Chapter 7

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A/N: before I start the story... I just want to tell you guys about something. The past weeks there's a new virus attacking people, the Corona Virus. More than 630 people died due to this virus. Please don't forget to wear a mask everywhere you go. Stay healthy guys... may God will always be in your favor. Now let's get to the story.


Previously on Chapter 6

I start crying softly. I feel a hand on my head. I turn my head to look at Gaara. I lean my head on his shoulder as he wraps an arm on my waist, pulling me closer to him. A life is spared by a life that's been taken away.

Lady Chiyo... just like what Gaara said... you will always be remembered



It's been a week since I almost lost Gaara. We are all still mourning over Lady Chiyo's death, especially her brother. But we kept it inside. We have to move on.

For the last 7 days, Gaara spent his time sleeping. Since Shukaku have been extracted from him, and he's no longer a Jinchuuriki... he could finally have some sleep.

We're laying in bed. Gaara have his arms around my waist, holding onto me tightly. I have one of my hand on his chest, along with my head. The sound of his heartbeat calms me down, letting me know that he really is alive. Even though it caused a life.

I didn't move an inch, afraid that I might wake him. I pull away slightly from his chest, to look at his face. I smile seeing the peacefulness on his face. Before I could stop myself, my hand is already on his hair as I caress it softly.

He moves in his sleep, making me froze slightly. I lift my hand away from his hair. But he holds my hand. I stare at him, not knowing what to do. "Keep going... don't stop... I like it" he said with his eyes still closed, placing my hand back on his hair. I smile softly and caress his hair again.

He hummed in content, tightening his hold on my waist. This action makes me smile softly. "I love you, Gaara..." I said. He peaks one eyes and leans closer to my face. He place a soft peck on my lips. Then he pulls away, caressing my cheek softly. He place a tender kiss on my forehead. "I love you too, Y/N... so so much... thank you for not giving up on me... I can hear your voice calling out for me when I was on the other side..." he murmured. I can feel tears pooling up in my eyes and some drip down my cheeks.

He frowns slightly when he notice that I've started crying. "Y/N... baby... don't cry... I'm right here now, right?" He said, wiping away the tears. "Yeah... I k-know... b-but that day... w-went you were dead... I... I thought..." I cried harder. He sighs, turning to lay on his back as he pulls me into a tight hug. I bury my face on the crook of his neck. He rub my back softly as he waits for me to calm down.

Once I did, I pull away from him. He smiles and wipe the tears again. "Hey... it's okay now, alright? I'm not going anywhere..." he said. I nod my head and continue to clung onto him.

Somewhere Far

Deidara P.O.V

We're standing in front of Pein, telling him about my encounter with the h/c haired girl. Sasori died on his battle against the pink haired girl and the old lady.

Pein stays silent as I told him about that Y/N girl. He sat back as he seems to be thinking. "Hm... what an interesting girl... it'll be a shame if we kill her for the beast... and I'm guessing it's not actually sealed in her..." he said. "What do you mean?" I asks. "Well... think about it... if it's IN her... the only thing emitted from her body should be the chakra, but she actually transformed. So it's not IN her... it's ON her..." he said, explaining to me. Although I still don't get what he's telling me.

"So I think instead of killing her... we have to recruit her..." Itachi said. I turn to him "yeah... I agree with him... we should... she could be a great use for us..." I said. "It's easy said than done... taking her is easy... but convincing her to join us is a different story... I doubt she would join us willingly. Plus Sunagakure will definitely rise their guard after what happened to their Kazekage..." Hidan said. "Talking about the Kazekage... I heard he's alive..." Zetsu said. "How?!" I said in shock. "A woman named Chiyo sacrificed herself to bring him back to life..." He said. "Damn... then it'll be even harder..." I said.

"How so?" Hidan asks, looking at me curiously. So I turn to him. "She is the Kazekage's girlfriend... from what I've heard... also I've heard that she's someone he cherish the most..." I said. He rolls his eyes. "How strong is the Kazekage anyway? Without the tailed beast... I bet he won't be THAT strong anymore" He said.

"People become stronger when they have someone to protect... and if what Deidara said is true... then he will stop at nothing to keep the girl he loves safe" Itachi said. "Yeah... that's what I believed... taking her with us will be a hard mission... and I bet he will command the Shinobi of Sunagakure to guard her..." I said. "We need to make a plan... how and when we will try to take her... in the meantime... Konan... I want you to gather more information on this Y/N girl... her background and so on..." Pein said. Konan nods her head.



After Gaara is fully awake. I move to stand up. "Do you want to eat?" I asks. He nods his head. "What do you want? I'll cook it for you..." I said. "Tomato soup please..." he said. I nod my head and smile softly at him. "Alright... I'll go and cook it for you" I said. He smiles and gently pulls me down, placing a soft kiss on my lips.

Then he pulls away "thank you, baby..." he said. I peck his forehead and walk out of the bedroom. I make my way to the kitchen. I walk towards the fridge to prepare all the ingredients I need. Then I start cooking.

I jump slightly when I feel a pair of arms around my waist. I know who it is by his scent. "Gosh Gaara... you scared me..." I said, placing a free hand on my chest. He chuckles and muzzle his nose on the crook of my neck. I let out a giggle "that tickles..." I said. He laughs at me and nuzzle his nose more. I squeal from the tickling sensation. "Gaara... stop it~ I can't focus on cooking if you keep doing that" I whined at him. He laughs "alright..." he said, finally stopping. But he keeps on clinging onto me like a koala.

Once I'm done cooking, I grab a bowl and pour the soup in it. Gaara have walked towards the dining table. I walk towards him and place the bowl in front of him. "Here... enjoy~" I said. He smiles and starts eating. I smile softly as I watch him eat. Gaara finally able to act like a normal human. But he needs to go through dead and come back to get that. The thought of losing him still haunts me. Sometimes I still get a nightmare from it. But Gaara is always there to give me comfort, making sure that I'm always calm and comfortable. Gosh... I love him so much.

*to be continued*

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