Chapter 25

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Previously on Chapter 24

I love my family so much. The last thing I want is to hurt them. So I deeply hope that we can find a way to free myself from their grasps. Who knows what they will try to make me do next time. I don't wanna hurt my family. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if that ever happens. So I hope... we can find a solution.

-It's The Only Way-


I'm currently feeding D/N with some baby food. She is already already 6 months old, so she's able to eat solid food. That's why I am able to feed her some. It is some mashed fruits and she seems to like it a lot.

"Ahh!" She said, opening her mouth. I let out a soft giggle. "Alright... here..." I said, feeding her another scoop. She eats it happily, making me smile softly at her cuteness.

"Mama! Ahh~" she said again, opening her mouth. "I'm sorry, honey. You have finished everything..." I said. She pouts at me, making me giggle and pinch her cheeks. "Do you want some milk?" I asked. She grins happily.

"D/N... wants... milk" she said, while clapping her hands. "Alright.. I'll make some okay.. be good and wait here" I said. She nods her head, still clapping her hands. I stand up and went to make her some milk.

I feel a pair of arms wrapping around my waist. I let out a squeak as I'm not expecting that. I turn to see Gaara. He chuckles at me.

"When did you come home? How come I didn't hear you opening the door??" I said. "I don't know. Maybe because you're too focus on what you're doing..." he said, shrugging his shoulders. I nod my head. "Yeah. Could be..." I said. He chuckles and place a soft kiss on my cheek.

I finish making D/N's milk. I pat Gaara's arm softly. He pouts at me. "Gaara... please move. I have to give D/N her milk..." I said. "You rarely pay attention to me..." he said. "She's a baby, Gaara" I said. "But I'm your baby too..." he said. I let out a giggle.

"Are you seriously jealous of your own daughter?" I said. He nods his head. "What a dork... now move..." I said. I make my way over to D/N and pick her up. I place her on my lap and start feeding her some milk.

I hear the sound of whining and turn to Gaara to see him stomping. "What are you doing?" I said, raising an eyebrow at him. "Expressing my jealousy... what else?" He said, crossing his arms. I shake my head at him and start laughing.

D/N turns to him and laugh at the way he's father is acting. Gaara stops what he's doing and turn to his daughter with a playful glare. "Oooh~ you think that is funny, do you?? Come here!!" He said, picking her up from my arms.

He starts to spin around with her and sit on the floor to tickle her. D/N burst out into fits of giggle because of him. I stand up and sit next to him. I pick her up in my arms.

"Careful Gaara. She just fed!" I said. He huffed and looks away from me with his arms crossed. I let out a giggle. I turn to D/N who starts yawning. "I'll put her to sleep. After that we can spend some time together, okay?" I said. He grins and nods his head. I give his cheek a soft peck.

I stand up with D/N in my arms. I make my way to the nursery room. I gently place D/N's head on my shoulder. I start to sway my body while humming a soft tune for my daughter.

I turn my head slightly to make sure she's asleep. I smile when I notice her sleeping. I make my way to her crib and gently lay her down. I place a soft kiss on her forehead. I pull her blanket, stopping just below her neck. Then I slowly make my way out of the nursery room.

I make my way to the living room to see Gaara. He's sitting on the couch. I don't know what he's doing because the couch is facing away from me. I smirk and sneakily make my way over to him.

I wrap my arms around him from behind. He jumps slightly and turn to look at me. "Hey..." I said. "Hey, honey. Is that a revenge for scaring you earlier?" He said. "You could say that..." I said, giggling as I stick my tongue out at him.

"Keep doing that... I'm going to bite your tongue..." he said. I quickly cover my mouth. He chuckles and stands up, he kneels on the couch while facing me. I keep covering my mouth, not wanting to be bitten.

"Honey... I'm just kidding..." he said. He gently hold my hands. He pulls me closer, and try to remove my hand from my mouth. He pouts when I didn't move them.

"How am I suppose to give you a kiss if you don't remove your hand?" He said. I shake my head. "You said you'd bite me" I said. "I'm just kidding... I won't bite you. I don't wanna hurt you" he said. "Really?" I said. "Of course..." he said. I slowly remove my hand which makes him smile. He cups my cheeks gently and pulls me close to him. He place a tender soft kiss on my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck as I kiss him back.

He bit my lips playfully. I pull away and pout at him. "You said you wouldn't..." I said. "I didn't hurt you. That was playful..." he said. "Hmp!!" I said, crossing my arms and turn away from him.

"Oh come on, babe..." he said. He jumps over the couch and lands next to me with a thud. I turn to him and panic. "Shh!!! Are you trying to wake our baby?!" I whisper-yelled at him. "Sorry..." he said. He walks towards me and wraps his arms around me.

"Am I forgiven though?" He said. "Let me think..." I said. He pouts at me. I let out a giggle and kiss his lips. "You're lucky I love you..." I said. "Very lucky indeed..." he said, humming. He suddenly scoops me up in his arms, making me squeal in fright. My arms instantly went around his neck.

He makes his way to our bedroom and gently lay me down. He cuddles me close, placing his head on my chest. "Looks like I'm the big spoon..." I said. "Uh-huh..." he said. I can feel him smiling. I start to yawn sleepily.

"Tired?" He said, pulling away slightly to look at me. I just nod my head. "Sleep..." he said. "But it's still noon..." I said. "So? Just get some sleep... I have to go back to work soon..." he said. "Alright..." I said. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

Gaara P.O.V

I hear a soft snore and pulls away slightly to look at her. She's already asleep. I smile and gently move away. I gently place a soft kiss on her forehead. I get up, being very careful so I don't wake her up.


I'm currently sitting in my office, writing down some notes. When I hear a knock on the door. "Come in..." I said. The door opens and the person walks in.

I turn my head to face the person. "I have a solution for Y/N to be free..." he said. "What is the solution?" I said. "It's not a simple task... and I have a condition if you want me to free her" he said. "Okay. What's the condition?" I said. He smirks at me and told me his condition, my eyes widened at what he just said.

You've got to be kidding me...

*to be continued*

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