for Gaara. He's already at his office, since today is the first day Gaara is back to work. So he's going to have a lot of work to do. So I want to make sure that he's well fed.

"Mama!" I hear my daughter called out for me. I turn to look at her. "Hey~ honey... what is it?" I said. She hugs my leg. "Are you going to see papa?" She said. I smile and nod my head. "I am..." I said. "Can I come! Please?" She said. "Let me think..." I said. She pouts at me.

"Of course, honey... go on and get ready" I said. She let out a squeal and turns around. "No running in the house, honey!" I said. "Sorry, mama!" She said. I shake my head and giggle to myself. I turn to focus on cooking.

A While Later

I've finally done cooking. I pack everything in the bento box. I hear a sound of crying and turn my head. My son is crying in Temari's arms. "Oh, my baby..." I cooed. I walk towards them and pick my son up from Temari's arms. I gently pat his back.

"Mommy's here, honey... it's okay..." I said, softly. He slowly stops crying. I pull away a little and tickle his tummy. He let out a giggle, making me smile at his cuteness.

"We're going to see papa at work, okay?" I said. He let out a gleeful squeal and claps his hands. I let out a laugh and take him to his room. I gently place him on his bed. I walk towards the wardrobe and grab a pair of baby outfit for him.

"Okay... let's get you ready... shall we? You're gonna look so cute!" I said, in a baby voice. He starts to let out a giggle and gurgling voices. I let out a laugh and change his clothes.

"Mama! I'm ready!" D/N said, running inside S/N's nursery room. I turn to look at her. "Awee... you're so cute, honey~" I said. She let out a laugh. I smile at her and turn to S/N. I change his clothes.

"Alright... your brother is also done. Let's get going now..." I said. I gently pick S/N in my arms. I gently hold D/N hand. We head towards the kitchen to grab the bento box.

"Mama... can I carry it?" D/N said. I turn to look at her. She have her arms outstretched. "Are you sure, honey?" I asked. She grins and nods her head. I nod my head. "Okay... but be careful, yeah?" I said. She nods her head happily, and take the bento box from me.

I hold her free hand and carry S/N with my free arm. I have a wrap carrier for S/N, so I don't have to worry about dropping him. We make our way out of the house.


I gently knock on the door. "Come in..." I hear my husband's voice from the other side of the door. I gently push the door open and hold D/N's hand. We make our way inside Gaara's office.

"Gaara..." I said. He looks up from his paperwork. I can see a smile appear on his face. "Y/N!" He said. He gets up from his seat and rush over to me. He give me a gentle hug, being careful not to squeeze our son.

"You came~" he said, happily. "Of course... today is your first day. I wanna see how you're doing. Oh... and we brought lunch for you" I said. I gesture to our daughter.

"Here you go, papa..." D/N said, outstretching her arms to Gaara. Gaara smiles and kneels down in front of her. "Thank you so much, honey... papa is really hungry" he said, gently caressing her hair. She blushes and smiles shyly at her father. I let out a soft giggle and smile softly at their sweet interaction.

"You should eat... then you can go back to work" I said. He nods his head and place a soft kiss on my forehead. He takes a seat on the couch and pat the empty spot next to her. I walk towards him and sit down next to him. He gently place the bento box on the table and open it. It looks a little messy from when I first packed it.

I turn to look at D/N to see her look down. "Oh, it's okay, honey... you did well for your first errands" I said. She smiles at me. Her stomach starts to growl, which makes Gaara chuckles.

"Come on, D/N... say ahhh~" Gaara said. "Ahhh~" she said. Gaara gently feed her a bite. Then he take a bite for himself. I smile softly at them and look down at my son, he's sleeping in my arms.

I hear a knock on the door. "Come in..." Gaara said. The door opens to reveal Matsuri. "I have a letter for you, Gaara-sama..." she said. "Okay... give it to me" he said. Matsuri walks forward and hands the letter to him. She bows and walks out of the room.

Gaara opens the letter. I can see his eyes widened. I look at him in worry. "What is it, Gaara?" I asked. He turns to look at me. "I don't know who this letter is from. But it said here that Sasuke is planning to kill Itachi..." he said. My eyes widened in shock.

Sasuke have been obsessed in killing his brother since the first day I met him, because to him... Itachi is the reason the Uchiha Clan is massacred. But he didn't know why. I have to stop him.

I need to stop Sasuke from killing Itachi. He needs to know that Itachi did it to keep him safe... that Itachi loves Sasuke more than anything. I can't let Sasuke kill his brother... he's going to regret it. I'm going to protect Itachi. I'm going to protect an innocent soul.

*to be continued*

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