Chapter 10

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Previously on Chapter 9

He shakes his head as he sped walk towards me. He cups my cheeks gently. "you're not going anywhere and I'll make sure of that... they won't get their hands on you... I'll keep you safe... I promise... because now...

Your safety is my top priority...



The thought of me being a target of the most wanted group of rogue Nin... it's really stressing me out. But I don't say anything about it to Gaara. Ever since he found out about it... he made sure that everywhere I go, I'll stay guarded.

But he didn't know that I have constantly skipping meal. I don't have any appetite to eat because of the stress... and it's slowly taking a toll on my body. I've been feeling nauseous lately... as well as dizziness.

Gaara is at his office. While I stay at home. Temari and Kankuro is accompanying me. Just like what Gaara said before. They will be staying with us to help him in protecting me.

I'm sitting on the couch in the living room. Temari walks over to me with a bowl in her hands. She place it on the coffee table in front of me. I look at the bowl then at her.

"You need to eat something, Y/N... Gaara may have not notice it... but I do... you're getting skinnier now. It's not good for your health..." she said. "I can't... I don't have any appetite..." I said, looking down. She let out a sigh and sit next to me. She wraps an arm around my shoulder. "Do you want to make Gaara worried?" She asks. I shake my head "no... of course not! That's the last thing I want..." I said. "Well then eat..." she said. I look at her for a moment. Then I let out a sigh. I pick up the bowl of porridge and scoop some.

After a few scoops, I'm already feeling full. I place the bowl back on the coffee table. Temari frown at me. ""Y/N... you only eat like... 10 bites..." she said. "I'm sorry Temari... I can't eat anything..." I said. She sighs "well... at least you ate something... better than not eating at all..." she said. Then she picks up the bowl and head off to the kitchen.

I lean back and stare up at the ceiling. "What am I going to do? Would I able to fight back in case they decided to attack again?" More and more question starts to fill inside my mind, making me feel very dizzy.

I let out a groan as I stand up. I walk towards the drawers to try and find something to help me numb the dizziness. But I couldn't find it.

"T-Temari? K-Kankuro...." I call out in a weak voice. I heard footsteps coming towards me. "Y/N? What's wrong?" I heard Temari asks. "I'm feeling dizzy... I can't find the painkillers..." I said. Then I sway a bit, then everything turns black.

Temari P.O.V

Y/N suddenly passed out. "Shit! Kankuro... call a doctor!" I said. Kankuro nods his head and runs out of the house. I pick Y/N up and gently bring her to the couch, laying her down.

Kankuro returns not long after with a doctor behind him. "Temari... the doctor is here..." he said. I nod my head. "Doctor... please check on her..." I said. He nods his head and walk towards Y/N. He takes out a stethoscopes and checks Y/N's heart rate. As well as her pulse.

I turn to Kankuro as he continues to check on Y/N. "Go and get Gaara... he needs to be here for her..." I said. "Okay..." he said, nodding his head. Then he leaves the house.

I turn my attention back to the doctor who's still checking on Y/N. He places the stethoscopes on her stomach and pause. Then he takes the stethoscopes out of his ear and turns to me.

"She's okay... she's just exhausted... has she been stressed lately?" He said. "Yeah... Y/N have been stressed a lot... since the day she got attacked..." I said. "I see... well... you guys need to take a better care for her... it's not good for them..." he said. "W-wait... them? W-what do you mean?" I stutter out. He looks up at me. "Ms. L/N is pregnant... and the pregnancy is about 3 weeks old..." he said. My eyes widened in shock. I'm going to be an aunt?! Oh my God!!

"Okay... I'll take good care of them... don't worry" I said. He smiles "here's a list of everything she will be needing... be sure to buy them for her..." he said as he hands me a slip of paper. I take it from him and now thankfully. Then he leaves the house.

Kankuro comes back with Gaara following behind him. "What's happening to her?" He asks. "She passed out, Gaara... but the doctor said she's okay. She'll be needing these" I said, handing the slip of paper to him. He eyes scans through the lists and looks at me in confusion.

"Doxylamine? Isn't that for... wait..." his eyes widen as he looks at me. "Is she pregnant?!" He asks. I nod my head "yeah, Gaara... she is... congratulation... you will be a dad soon" I said. He grins at me "I'm going to be a dad!" He cheers happily. "You need to care for Y/N more Gaara... she needs to rest a lot... and not have any stresses..." I said. He nods his head. Then he lets out a sigh "I can't help but notice how much stress she's been having..." he said. My eyes widened at what he said.

"Wait... you noticed?" I asks. He looks at me a bit annoyed. "Of course I do!" He said. "Then why didn't you do anything about it?" I asks. He sighs "I don't know what to do... and if I confronts her about it... she'll end up having a break down... I have to find a gentle way to approach her... but now that I know she's carrying my child... I have to do something..." he said. Now he's the one looking stressed.

"Hey... it's okay... I'll help you two, okay?" I said. He nods his head and smile at me. "Thank you..." he said. I smile at him and hugs him.

*to be continued*

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