Chapter 36

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Previously on Chapter 35

"Do baby sleep a lot?" D/N asked. "Of course, honey. You slept a lot too when you were a baby..." I said. "Why?" She asked. "I'm not sure about that one..." I said. She just pouts, making me let out a giggle and gently punches her cheek. A frown appear on my face as I thought about my husband. Oh Gaara...

I wish you were here

-Longing For You-


After a week, I'm discharged from the hospital. I can finally leave. It's starting to get boring here. There's nothing I can do. But at least, I can take care of my baby... that makes up for it.

Naruto is packing my belongings, while I just sit on the hospital bed with my newborn baby. D/N is next to me, her hands on my thigh as she stares at her baby brother. She looks in awe.

I let out a giggle at her expression. I lift my hand and run a hand through her hair. She turns to look at me. "Why're you looking at your brother like that, D/N?" I said. "Nothing, mama. He's just SO cute!" She said, grinning at me. I cooed at her reaction. My daughter is so adorable.

"Y/N... we're good to go..." Naruto said. I turn to him and smile. "Alright..." I said. He walks over to me. He offers his hand. I place my hand on top of his. He wraps an arm around my waist, helping me to stand up. Sakura picks my daughter off the bed. She will be coming with me to escort me home.


Sakura told me that I shouldn't move a lot. She said I need to rest, because I just gave birth. I assure her that I'll be fine, but she just glare at me. I instantly keep my mouth shut, not wanting to her scold by her.

"Y/N... time for dinner" Sakura said, placing a tray of food next to me. I smile at her. "Thank you, Sakura" I said. She smiles and hands the plate to me. I take it from her and starts to eat.

I hear my baby crying. I was about to get up from the bed, but Sakura grabs my shoulder. "I'll get him for you... you stay in bed" she said, sternly. I let out a soft sigh and nod my head. She walks towards the crib, picking my son in her arms. She walks over to me and hand my baby to me.

I move my blouse to the side, so my son can have an access to my breast. I gently pat his butt, trying to keep him calm as he drinks my milk. I let out a soft hum as I look at him with a smile.

After a while, S/N finally sleeps. Of course, after I burped him. Sakura gently takes him out of my arms. She place my son inside the crib. She walks over to me and takes a seat next to the bed.

She frowns as she holds my hand gently. "Why are you crying?" She said. "Huh? What?" I said. I raise my hands and place them on my cheeks to feel a wet substance.

"Oh... I didn't even realize that I was crying..." I said. She just give me a small smile. "Y/N... if you want to cry... just let out. Don't keep it in..." she said. I blink my eyes rapidly. But eventually, I burst into tears.

She moves to sit next to me. She gently wraps an arm around my shoulder. I lean my body against hers. She gently caress my hair, trying her best to give me comfort.

"I miss him, Sakura..." I said. "I know, Y/N. I wish I can help you. But I don't know how" she said. I just continue to cry, hugging onto Sakura tightly. She just stays silent, silently giving me comfort.

Sakura gently move me to lay down. She sits next to the bed, holding onto my hand. "You should try to get some sleep. It might make you feel better..." she said. I just nod my head. I close my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep.


I'm currently doing my night routine. I'm sitting in front of the mirror, gently combing my hair.

As I'm letting the comb brush through my hair. My mind drift back to when I'm still in Sunagakure. How Gaara would always be the one helping me to comb my hair.


"Y/N... can I comb your hair?" Gaara said. "Why do you want to comb my hair? I can manage..." I said. "Oh come on... please? I just want to look after you" he said, whining. I let out a sigh and turn to look at him.

"Alright, fine..." I said. His eyes lit up at what I had just said. "Yayy~" he said. He stood behind me and gently took the hair brush from mg hand. He gently grabbed a handful of hair, and gently brush it.

I smiled as I watched him through the mirror. How he bit his lips, looking focus. I winced a little as the brush made contact with the tangled ones.

"Oh my Gosh! I'm sorry, love" he said, panicking. I let out a chuckles. "Don't worry, Gaara. It's normal for women with long hairs to have tangles in them" I said. "Oh... I thought I hurt you" he said, looking embarrassed. I shake my head, laughing softly.

"No, you don't... don't worry" I said. I tilt my head upward to look at him. He leans down and place a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I love you..." he said. "I love you too, Gaara..." I said. He moves and kneels down next to me. He lift his hand, gently placing it on my cheek. He leans in and place a soft kiss on my lips. I wrap an arm around his neck, while the other goes through his hair.

End of Flashback

"Gaara... I miss you. I miss you so much..." I said in a low voice. My hand with the brush drop to my lap, as the other went up to my mouth. I cover my mouth as I cry softly. I don't wanna cry too hard. Both of my children are asleep... I don't wanna wake them up.

But my attempt is proved a fail, when I hear a soft cry. I quickly wipe my tears and gets up. I make my to the crib and pick up my crying son.

"Shh... it's okay, honey... mama is here. You can feel what mama feel, don't you? Is that why you cried..." I said. He eventually stops crying. He stares at me through his teary eyes.

"Don't worry about mama, honey. Mama will be fine. Don't cry, okay?" I said, cooing softly. I nudge my nose against his, making him crunch up his nose. I let out a giggle. I place a soft kiss on his forehead. I hold him close, letting him place his head against my shoulder. I pat his back softly, trying to get him to sleep.

*to be continued*

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